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Part 2 of season 2
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Cherry Key


What happens when jasmine gets a gig at a smutty underground club

Chapter 1: Effortless

Chapter Text

Talk about underground,you know your good at writing erotics when you get a job at the laundromat. Well not exzactly....



Just a few days ago I was sitting inevitably bored at my desk in the back of the history douche class.while he drabbled on about trail of tears.


At the time I was sniping to do anything for a dollar to get myself something particular,I wanted to be wont believe how miserable you'd feel if you lived with a cheapskape grandfather and two greedy niggas as it is.


But anyway,the point,I needed was a priority for me.other than having an Arizona grapenade at all times.


Another fucking obstacle was I had been fired from everywhere in red lobster I would steal the lobsters and set them free in metlark park.gonna miss the cheddar biscuits. Petco, I poisoned the already sick and elderly cats on accident then killed all but one of the beta fish.I almost got a job selling crack with my friend zero but be said it was too dangerous.


The laundromat was still hirering!


Luckily it was my last class.

"Your hired "the beer bellied scum bag in the filthy rat hole laundromat had told was dirty,wet and the macheines rusted.there were lost thongs and bras every where.not to mention the occasional rats that scurried across my feet.

I relunctly held back my sanitational rants.but I looked to the left.a bucket of brown tide blew a bubble at my appearance.then I looked to the fight. A rigged but stocked snack machine.

"Sure Mr.pedoly! "I screamed.

Well besides having to wear a red a buttoned shirt I never buttoned, and sweaping up unknown feces and chasing the loitering cracks dealers away from the porch,yeah it worked out pretty well.

But it wasn't until the week after hopelessly trying to job from my money hungry family that my mouth got really wet.get it? Anyway...

"Ok you got number 10?"I monotonously asked,one of my fav new words."yeah it a she said.the vocabulary papers were spread across the kitchen floor and the laptops were open.not only that but my hand ached from holding this stupid pencil to fetish cousin,you k.ow the red head who likes huey,was over and we were "study buddies " tragically.this was all armature English to me while she struggled to death on this shit.I mean the biggest word the girl knows is "daddyiwant! ".

Anyway the teacher assigned us these reading packets,basically read the story answer the question.

I was lost in another one of my homicidal thoughts.jasmine read so slow it was impossible to think she even made it to the weighted grade.

But I noticed she was stumbling particularly stumbling on one word."cr -crue -cr -cr ...."

"Crude "

"Crude h-hu -hum h ...."

"Humor "

"Whats that "she asked."whats what "I said.just then Mr.I hate tutoring walked into the kitchen grabbing two oranges and taking a seat by me.I knew it was my time to tourture him.

"Crude Humor is like saying huey doesn't have two oranges,he has two hariy ass kiwis "I said giggling.he gave me a dirty look.jasmine looked utterly confused."but he doesn't have any kiwis "she said confused.I began to laugh."my point! "I said laughing.

I could feel his eyes beaming with anger on me."its also like saying jasmine's door is always open to anyone "