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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Necromancer Chronicles


Elena has transitioned and chosen Stefan. Damon calls in an old friend to help him deal with his desire for his brothers woman. Secrets old and new come to light.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text


Chapter one

“This is not good.” Elena said, watching Damon as he sat at the bar drinking heavily. He wasn’t people watching as he usually was. Not that most people could tell when he was doing so, but Elena could always tell. She could read his body language and the subtle way he shifted his attention even before she had transitioned. Now everything was clearer as if someone had washed the window she had been looking out of revealing so much more depth of color and detail.

“It looks like business as usual to me.” Caroline pointed out.

“He’s been avoiding me. “ Elena stirred her iced coffee a moment, looking from it to the vampire at the bar.  She nodded, more to herself than the others and started to get up. She couldn’t let this continue. He wasn’t just avoiding her, he was avoiding Stefan as well, which she wouldn’t tolerate. She wouldn’t let him prove the others right. She was not going to finish what Katherine had started. She wouldn’t be the reason they lost each other.

“Oh no. You are not walking over there.” Bonnie said and pulled her back down into her seat. “You made your choice. You told him you were letting him go. And that’s exactly what you need to do. For once Damon is respecting your decision. Don’t screw that up.”

“He gets self destructive when he’s hurting.” Elena said. Not that she blamed him for hurting, or for avoiding her. It just hurt that he did.

“All the more reason for you to be with Stefan. “ Caroline said. “Besides, showing him what he can’t have anymore is not going to make him stop hurting. Nothing is going to do that but time.”

Elena sighed but nodded. Her friends were right. “So how are you holding up?” She asked Caroline. She’d been so caught up in her own drama the last few days that it was easy to forget that Tyler was gone.

“A day at a time I guess.” Caroline said. “I’m alright… I’ve got nothing but time, so eventually it will stop hurting.”

Elena reached out to put her hand on Caroline’s.  She looked up as the door to the Mystic Grill opened.  She was waiting for Stefan to join them. It wasn’t Stefan that entered. It was a woman. Middle aged, attractive.

Damon too looked over as the door opened and smiled. “Hey  beautiful.” Alexandra Sauveterre (or Sacha as he called her) was his oldest living friend. He’d called her right after discovering that Elena was going to be transitioning. He’d helped with the transition, but after that had pulled away and spent most of his time waiting in the grill for just this moment. Well that and avoiding the happy couple as much as possible.

The woman spotted Damon and smiled, then glanced about the crowded bar before she went straight to him returning his smile as she took the shot glass from his hand and downed it. “You’re drunk” She said, eyes twinkling.

“You’re old.” Damon countered. “Why don’t you kiss me and fix that.” He asked sliding an arm around her waist.

“Not here, not while you’re drunk, and not until you tell me why you sent for me.” She said, then frowned a moment and made a gesture for him not to say anything else, and turned her attention to the three teen aged girls. “Mind your own business, children. You don’t want my attention today.” Sacha said, knowing the girls listening. She then picked up the bottle. “This paid for? Yeah? Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Damon didn’t have to be asked twice. He put his hand at the small of her back and led the way out. He didn’t look at the table at all, but he knew they were there. They hadn’t been the only one listening. He was just better at hiding it than Elena thought. He passed Stefan coming in but said nothing to his brother on his way out.

“What was that all about?” Stefan asked as he went to sit by Elena. He was worried about his brother but stayed where he was and steeled himself for the Damon bashing to come.  He didn’t like it when they did. Not that he didn’t do his own fair share but that was different. Damon was His brother. Not theirs.

“A new friend of Damon’s I guess. He didn’t introduce us.” Elena said, wishing there wasn’t the sudden burst of jealousy at the thought of Damon with someone else. She’d made her choice. She’d made the right choice. She didn’t have a right to be jealous anymore.

Caroline scoffed. “Apparently he sent for her”

“Which makes her trouble.” Bonnie pointed out.

“Damon and trouble? Must be a day ending in y.” Caroline said picking up her drink and sipping at it.

“Cut him some slack. He just lost his best friend.” And Elena. “If he’s called in an old friend to help him get past that, I can’t fault him for it.” Stefan said. He was actually proud of him for that. It took a lot for Damon to admit when he was hurting. Stefan understood that. It was a Salvatore trait, born in an era when a man didn’t show weakness. At least not as it was perceived at the time. If he had called for a friend, then Damon was doing whatever he had to do to handle the pain he was in without it including a morgue full of bodies or lashing out at the two of them like a child.

As much as it gave Stefan hope that his brother was maturing finally, it also made his heart ache. Because that meant he really did love Elena deeply.

“Yeah but she knew we were listening.” Caroline insisted.

Stefan shrugged. “Chances are you were staring, I wouldn’t worry about it. “


Damon parked the car near the Mystic Falls Cemetery and got out, walking around to open the passenger’s side door. He offered his hand to help her out of the car.

Sasha placed her gloved hand in his. “Are you trying to tell me something?” She asked with a smile as Damon got the bottle from the back seat. He didn’t look good. She knew him well enough to know the signs. He was one good push away from going over the edge.

“Can’t a guy take a lady to dinner?” He asked jokingly, although there was concern in his expression. “You’ve waited too long. You need to feed.”

“I’m fine.” She said. Damon had always liked it when she had fed from him in the past, but she didn’t dare at the moment. She’d drained herself enough that if she started she might not stop. There was something about the vitality of a vampire that was hard to resist.

“Really? “ He asked, one arm went to her back the other reached out to touch her face and she grabbed it.

“Fine. I need to feed.” Sacha admitted.

“And here we are.” He said “there aren’t any good tables, I’m afraid we’re going to have to picnic it.” Damon said as he pulled her after him into the oldest part of the cemetery where no one would be lurking.

“Am I about to dine on your relatives?” She asked spotting the Salvatore name on one of the tombstones as they passed several actual tombs. She could see in the woods beyond the cemetery that the actual burial ground extended farther than the well ordered rows.

He made a disgusted sound.“no. I don’t want you getting indigestion. Over here. We have several other founding families to choose from.” He took another long drink, set the bottle on one of the stones then moved to help her with her jacket.

“Damon… you of all people should respect the dead.” She said, looking over her shoulder at him. “If I taught you nothing it should have been that.” She stepped forward before he could touch her newly bared arms.

“Fine. Have it your way. They were all liars cheats and murderers anyway. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”he said picking up the bottle again.

Sasha removed her gloves and lay down on the ground, and took a deep breath. “thank you “ She said closing her eyes, and continuing to simply breathe. She could sense the bodies below them. Even though their spirits had passed on there was still enough energy in the ground from the care that had been given to the dead for decades after their death, there was enough power in the bones themselves that she could pull strength from it.

“you’re welcome.” Damon said, even though he knew that she wasn’t talking to him.  He knelt down beside her and watched. He’d have to find out later what had caused her to use so much of her life force that it had aged her. He knew it would have had to involve another of her kind. When she tussled with his kind, with very rare exceptions it had the opposite effect.

 He had always loved watching the years fade from her features. He had enjoyed it even more when he had been what had fueled her regeneration. “At least the sons of bitches are good for something.” He muttered softly, more than 150 years of resentment didn’t fade just because he was supposed to respect the dead. He hadn’t respected them in life he saw no need to change his views because they were laid to so called rest.

“Damon.” Sasha admonished softly, not yet opening her eyes. She didn’t have to. Not here. People thought of cemeteries as places of death. She had always found them teeming with life. She could feel it all if she concentrated long enough, and that included him. Unlife was its own form of life with its own flavors and colors.

“After some of the things we have done in cemeteries and you’re worried I’m going to Say something wrong?” He asked grinning at her.

She slowly opened her eyes and propped up on one elbow. “The dead don’t mind a little celebration of life.” She said. “They are careful of their dignity though. It’s all they have left. And that is not an invitation to come back here alone and be rude.” Sasha laughed.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He lied, brushing her hair out of her eyes, careful not to touch. She’d made it plain she wasn’t ready for that.

“Why did you send for me?” She asked, although she could guess. Damon was vibrating. He was on the edge of another self destructive episode. He’d been much the same the first time she had seen him, only she hadn’t been nearly so friendly back then. He’d been young, so very young and alone. Damon didn’t do well alone.

“I need to forget. “ he said honestly, and her heart nearly broke at the emotion in his eyes. “You helped me forget before.”


“I know the price. I don’t care.” He told her firmly.

“But I do.” She told him. She reached up to caress his face without thinking. Where her hand touched his skin it paled, and she pulled it away.

Damon closed his eyes, reaching out to grasp her hand before she could pull it completely away and drew it to his lips. “That’s why it has to be you.”

“Alright.” She said reaching up to stroke his hair. “I’ll help you.” As if she could tell him no.  She could never tell him no. Ironic under the circumstances, but even in the beginning he had managed to charm her. Damon was the kind of Vampire her mother had warned her about. Which was probably half of his charm.

“Thank you.” He said and eased back. He could feel the drain already. “You didn’t recharge enough.” He told her worriedly.

“That’s why this whole touching thing is a bad plan until I have.” Sasha told him.

“Patience has never been my best subject.” He pointed out.

“That’s okay, I grade on the curve.” She said with a smile. “ Once I’m my old self again, let’s get back into town. There are things I need to take care of.”


Jeremy stood outside what he tended to call the Witch House, and looked at Bonnie. “I thought you said you didn’t want to be controlled by them anymore.”

“I don’t. But at the same time I can’t ignore it if they are sending a warning either.” She told him. She had mostly forgiven him for the incident with Annabelle. After having thoroughly chewed Jeremy out, Elena had turned her attention to Bonnie and pointed out that arguing with Jeremy about Anna would of course have taken his thoughts there.  Didn’t excuse the kissing though.

“They sent you to Alaric to make him a monster. I don’t know that they are the best choice for early warning systems.” Jeremy would love to burn this place to the ground and salt the earth to get rid of them. They were nothing but trouble as far as he was concerned.

“They were just trying to keep the balance.” Bonnie said leading the way inside.

“I don’t think they know what that is anymore.” He wasn’t forgiving. Not when it came to taking his family from him. Alaric had become family and they had used him and turned him into something he never would have wanted to be. What kind of balance could they be preserving by interfering in the land of the living? They were no better than the vampires they claimed to despise.

Bonnie understood. It was something that they had tried to agree to disagree on. She didn’t like what they had done either. The problem was she knew why they had done it. And if her mother and her best friends hadn’t become vampires she would have agreed completely.

She entered the building and went into the room filled with candles. They instantly lit for her and She smiled a little for Jeremy before entering the center of the room and beginning to chant.

Jeremy stood to the side and watched. He really didn’t like this but there was nothing he could do but be there to support Bonnie and maybe stop her if she started wandering off looking like some sort of zombie.

Bonnie frowned and the candles faded to a normal level of light.

“What did they say?” he asked.

“I’m not sure.” She said honestly. “They were talking about a new danger in town. One that is a threat to them as well as us.”

“We’re always in danger. What could hurt them?” Jeremy asked. “They’re already dead.”

“That’s what I don’t understand. “ They had kept talking in riddles as far as she was concerned, using words she didn’t understand. She didn’t even recognize what language they were in.

“Yeah well. I know some of them are your ancestors, and I’m sorry, but after what they had you to do Ric, I don’t care.” He said turning to leave. “They should have to answer to someone too.”

“I don’t disagree with you Jeremy. I don’t. But look at the havoc just the vampires we deal with every day cause, and some of those are the good guys. Imagine the world full of evil vampires out there.  I don’t want our friends or my mom to die. But you can’t expect them to feel the same.” She said pointing to the house they had just left.

“I don’t. I just expect them to let the living make their own decisions. No one has the right to force you to become a killer.” He said. “Much less force someone else to force you.”

“Damon did it to my mom.”

“Abby’s not a killer. She’s a vampire. I’m not saying what he did was right, but it’s not the same. No one forced her to finish transition against her will.” Jeremy pointed out. “Esther messed with Alaric, she turned him into a serial killer. He chose to die instead of becoming a vampire and they made you take that choice from him. They made him into a monster that was willing to torture not just kill. There is no way that is right. I don’t care what side of the veil you’re on.” He told her and headed toward the car.

Bonnie sighed. How could she tell him what she had done to Tyler to keep their friends alive? She couldn’t.  He would never understand. Caroline would never understand. She would feel so betrayed… and she’d be right.  All she could do was hope that Klaus had the sense to stay away. She had chosen to sacrifice Tyler to save the others. She just wished she didn’t feel guilty about it.


Damon found her at the health food store. It was the closest thing to an actual herbal that they had in Mystic Falls, and there weren’t too many other places she could have gone. He watched her as she selected dried herbs, most of which shouldn’t be considered for food stuffs. Who on earth would put asafetida in their food? They called the stuff devils dung for a reason. Yet strangely there were recipe cards for Asafetida, Valerian (great for headaches but tasted like dirty socks) and of course Vervain.

He knew she had felt him. She had always been able to sense him. He wondered if it was part of what she was. He had been the only vampire in the small Louisiana town they had lived in the last time around. He realized that he didn’t know if she could sense all vampires, or just him. 

“You can stop hiding now.” She said with a warm smile. She felt better after having replenished her strength. An actual dinner was going to be in order as well.  It was yet to be decided if she was cooking or if he was buying.

“I’m not hiding. I’m admiring.” He told her as he moved closer and slid his arms around her from behind. He smiled as she leaned back against him and rested her arms on his.

“Some places they call that stalking.” She teased looking up and over her shoulder at him.

“I’ve been called worse than a stalker.” He said laughing. “Occasionally by you. “

“Yes you have.” She said. “So what are we doing for dinner?”

“My brother is taking Elena out tonight. Which means we have the boarding house all to ourselves.” He told her nipping at her ear, making contact with bare flesh and not caring one bit.

“Not in public.” She whispered. Not that she was ashamed of his attention, just worried that someone might see the reaction of dead flesh against hers. “not yet anyway.”

“Fine.” He said almost petulantly and let her go. “I think we should make your jambalaya tonight.” He moved around to her side. Damon truly had missed her. But even as enthralled as he had been to Sacha, he had been obsessed with Kathrine and it had destroyed them… repeatedly, and explosively. Still here she was, and he still wanted her.

“Alright. As long as your accompanying dish is in a cup not seated across the table from us I think I can handle that.”

“One time and you’re still holding it against me. But you have to admit, she really was a dish.” He said grinning wickedly.

“It took me 6 months to find what it would take to get rid of her ghost.” She whispered, swatting his arm playfully. “That is what I am holding against you. That and the fight we had.” Not that she was actually holding anything against him. That didn’t mean she had forgotten though. There was very little about Damon Salvatore that she had forgotten.

“The fight we had was why I brought home take out.” He pointed out. It was easy to talk about now. Years had passed emotions had faded… tethers had been cut.

She made a faint sound, almost like a hum, but not quite and Damon knew to change the subject. The fight had been about Katherine. Who was apparently still a sore subject. He’d have to tell her later that she was out and occasionally about.

He went back to his typical sarcastic banter, and she responded well to it, rising to meet his every challenge. People passed them in the isle and smiled at them, amused by their antics.

“So how do I get to your place from here?” she asked as they left the store.

“I’ll drive you.” He said.

“I can’t just leave my car here. Besides it has my clothes in it.”

“All the more reason to leave it here.” He pointed out, “I have always believed clothing to be completely optional.”

“No you haven’t.” She said laughing. “You were the most uptight, self righteous man I had ever met the first time I saw you.” She laughed even harder “You’re blushing. I didn’t know you could do that anymore.”

“That was a long time ago.” He said as he walked to her car. “I’ll come back for mine in the morning.”

She offered him her keys and allowed him to let her into the passenger’s side and put their purchases into the back seat.

“And yet in some ways you haven’t changed at all.” She said as he got into the driver’s seat. She rested a gloved hand on his. She could wish that he had called because he wanted her back, not because he needed her help. He was in love with another woman. His brother’s woman. And it was killing him inside. Yet he could still look at her in such a way that it made her forget everything that had happened before… or that none of it was real.

“All the important things have remained the same.” He said giving her a hungry look then started the car.

“I can see that.” She said allowing herself to return the look.


“How are they still alive?” Rebecca asked as she paced the parlor of the family mansion. They had chosen to remain afterward. Partially because of Elijah’s guilt over Elena Gilbert becoming a vampire. Partially because there were too many unanswered questions. “Klaus is the only one that could have created their line. They should be dead along with him.”

Elijah sighed. “Let it go, Sister.”

“I cannot let it go.”She walked over to stand in front of him confrontationally. “I don’t see how you can either.”

“Because I do not feel the need to punish them for surviving. For all we know there was something about Finn that caused his line to fail when he did.”  Elijah said, having grown tired of his sister’s constant harping on Elena and all things Salvatore.

“Then why did the hybrid die?” She asked.

“Only one hybrid was reported dead.” Kol said. “I have heard from several of his little beasts. They live.”

Elijah’s eyes narrowed “Then Klaus lives.”

“How can that be? I saw him staked. I watched mother’s creation drive that stake through his heart. I saw him burst into flame. “  Rebecca insisted.

“Unless the creature was powerful enough to cloud your mind.” Elijah said.

“He was created to kill us all. Why would he leave our brother alive?” Kol asked.

“He had a close friendship with Damon. It is possible that he retained part of that humanity. That he couldn’t ultimately end his friends. No matter mothers brainwashing.” Elijah frowned.

“If that’s the case then the Salvatores have our brother still.” Kol said.

“Be still, both of you.” Elijah said sharply as Kol and Rebecca both moved toward the door. Their intent was clear.  He would almost rather have Fin and Klaus than these two some days. “You have seen what is achieved by tormenting them. If we wish to find the truth of the matter, we will need to be more subtle.”

“Subtle? They have-“

“Perhaps, but if they do they will not destroy him. We have all spent our share of time in a box. It will not harm Klaus to spend a little time in his. First, we need to make sure that he is indeed still alive.” Elijah walked to the window. “Find out where the hybrid is buried. They aren’t callous enough to murder one of their own to keep up an illusion. Make sure Tyler Lockwood is indeed dead. That is where we start.”

“How do you suggest we go about that?” Kol asked.

“The girl. Caroline. The boys mother… make friends. Ingratiate yourselves. Use your brains instead of your emotions perhaps.” Elijah said. “Why do you think I put so much effort into undoing the damage done by Alaric Saltzman? “

“I had wondered why you cared who was mayor or sheriff of this place.” Kol said.

“And as far as the Salvatore brothers know, it was because the counsel had broken their promised peace with our family that I stepped in and took over. “ Elijah said.

“They think you are here hovering over their precious Elena.” Rebecca snapped.

Elijah shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what they think, so long as they do not think that I am still looking for Nicklaus. But as I said before, evidence first. Find Tyler Lockwood’s body.” In the mean time, Elijah was making preparations of his own.


Sasha laughed, as Damon nuzzled into her neck, making a purring sound as he did, sending chills through her. “Will you go over there and make yourself useful.” She said as she cut the sausage to add to the rice when it was time. “That shrimp isn’t going to shell itself.”

“I miss your accent.” He told her. “Becoming a teacher has really ruined your vocabulary.” He said as he did as she requested.

“You only miss it ‘cause now you can’t poke fun.” She said pausing to stir the rice and vegetable mixture before going back to her cutting.

He thought about it a moment, shrimp in one hand moving back and forth as if weighing options. “No. That’s not the only reason.” He said finally before peeling the shrimp. “But it is pretty high on the list.” He looked into the pot. “You do know that you are the only person in the house that has to eat food right? And it’s just us tonight.” He said stirring it himself.

She shrugged. “I’ve never been able to cook small.” She admitted. “You have a refrigerator. You might as well have something other than blood in there. “

“We keep that down stairs.” He told her and watched as she dumped in the sausage and stirred once more. “Gotta stop stirring or you’re gonna turn that to mush.”

“I think this is what they mean by too many cooks.” She said putting the lid on, then washing her hands. “We’ll put the shrimp in just a couple minutes before serving it up.” Sacha’s attention turned to the herbs she had brought in that were soaking in the vodka to make a tincture. She shook it a little then set it in the window.

“So, when are we going to take care of business?” He asked.

She sighed. “Damon…” Sacha thought about telling him no. She thought about telling him to get counseling instead but he’d probably just get the munchies and eat his therapist anyway. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I don’t recall you being so worried about what I wanted the first time around.” He said.

“I wasn’t, and you’re avoiding the question.” They hadn’t been friends the first time they had met. In fact he had been trying to feed on her, and she had first taken exception then retribution.

“If I can’t get this under control I lose them both.” He answered quietly as he closed his arms around her, and rested his chin on her head. “I just got my brother back. There is no going away until she dies of old age now. If I walk away because of her its forever.” He hesitated. “I- I don’t want to be alone again.”

“You never stopped wanting Katherine no matter what I did.” Sasha reminded him. If he had, she might have kept him with her forever.

“I know.” Damon said. “But I could breathe. I could lose myself in the illusion. I liked being with you. That wasn’t all tied in with the ritual, Sasha. I wasn’t a mindless drone buzzing around the zombie queen.”

“I have never raised a zombie.” She said laughing softly.

“Then what kind of necromancer are you?” He teased in return.

“Apparently enthralling vampires is a decent substitute. I haven’t been kicked out the union yet.” She slipped out of his arms and found the mortar and Pestle. “Add the shrimp. I’ll get this started. “ She told him.

“See you’re already getting bossy. You know you like it.” Damon watched as she worked. He’d always been fascinated by it all. He hated witchcraft in general. It was a useful powerful tool that was easy to latch on to yet devastating in the aftermath. Sasha was different. It wasn’t witchcraft. This was no servant of nature preserving the balance.  This was completely different.

That was the problem. She did like it. Power was addictive. Especially the power that came of controlling another being living or dead. Especially when the being in question was Damon Salvatore. It was like having a tiger on a leash though. You had to be careful or one day he’d bite your hand off no matter how tight the leash. “Come here.” She said softly and reached for his hand.

“Actually asking this time?” He teased, but placed his hand in hers and watched as she sliced the tip of a finger and let a few drops fall into the mixture.

“Hey, you were taking mine it was only fair.” She said smiling at him. “Last chance to back out. Once I start chanting you’re mine till I let you go.”

“I can handle that.” He said. “For at least the next 50 -60 years. By then you might be bored with me.” Truthfully he hated giving up control. He didn’t like being anyone’s lap dog. At the same time, his days in her keeping had produced some of his fondest memories. He liked being with her, he just wished he could love her genuinely. Loving her was uncomplicated. There were no hidden agenda’s no competition. No overriding need to change him.

“Bored? Never.” Ready to strangle him, kill him in his sleep or maybe even set him on fire in the town square, but never bored. Their relationship might be uncomplicated, but that by no means meant that Damon was uncomplicated. The man was made of complications, contradictions and poor impulse control. Still… here she was again. Willing to brave hurricane Damon.

She began the incantation, and lit the contents of the mortar and pestle, she continued adding in herbs, powders from jars she had brought in from the car, and finally she tossed two coffin nails into the flames. The fire rose nearly two feet and her voice grew louder until suddenly she stopped, and flame was extinguished.  She stirred the ashes with the blade, then dipped her finger inside, and turned to face him pressing the ash to his forehead, sealing the ritual with one final word.

Damon’s head jerked back, and his world was suddenly blinding white and he hit the floor with a crack. He looked around the room dazed, but almost hyper aware of everything. He could hear her heart beat pounding out in a steady calm rhythm. He hear the wind outside as if it had began to whip the tree limbs wildly even though it was nothing more than gentle breeze. The light split as through a prisim sending shards of pain through his head.

“Well” came a familiar voice. “this is a new twist.” It was Ric’s voice. “you could be in some serious trouble here, pal.”

Damon tried to find him, but it was as if in a dream where he was trapped in slow motion.

“its alright. I’m not going anywhere.” Ric said, even though he faded from sight.

“Help me.” This voice was different. Younger. Familiar, but not one that he recognized with that strange echoing effect and two words. It was different from Ric.

Then the world righted itself and he slowly sat up. “Next time warn a guy. “

Sasha offered him her hand as she laughed. “How could you not know what was coming?” She asked. “This isn’t your first rodeo. Hell it’s not even your second.“ She shook her head as he stood. “So whose your friend? “

“What? Oh ahm… Ric- Alaric Saltzman. He died a few days ago. He was a friend.” Damon said.

“I could tell. He seemed pretty amused by things. Doesn’t want my help so I have the feeling you’re stuck with him for a while.  Unless you need it taken care of although I’d hate to do that. He seems like an alright guy.“ She said. “Food is ready.”

The first time she had made him hers, he had felt the change much more profoundly. He had known he was enthralled then too, and he had been anything but willing. He’d chaffed and struggled and fought her for months. She was a stranger, more than that she had been dinner that had not only gotten away but had fought back and actually wounded him.  Suddenly he trusted her, wanted to protect her, take care of her, he wanted to crawl under her skin and live there all the while knowing that it wasn’t what he really wanted. Until somewhere along the way it was exactly what he wanted. For the first time in years he had been able to close his eyes without seeing Katherine’s face, without hearing her voice, or remembering her touch.

The second time he had been out of control, sliding over the edge that he loved to dance on, leaving bodies in his wake and drawing the attention of hunters and human police alike. She’d found him. He didn’t know how she’d found him, but there she was. His friend. She had offered then and he’d gone with her willingly.  He’d spent ten years riding the passion that flared white hot between them until he had pushed her hard enough that she had simply let him go even though he hadn’t wanted it to end that way.

Now he was the one calling her to him, asking for her to force his mind and heart away from Elena and give it to her instead, and this time the shift was the most subtle of all.  Their friendship had been strong for a very long time in spite of the past. Now he felt it deepen to something more. The passion was still there (it was there when his soul was his own) but now he felt content, secure. His balance shifted and his world aligned with her goals and needs.  He knew that it was the necromancy. But he didn’t care.

“Did you get a look at the other one?” He asked, going to get plates.

“What other one?”