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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Out of No Where


Dick Grayson [Nightwing] and Tim Drake [Robin] explore their feelings for each other. What happens when the whole bat family gets involved?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Summary: Dick Grayson [Nightwing] and Tim Drake [Robin] explore their feelings for each other. What happens when the whole bat family gets involved?
Pairing: Dick/Tim
Warnings: yaoi warning, romance
Rated: T
(( occ: This is my first Dick/ Tim fanfic.. it's short but I hope you like it..))

Chapter Text

Out of No Where
by Nitewing


I went to Bludhaven to see Dick. Sure, I knew that I fit in more in Gotham but

Sometimes I just had to get away from Batman. Dick and I went around the city doing the usual training stuff... Something was off with Dick... it wouldn't take a detective to figure that out. His moves were off a little... his attitude towards me much more distant then usual. Something was troubling him... probably problems with Barbara... or with Bruce or maybe even Turantula...

"Dick, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Tim... Let's keep going..."

What a liar... I could tell something was wrong hell anyone could tell something was wrong. Why won't you tell me Dick don't you trust me? Aren't we friends? I could always tell you anything. Anything at all. I thought that you felt the same way. Looks like I thought wrong. It was finally the end of the night... I had to get going back to Gotham. Before I left I looked at Dick. He was perched alone on a rooftop watching over Bludhaven as though it was some kind of punishment which had been forced upon him. I've observed for years... I knew that he suffered a major problem with the fact that he'll never be Batman... and he'll never be seen as a hero on his own instead he'll always be seen as part of the ' Bat-group'. He looked sad... sadder then I've ever seen him... and I was there when his parent died. I put my hand on his shoulder...

"Dick, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... Now go home Tim!"

I then grabbed him and held him tightly in my arms. I knew Dick could probably get out of my hold if wanted to... But I think he was more shocked then anything. Tears started coming out of my eyes and I started crying and blurting out...

"Please Dick... Please tell what's wrong? Please... I'm just so worried about you..."

Dick then hugged me. He patted me lightly on the head. I just kept thinking I've never been held by a man like this.

"Calm down Tim... Barbara and I just had a fight... I guess I've been taking it kind of hard. She said that she hated me. We broke up... I guess I just don't know how to deal with it.

Dick then did something that completely surprised me. He lifted up my head and slowly kissed my cheeks where my tears were...


"I'm... uh... I'm sorry Tim..."

"No, don't be... Dick I love you....'

Dick had a shocked look on his face... but I meant what I said. I did love Dick. I loved him more then anything. I loved everything about him... I just never had the guts to tell him. I felt like I was going to explode... I was a nervous wreck...

"Tim I love you to..."

Dick then kissed me on my mouth. It was a long and tender kiss as he wrapped his arms around me. I kept thinking that no one has ever kissed me so passionately before.

end part 1