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The Devil's Doorway


A guy drives over to an elderly widow's house to see if a legend that was being told about her is real or not.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Once upon a time,a car had stopped on a long stretch of road in order for the driver to check his map and make sure that he was heading in the right direction.After he had done that,the driver had turned on to a side road and headed straight for a house that even Count Dracula himself would not be caught dead in.Then,after he had gotten out of the car and opened the unlocked gate,the driver had walked himself up to the front door and knocked on it six times before it had opened itself right before his very eyes.

"It must be some mechanical trick!",that was what the skeptical driver had said before he had stepped into the house,looked around and noticed that an elderly widow named Gwendolyn Weiser had once lived there and legend has it that she had a habit of practicing witchcraft with the hopes of staying young and living forever which he had figured to be nothing more than just pure fantasy and nothing else.That was why he had came to the house to see if the legend was true or not find out what had happened to Mrs. Weiser.

He had checked every room in the house and--so far--came up with a big fat Zero.But that was before he had stepped into the master bedroom and gazed his eyes on the mirror.That was when a beautiful maiden had looked at him with a sinister smile and said,"We've been expecting you!Please do enter the Devil's doorway and meet your future master!",before a clawed blood red hand had grabbed and pulled him through the mirror and straight into the realm of the domain of Satan himself known as Hell.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Andrew Troy Keller.
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