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5 by 5: Dark Hunters


Even The Fates can show kindness.

Chapter 1: You're my Teddy Bear

Chapter Text

Title: You're My Teddy Bear
Author: OneshotYaoiShipper
Rating: FR-13
Disclaimer: I don't own anything: not any of the characters or
any of the fandoms, not even Faith's saying, which is the title of these ficlets. Faith is owned by Mutant Enemy and Joss Whedon, Dev is owned by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Summary: Faith has never had anyone love her before or want to claim her for no reason. Maybe that's why she loves him.

Faith loved the way he stroked his hands over her back. The soft, smooth, fluid movement of work and battle-rough hands against her skin was something she found more than slightly pleasurable. Her head against his chest listening to the beat of his heart and feeling the warmth of his skin as he held her made him the most treasured and loved person in all of her memories. She felt his breath against her ear as he leaned down to whisper, "I love you my mate," his voice husky and low in her ear. "I love you, too, Dev," she told him.