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Part 12 of season 1
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Diary of a Grieving Black Mother


How can a fish be loved so much

Chapter 1: beer belly

Chapter Text

mother are suppose to love their children unlike the mother i had and i promised to be a better one but somehow i let it slip...nothing is stronger than the love between mother and child...even if your child isn't exzactly one that was concived by yourself but aquarious will always be my baby dead or alive...i won't stop

                                                              ---jasmine freeman

''jasmine jay freeman! i here by pronouce you fired!"my greasy beer bellied boss yelled at me from the dog cages.i put down frothy's dog treats and looked up.''but sir why am i fired!"i protested.the truth was i saw this coming.i'm just suprised it took my beer bellied boss this long to figure out i killed half of all the filthy animals in this ragedy ass petco in hoodcrest i'd been working at for some time now.''you know why your fired!"he said waving his wrinkled arm at the japanese fighting fish display.i looked confused at the poor little beautiful bettas.''what did i do''i shrugged.they were the best animal we had in this store so far bezsides the frothy cats and the rabid dogs i was currently feeding.

i actually felt sorry for the betta fish.they were as beer belly said''imported japanses bettas'' but they were really illegally exported fighting fish.they were entirely beautiful the boys were red and had gigantic wavy sily like fins and tails for their tiny bodies.the girls had they same only throny like and they were in shades of purple to blue.

''don't play with me you phony liar you kmnow what you did just look at the fish!"he said dragging me to the display.i was still confused.i taped the jar of one of the immediatly went belly up as soon i moved my finger away.i shrugged this was nothing new.''so they do that all the time you make them depressed!"i said putting my hands on my hips to beer belly.he sighed a breath full of dog treats.

my boss looked shocked.''girl a damn fish can't be depressed now!"he said mimicking me.actually you beer belly bitch, i eread online that betta fish can get easily depressed du to a lack of colors in their aquarium.i ooked at the display.they were in the corner of the rusty once white wall and beside a gutting knife.maybe that was the problem.

but all the poor beauties just layed on their side literally at very bottom of their plastic jars motionless and depressed.and depression was spreading faster than the flu spread between me and riley in the spring time.i looked at all the poor prisoners in their jars.everysingle one of them was laying down motionless.but considering what happened to the little boy eariler i decided not to tap their jars.

''no no shut that up!"beer belly continued as i tried to cut in.getting frustrated i just crossed my arms and looked straight at him in the eyes.''you over feed the bettas! you made them fat worth less pigs that why nobody has bought one in weeks!"my boss was geting outranged but i didn't care to listen to him becuase i'm pretty sure me and the fish got a lught out of seeing his flying gut go up and down in our faces.but he must have seen the big ass smile on my face beucase he smacked me on the butt wih a dishrage.pedo probally.

''no sir i beilve it has been you that had down the screwing up.i mean i can tell by the brown bits in your beard that you've had about another 2 bags of dog treats stowed away for lunch.maybe 3 another to bring home to your wife if you had on''i said turning back around.he smacked me harder with the dish rag.i tuned around beofre i even took another step back towards the dog cages.

i hadn't exzactly been over feeding the beauties i had been saving their belly pedo doesn't care to feed the fish ever.and he hates it when i feed them.the poor fish had been starving until a few weeks ago when i started sneaking them food at night beofre i closed up the petco.and like i said eariler they were depressed not fat.atleast their not starving and depressed anymore.

''now girl you losten to me and you listen well i want your keys and bagde on my desk and i won't your keys and bagde out this store this instant!"he said smacking me with the dish towel again.this time it gentally thrusted me up against the jars behind me.the table they were stacked on shook next thing i knew i heard a crack.i mumbled ouch thinking it was me who got cut on the table.but beofre i could turn around BOOM! the cheap ass table leg broke.water and flipping beuties were flipping all over the floor.''JUST GET OUT MY DAMN STORE!"berr belly yelled at the top of his vioce.luckily no one was in the sotre or else they would have think petco was being hijacked by a drunk terrorist in te hood.'

i screamed at the fish.''i can leave the babies!"i said bending down and trying to pick them up.they kept slipping out my hands.i didn't care that the knees on my khaki skirt were getting wet.berr belly continued to scream at me as i tried to get the fish.he tried to grab my should so i screamed again.''don't woory babes!"i shirked.i began loading the fish in my shirt beofre i blasted out the door and on my way home.