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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Completely Different


Someone from McGee's past comes back and gives him a surprise.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: "NCIS" and its characters don't belong to me they belong to CBS and are being used without permission. Please don't sue because I have no money.

Author's Note: A different direction from Complete. Tony is still McGee's child in this one and it still will be McAbby. Kate is alive and Ziva is on the team.

Completely Different

Tim McGee sighed as he unlocked the door to his one bedroom apartment. He was glad that it was a Friday and they weren't on call. He threw his keys on the table and put his gun away. He went into the kitchen to see if he could find anything to eat luckily he had leftover takeout and so he reheated it. After he ate he bypassed his computer and went to his room to get ready for bed. He was so tired he didn't want to do anything else except sleep.

In the morning he ate his breakfast and then showered. He turned on the TV and watched the news when suddenly there was a knock on the door. When he opened it he stared in surprise at the person standing there. She was holding a baby carrier along with a diaper bag.

"Hi. Tim."

"Allison. What's going on?"

"I need to tell you something."

"Come in."

He guided her into the living room and watched as she put the carrier on the floor and look at the child inside. Her smile was one of love and loss. She turned to the diaper bag and opened it and withdrew an envelope. She grasped it and looked at McGee.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you this before. I was pregnant when you left me. This is our son Anthony Dominic DiNozzo."

"He's my son?"

"Yes, he is. I have his birth certificate inside this envelope. I also went to the lawyers and drew up a custody and adoption papers. I would have loved to be in my little guy's life. I found out that I have incurable cancer. They can't do anything for me and so I made sure that my son would be able to be with his Daddy." She said as she sighed. " I know you might not believe it, but it's true. Anthony is your son. I won't be offended if you decide to do a DNA test."

"Would you have ever told me?"

"Honestly, I don't know Tim. I know that you are a nice guy and you would take good care of him."

McGee stood up and went towards the carrier and sat near Allison. He looked at the baby and watched as the child smiled at him.

"He's a good baby, Tim."

"I have more stuff in my car to give to you. I have some clothes and his toys." She said as she got up.

She put the clothes and toys into the living room and picked up her son.

"Mommy loves you little man. I wish I didn't have to leave you, but you're in good hands with your Daddy." She said as she kissed and cuddled her son. A tear rolled down her cheek and dropped onto the baby's cheek. Tony raised a short and stubby hand and held it to his Mom's cheek. Patting her cheek as to say that it would be alright.

She put the baby into the carrier and stepped away. She wiped her tears. She saw that Tim picked up the baby and cuddle Tony.

"Goodbye, Tim. Goodbye, Tony." She said as she once again kissed her son's cheek and then she left.

"I guess it's just the two of us, little man. I think I'll call you, Tony." Tony watched this new person and smiled at him.

He grabbed his phone and first called Abby and then Gibbs. Abby came over about the same time as Gibbs did. They knocked on the door and he let them in. Tony was still awake and watching Abby and Gibbs.

"He's adorable, Timmy."

He showed them the documents that the lawyer drew up. Gibbs would make sure that the NCIS lawyers would look at them and everything was alright. Abby turned to McGee and could see that he already loved the little boy. He told Abby that he wanted to take a DNA test, but he knew in his heart that Tony was his. When the test came back it was true Tony was his son. Anthony Dominic DiNozzo became Anthony Dominic McGee.

He started to look for houses, or apartments that had two rooms. While doing that Abby helped him and started to like Timmy once again. When they went out on dates they sometimes would take Tony with them, but sometimes Gibbs would take care of him. McGee asked Abby to marry him and she said yes.

Kate was Abby's Maid of Honor. Since Abby's Dad had died Gibbs walked the bride down the isle. One of Tim's friends was his Best Man. They had decided that they would take Tony with them when they went on their honeymoon. Tony was still too young to be away from them that length of time.

Abby loved Tony and would just sit in the rocking chair in the baby's room and rock him to sleep. She loved children and never thought that she would be a mother to an adorable little boy. Tony grinned up at Abby and his little eyes started to close. The little boy was asleep. She smiled down at the sleeping baby. Tim had found out that he would be a year in six months and they would make sure that he would have a good first birthday.

Abby and Tim got time off to bond with the tiny family. They watched in wonder as their son learned something new almost everyday.

One day Abby was playing with Tony and he looked up and said mama. Tim had stepped into the living room when he had said that. Abby looked up at Tim and smiled. It would be a week later when Tim was playing with his son and he said dada..