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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

A Mystery Wrapped in a Conundrum


I seriously doubt that they "just asked her some questions".

Work Text:

Status: Completed 2/18/2008

Season: 2

Spoilers: Pitiless as the Sun, minor ones for A Rose in the Ashes, Forced Perspective, and The Sum of Its Parts.

Archive: Ask first. I'll probably say yes.

Disclaimer: Andromeda and its characters are the property of Andromeda Productions Ltd., MBR Productions Inc, Tribune, and whoever else has a claim to 'em. No copyright infringement is intended.

Word count: 413

Trance is hiding something from me. I know she is. I just can't prove it. She was deliberately vague when answering my questions. I seriously doubt that they "just asked her some questions". Oh, I'm sure they did ask her questions, I just have a funny feeling her "answers" were just as obscure as the ones she just gave me. Given what little the major and lieutenant told me about the purple man who looked like Trance who instigated the war, I have a feeling they did a lot more than just talk to her. Or at least they tried too. I don't think they gave a damn if telling her about their civil war upset her or not.

Trying to force her to tell me what they did to her, or tried to do, won't do any good. I've learned at least that much about her in the relatively short time I've known her. I saw the look in Major Whendar's eyes when she talked about Trance. There was so much anger there, so much hatred. I know inviting Trance to her planet was a trap. They lured her there under the pretence of a chance at becoming friends and learning about each other.

She's a mystery wrapped in a conundrum, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a... well... something. You want examples? I can give some pretty good ones. Like when Rommie and I where trapped on Helios, the so-called "prison" on Arazia. Beka told me about how Trance helped find us. She walked up to the map of prison colonies and pointed to one. When Beka asked her why she picked the one she did, Trance's response was, "It's pretty". Like I really buy that reason. Then there was the time when Venetri kidnapped me and Trance just happened to find me using nothing more than a button. The way she interacted with HG, the humanoid form from The Consensus of Parts, was odd to say the least. There are many more, but I don't have time to list them all.

None of us really knows Trance. When you think about it, we don't have a clue who or what she is or why she joined up with Beka, why she stays with us. For reasons I can't explain, and don't fully understand, even though she is a mystery to us, even Beka, I trust her. Someday, she'll trust me enough to tell me what she's hiding.

And why.


Conundrum: 1: a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun 2 a: a question or problem having only a conjectural answer b: an intricate and difficult problem

Enigma: 1: an obscure speech or writing 2: something hard to understand or explain 3: an inscrutable or mysterious person