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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Three Sides of the World (Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist)


In an alternate storyline, Solomon's successor is a young woman named Seirien Twining. Although she has no memory of Solomon's life, she remembers something much more important: The Beginning of Time. Faced with the choice between preventing tragedy and feigning ignorance, what will she choose?

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Chapter I – The Pinnacle of Fate


“I’ve finally found you, Bearer of Solomon’s Soul,” the demon announced, “Now, elect me!” The silver-eyed girl raised an eyebrow. Wait, a girl?

“Solomon?” she said, “Who are you?” Behind her, the tall man made a cough that sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

~          ~          ~


“And so,” Seirien summarized, folding her hands patiently in front of her, “You are a Great Duke of Hell, a candidate for interim Ruler of Hell, and I have been chosen as the Elector, with the power to choose Lucifer’s temporary successor. Is that about right?” Dantalion tried to restrain his temper.

“It is. However,” a vein in his forehead bulged, “is it really necessary to tie me up like some interloper!?” Seirien harrumphed, taking a sip of the tea Kevin offered her.

“Such nonsense,” she sighed, signaling the newly-arrived officers to take him away. As the Duke was dragged off, still raging and protesting, Seirien glanced out the open window. A slight breeze teased ebony strands from her braid. “I suppose things will become troublesome now,” she mused.

“Milady…” Kevin had stood quietly until that moment, but now he leaned closer, worried creases over his gentle amethyst eyes. The young woman smiled at her House Steward.

“Don’t worry, Uriel,” she addressed him by his true name, and he flinched almost imperceptibly. “Becoming Solomon’s Vessel was my choice.” A hint of sadness entered her voice, “I just didn’t expect my brother to sleep so soon.” Her gaze returned to the tranquil garden outside. “Now then, I should go see what sort of mess Hell has turned into in his absence.”

~          ~          ~


Not long after the Beginning of Time…

“Reading again, Sister?” Seirien glanced up, the movement letting her silver-streaked hair fall away from slightly pointed ears. “You know books don’t technically exist yet,” her favorite brother continued, “You’re probably breaking all sorts of Rules.” As though none of his reprimand had been worded, Seirien smiled at her dark-eyed brother.

“Hello Lucifer,” she greeted him, her own silver orbs glinting with mischief, “I heard Hell will be given to you. Congratulations.” The new King of Hell snorted softly, rubbing the base of his horns where they itched.

“There’ll be so much trouble though, making sure that the humans have a story to explain it. God was saying something about having Michael throw me down for sinning or some such nonsense. As if that squirt could. God’s been given Heaven, can you imagine? And Michael under him.” Seirien smiled obligingly, closing her book.

“Those two in Heaven together?” she referred to the two youngest siblings, “I pity the humans.” They laughed together for several moments, but then Lucifer sobered.

“And what about you? Father called you separately from the two of us. What position…?” he trailed off as his only sister smiled, this time a smile of sadness.

“Me?” she said softly, “I shall be the Pinnacle of Fate, the Axis upon which this new World turns.” Her brother stared uncomprehendingly and she laughed a sad little laugh. “Time, Luce.”

I will become part of Time itself.