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"Christ, Carter! They're MREs. How could you possibly screw up an MRE? They're heat 'n eat."

Work Text:

By Mickey

Status: Completed 9/26/2008

Word Count: 229

"So, what's on the menu for tonight?" Jack asked as he sat by the campfire and picked up the MRE wrapper. He'd spent the last two hours patrolling the area and was so hungry that even the Mac-&-Cheese-that-tastes-like-week-old-chicken MRE that was waiting for him was sounding pretty tasty.

Carter handed him a plate and fork. "Here you go, sir."

Having already chocked down a mouthful of his own dinner, and hiding the rest behind a nearby bush when Sam wasn't looking, Daniel tried to warn his friend of what was coming. "You might not want to do that, Jack."

Daniel's warning came a little to late and Jack gagged on a mouthful of food.

"Christ, Carter! They're MREs. How could you possibly screw up an MRE? They're heat 'n eat."

Carter glared at Jack. "Sorry, sir," she began, not sounding the least bit sorry, but a little hurt. "I was just trying to spice it up a little. You know, give it a little flavor."

"With what? Cayenne Pepper and dirt?" Jack gasped, fumbling for his canteen. He drained it in one long gulp.

"Fine. Be that way. When it's my turn to cook again I'll just let you eat your plain old MRE."

Jack raised his arms above his head and looked up. He mouthed, "thank you", then looked into the face of an irritated Major. "Crap."



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