
Work Header

After Through the Looking Glass


small scene takes place after ep "Through the Looking Glass"

Work Text:

Derek went into Penelope’s office to find her packing her large purse to leave for the evening. He crept up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Mama.”

Penelope grinned. She patted his hands. “A round of drinks was the least I could do, Hot Stuff.”

“You’re the best.”

Penelope giggled. “You know, flattery will get you everywhere with me.”

“Am I interrupting something?” a voice asked in dry amusement.

Penelope playfully elbowed Derek. “Not at all, Alex. I’m almost ready.”

Derek took a step back. He curiously looked from Penelope to Alex leaning against the doorframe and then back again. “What’s going on?”

Penelope shouldered her purse. “Nothing. Our new friend and I have started a new tradition of walking out together.”


“I can even get her to take the stairs,” Alex chimed in.

Derek smirked at Alex “You’re good.”

Alex inclined her head. “Thank you.”

“But if you can get her to start going to the gym, I’ll really be impressed.”

Alex gave a small smile. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Penelope stood in front of Derek and arched her eyebrows at him suggestively. “I told you I only like sweating under certain circumstances.”

Derek tapped Penelope’s nose. “Just make sure the guy is worthy.”

Penelope batted her eyelashes. “You’re worthy.”

Derek kissed Penelope’s forehead. “I love you, but you’re not my type.”

Penelope huffed. “I know. I’m not tall, dark, and Italian with the sexy voice to match.”

Derek’s playful mood evaporated. He shot a quick look at Alex before glaring at the floor. He folded his arms across his chest. “Thanks a lot,” he grumbled.

Alex took a quick look to make sure the hall was clear before she stepped further into the room. She slid her hands into her pockets. “It’s okay, Morgan,” she said earnestly.

Derek’s head shot up. He looked at Alex suspiciously. “You know?”

“Yeah and I’m not interested in creating any static for you guys.”

“But how…” Derek’s voice trailed off.

“As if you guys aren’t obvious to anyone who spends more than ten minutes with you.” Penelope rolled her eyes and pushed Derek’s arms down. “You remember the night you guys came back from Alex’s first case?”

Derek just stared at Penelope blankly.

Penelope used her special sigh for when he was being particularly dense. “You took the stairs just before we did.”

“We heard you on the phone,” Alex added with just a touch of mischief.

Derek’s eyes got wide. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh.”

Penelope pretended to swoon against him. “I could quote you--”

Derek wrapped an arm around her and covered her mouth. “No!”

Penelope licked his hand. “Fine. You’re no fun.”

Derek released her and wiped his hand on his pants. “Sometimes, I worry for your sanity.”

“It’s all in fun.”

“Sure it is,” Derek drawled sarcastically.

“On that note, it’s time to leave,” Penelope giggled and kissed Derek’s cheek. “Night, Chocolicious. Go get your man and go home. See you tomorrow.”

Alex half turned to follow Penelope out. “Incidentally, Morgan,” she said in an offhand manner, “you guys don’t have to have separate rooms on a case for my benefit.”

Derek felt the flush creeping up the back of his neck. He rubbed the back of his neck again. “Um. Thanks.”

“I assume you have some kind of rule about sex on a case,” Alex continued in a clinical, detached way. “But you’re used to sleeping in the same bed. We have to be at our best during these cases and I noticed the both of you dragging in the mornings.”

Derek grunted. “Yeah,” he said at a loss.

Penelope bit her lip to stifle a laugh. She took Alex’s arm. “Let’s go. I have a date with a cup of sinfully good hot chocolate and a bubble bath.”

Derek waited until they were gone to sink down into Penelope’s chair. He sat forward, rested his elbows on his knees, and buried his head in his hands. “Wrong,” he muttered. “So wrong.”

He was in the same position when Dave came looking for him ten minutes later. Dave came to stand in front of him. Dave frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Derek sat back and blew out a long breath. He shook his head and pushed himself to his feet. He touched Dave’s elbow. “I’ll tell ya later. Let’s get out of here.”

Series this work belongs to: