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The Coin In The Glass Box


A petty thief attempts to steal a rare coin from inside an unguarded mansion.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"You've lost it! I mean it, Eddie! You have really gone nuts!", that was what a petty thief named Joey Faustino had said to his best friend Eddie Carlin before Eddie had turned around and said, "Okay! I get it! I'm totally out of my skull! Come on, Joey! Think about it! One guy in a huge mansion keeping a rare coin in a room with no security at all? That stupid jerk deserves to be robbed blind!"

"Okay, Eddie! Fine! You want to do something this stupid? Be my guest! I'm out of here!", that was what an upset Joey had said before walking away from that scene.

And after Eddie had smiled and said, "Fine! More of the take for me!", he had walked over to the front door and discovered that it was unlocked and easy to open.

Then, he had stepped into the house and made his way to that one room where the rare coin was being kept inside a small glass box.

But after he had smiled and said, "Okay, you little biddy! Come to Poppa!", Eddie had stepped into the room, only to have the doors and windows slam shut.

That was when an old man had stepped out of the shadows and said, "Criminals! Such a gullible breed!", before he had pressed a button and smiled when the trap door had opened and dropped Eddie into a large tank of water with no way out.

He had no choice but to drown to death.

The next day, Joey had read about Eddie's demise in the newspaper, shook his head and said, "I knew it! I just knew it! Why, Eddie? Why did you have to be so damn freaking stupid for?"


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Andrew Troy Keller.
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