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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Winding Road


Sam really hates those mountain roads. (An excuse for some sick Sammy)

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The Winding Road

Sam seriously hated these mountain roads, especially this one it would seem. He wound down his window a bit despite the chill, he just needed some fresh air.

He'd been feeling nauseous for the last hour and he didn't know how much longer he'd last. It had been a long while since he was car sick and he didn't want Dean to think he was weak.

Dean glanced over at him. Sam was looking pale and and had a thin sheen of sweat covering his face. He wondered if maybe Sam was coming down with something.

"You OK Sammy?" he asked, looking over at his little brother.

Sam flinched "what? yeah I'm fine Dean, Just watch the road" he replied. So maybe Dean hadn't deserved such a sharp tone but it was all he could do to breathe deep and keep his stomach under control. He rested his head by the open window and closed his eyes taking slow deep breaths and hoped he'd last till they got to their next stop.

Of course Winchesters don't have luck like that. Sam lasted another 20 minutes before he couldn't take it any more. His face was sweaty, he was almost panting with effort to keep some control, while saliva started to pool in his mouth.

"Dean, pull over" he panted

"Why, you gotta pee?" Dean asked "can't you wait a bit longer?"

"m' gonna hurl" he mumbled clapping a hand over his mouth.

"Crap" Dean looked over at his little brother as he quickly pulled to the side of the road. Sam had the door open almost before they'd stopped. He flew out the car and fell to his knees retching.

Dean got out and knelt beside him, resting a hand on Sam's back for support. "It's OK Sammy let it all out, I gotcha." he said while Sam heaved his stomach into the grass.

When Sam eventually stopped retching Dean passed him a bottle of water and a cloth to clean himself up. "small sips Sammy, you don't wanna puke it straight back up."

Sam sat back against the Impala, rinsed his mouth and took a couple of mouth fulls of water. Aware Dean was watching his every move.

"sorry" he said glancing at his brother

"s'not your fault. you coming down with something?" Dean asked concern in his voice

"nah, think I'm just car sick. This road is a pain in the ass" Sam replied

"Jeez Sam I thought you'd outgrown that" Dean laughed

"So did I, but apparently not on certain mountain roads, it would seem" Sam huffed "I'm sorry OK"

"Hey no s'ok" Dean said rubbing Sam’s back "come on, you alright to carry on now?" he asked

"Yeah, think so" Sam clambered back into the car still with his bottle of water and the cloth.

Dean went round the back and could be heard mumbling as he looked in the trunk. When he came back he was carrying a bucket.

"We haven't got your old puke bucket any more, just the one I use to wash the old girl, but it's better than ruining the upholstery don't ya think" Dean said with a grin

Sam smiled and took the bucket placing it on the floor between his feet. "Thanks Dean" maybe he didn't have to worry about looking weak in front of his brother after all. Though he was sure Dean would tease him about it at some point. At the moment he was just being an awesome caring big brother and Sam was very grateful.
