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I Would Rather Be Here By Myself


While the other Russo siblings get themselves ready for a family trip,both Jerry and Theresa try to get Alex to change her mind about staying home.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"Justin!Max!Let's get a move on!We'll be waiting for you guys in the car!",that was what Jerry Russo had said before he had spotted his daughter Alex sitting on the sofa and reading a book which had made him look at his wife Theresa and ask,"Let me guess.You had tried to convince Alex to come with us until you were blue in the face and she still won't budge."That was before Alex had let out a sigh,turned towards both of her parents and said,"I really am sorry,Guys.But I just don't feel like it right now."

"Are you sure,Alex?Because if you were to ask me,it would be better for you to read that book under a shady tree than inside a Greenwich Village apartment.",that was what Jerry had said to Alex,only to have her turn to her dad,smile and say,"Nice try,Dad.I would rather be here by myself than out there and bored out of my mind."And just as he was about to say one more word to Alex,Theresa had placed her hand on Jerry's shoulder and said,"She might as stay here,Jerry.That way,we don't have to worry about trying to shield her from the sun."

But after the rest of the Russo family had left for the only public park in Manhattan,Alex had waved her hands and made an exact duplicate of an Acapulco one piece swimsuit that she had seen on the Forplay website to appear just before she had looked at herself in the mirror,smiled and said,"Now,the hottest babe in all of Waverly Place is ready to hit the beach!"That was before she had zapped out of there.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Andrew Troy Keller.
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