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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Desperate Measures


Cordy is dying from the visions and the AI gang will go to any lengths to save her, but they first have to go to Sunnydale to help the Scoobies.  Cordy/Angel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Title: Desperate Measures 1?

Author: Wereleopard
Rating: PG

Pairing: C/A

Crossover Angel/Buffy
Email: Romance

Summary: Cordy is dying from the visions and the AI gang will go to any lengths to save her, but they first have to go to Sunnydale to help the Scoobies

Spoilers: All of Buffy and Angel

Disclaimer: The characters in the Angel verse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made I am just poor and the song doesn't belong to me either.
Distribution: Let me know

Feedback: Yes please!

N/B When Tara and Willow split up due to the magicks; Tara moved to LA and joined AI. And the timeline may not be correct but it is my story so just ignore it ok LOL

Chapter One

Angel paced he needed to get back to LA, to Cordy but Tara had told them that the orb they needed was in the Magic Box so he had to go back to Sunnydale to get it and he wished that Anya could find it already. He had been standing her for hours, but what seemed like and eternity to him and the vampire could feel Buffy's eyes staring at him. He didn't know what to say to her so he did what he could, he stayed silent and hoped that she wouldn't bring up the conversation of 'them'. He wanted to orb and then to get the hell out of dodge and back to LA, back to his home and his family.

Angel smiled at the thought of hoping that at times Cordy would be quiet but he knew that with Cordy he had no chance of that happening, a smile graced his face as he thought of his best friend, the woman that dragged him kicking and screaming out of his own self imposed darkness, the light that lit his face faded at the thought of her dying, her own bright light dimming each second, Angel wouldn't let that happen he couldn't lose her, not know. She knew him better than anyone, he could talk to her, not that he had much choice when she put her mind to something.

Buffy watched her ex-love everything about him apart from his look had changed. She so desperately wanted to go and speak to him but had no idea what to say, she wanted to hear all about his life in LA and knowing that this sounded selfish so she kept it to herself but she wanted to hear him say how much he had missed and still loved her, but he could barely look at her, the awkwardness between them had grown, it had become a huge chasm and Buffy hated this she had never thought that the could drift this far apart, she wanted to build a bridge to him but had no idea how to do it because they had spent so much time out of touch.

"Anya have you found it yet?" Angel called out impatiently this was getting ridiculous how long did it take to find a stupid orb, if it wasn't soon then he was going to leave without it and Anya could phone them we she actually located it.

"No but it is here somewhere." The ex-vengeance demon called back he voice echoing around the room.

Willow, Xander and Giles just sat there watching Buffy, watching Angel, while the vampire was looking everywhere apart from them.

The slayer couldn't wait any longer she needed to talk to him, to feel some kind of connection. All she wanted was just for a little while go back to the time they were madly in love and all the existed was the other one.

"Angel?" Buffy whispered as she stood up and started to make her way over to the vampire.

Just then the Magic Box door flew open and in walked Fred and Wes. Angel moved away from Buffy and to his friends.

"What are you doing here?" He asked confusion covering his face.

"A vision." Wes muttered not knowing if the others knew about Cordy, her visions and what they were doing to her.

Angel's face paled more than it normally was, everytime a vision happened he always worried that it would be her last, that he would never be able to talk to her again. Angel watched as Fred grabbed a chair and pulled it out and then towards the door and he knew that his Cordy was still with them, was still fighting with everything she had. If only she would let them find a way to take away the visions but she had refused and told them if they tried without her permission then she would never forgive them and they would still lose her.

The door opened again and this time a pale, very ill looking Cordy walked in being supported by Gunn and Tara. Willow's eyes widened as she saw her ex-girlfriend, she had missed her so much.

"Tara?" Willow whispered.

Tara briefly looked at Willow and then turned her attention back to Cordy making sure that she had a good grip on the seer, since moving to LA Tara had grown close to all of AI, they had made her feel welcome, part of the family but she had grown even closer to Cordy, they had a connection, they both lived through the hellmouth.

Angel rushed over to Cordy and gently pushed her shoulder length hair away from her face so he could see her.

"What are you doing here Cordy?" Angel asked softly.

Buffy stared opened mouthed she turned to her friends and they had the same look of shock on their faces, Angel was being so gently so soft with the ex-may queen. What the hell was going on?

"A vision Angel?" She muttered with a duh look at him.

"I know THAT, but my questions is what are YOU doing here? You should be back at home resting." Angel told her his voice firm.

She looked into his brown eyes and smiled at him. "I HAD to come, I was TOLD to." Cordy raised her eyes and glared up above her.

Xander, Buffy, Willow and Giles all looked up and all they could see was the ceiling of the Magic Box, they all shrugged their shoulders and turned and looked back to what was happening.

Just as they were making there way over to the seat that Fred and got ready for Cordy she suddenly screamed and her legs gave way beneath her, Tara followed her to the ground gripping hold of her hand and screaming with the brunette ex-cheerleader.

Willow stood but before she get any closer to Tara Wes took hold of her and shook his head and they all stood and watched as Cordy and Tara screamed and blood started to flow from Cordy's mouth, eyes, nose and ears and all Angel could do was watch and wait until it was over and hope that this was not her last moment alive.