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After The Apprenticeship


small scene takes place after ep "The Apprenticeship"

Work Text:

The triumphant FBI softball team finally streamed off the field after having a celebration just long enough to drive the secret service team crazy. There were shouts to meet at a local pizza place for dinner. “No cutting out, Reid!” the pretty redhead from anti-terrorism shouted.

Derek shot her a thumbs up. “He’ll be there, Jessica. I promise.”

Spencer looked down at himself and the dirt covering his entire side from his flop of a slide into home plate. “But I’m all dirty,” he said but he was still grinning from ear to ear.

Derek arched his eyebrows suggestively. “And I’m sure Jessica thinks it’s sexy.”

Spencer’s jaw dropped. “Ummm.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Derek slung an arm around Spencer’s shoulders. “That was quite a slide,” he teased.

“I realize my technique is off.”

Derek laughed. “As long as it gets the job done.”

They met up with the rest their BAU comrades next to the stands. Aaron inclined his head and smiled at Spencer. “Well done, Reid.”

“Thanks,” Spencer answered, pleased and embarrassed at the same time.

Derek grinned proudly and squeezed Spencer’s shoulder. “An inside the park home run that won the game for us. I told you our boy here is deceptively athletic. The first two strikeouts were just a way to lull them into a false sense of security.”

Spencer ducked out from under Derek’s arm. He stared at the ground. He blushed. “I know I was lucky. The odds of me doing anything remotely like that again--”

Alex rolled her eyes and smacked Spencer on the back of the head. “Stop right there and enjoy the moment.”

Spencer gasped, startled. “Okay,” he said slowly.

JJ laughed and put Henry down. She watched in amusement as Henry attached himself to Spencer’s leg. “Alex is right. Enjoy the victory.”

Penelope squealed in delight, took Spencer by the shoulders, and kissed both of his cheeks. “Instead of Mighty Casey, we have Mighty Spencer.”

Spencer wiped the lipstick off his cheeks. He picked Henry up and held him between himself and Penelope. He stared at her in puzzlement. “Mighty Casey?”

Dave chuckled. “You mean there’s something you don’t know? There’s a baseball poem called Casey at the Bat.”

“I’m afraid I’m not familiar with it.”

“There’s also a cartoon version,” Penelope put in helpfully.

“Yeah, Henry’s seen it,” JJ added.

Spencer looked at Henry. “You’ve seen Mighty Casey.”

Henry bit his bottom lip in thought for a long moment before he smiled brightly. “Mudville nine.”

“Let’s see what I can remember.” Dave shifted his gaze to Derek. “There was ease in Casey's manner as he stepped into his place; There was pride in Casey's bearing and a smile on Casey's face. And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat, No stranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Casey at the bat.”

Spencer frowned. “That’s hardly me.”

Alex elbowed Spencer lightly and whispered, “He wasn’t talking to you.”


Derek grinned. He casually slouched next to Dave with an arm throw around Dave’s neck. He snickered. “Our boy was more like Casey in his first two at bats today. Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright; The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light, And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout; But there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Casey has struck out.”

Spencer tilted his head to the side, studying them. “Should I be insulted?”

“No,” Penelope answered easily. She took Henry from Spencer. “Should we go get some pizza, big man?”

Henry nodded excitedly. “Please.”

“Let’s go then.”

“Lead the way, Baby Girl,” Derek said lightly.

Spencer trailed behind Penelope, JJ, Alex, and Aaron. He glanced over his shoulder to see Dave and Derek share a quick soft kiss. He faced forward again and just smiled.

Series this work belongs to: