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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Happily Ever After...sort of


All Lucien had to do to wake his one true love was to kiss them. Easy right? Not in this fairy tale.

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Prince Lucien sighed in relief when he finally saw the glass coffin he had been searching for. The figure inside it was perfectly still, and if the prince hadn't known better, he wouldn't have thought they lived. With a smile, he leaned down, placing a soft kiss on the pale lips. Nothing happened.

Lucien frowned. That was supposed to have worked. He tried again, a little more forcefully this time, thinking it possible that his touch just hadn't registered. One could never be too careful with these curses. Still nothing. Cursing to himself, he started to pace. He had come to the correct spot, there was a glass coffin, and really, how many cursed royals could be in this forest?

On his fourth trip around a coffin, an irate looking fairy godfather appeared. Lucien stopped just short of crashing into him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Lucien blinked. He thought it was rather obvious. "Trying to break the curse?" It came out sounding more like a question, but he didn't really think the fairy godfather had even heard him.

"No no no! You've got it all WRONG! YOU'RE supposed to be off looking for a PRINCESS and HE'S supposed to be waiting for his one true love, ALSO a PRINCESS!"

Now the prince was very confused – after all, the entire country knew there was no way he would be going on any grand adventures to rescue any princesses. "I don't want to find a princess. And aren't you supposed to be a fairy godmother anyway?"

The fairy godfather scowled. "No. All the fairy godmothers have quit trying to rescue the princesses and are now concentrating on pairing the princes up. Really, I just think they're all per..."

A high pitched squeal interrupted whatever he had been about to say, as a fairy godmother showed up. "FINALLY! I was starting to think you'd never get here!" She pushed him towards the coffin, and he stared at her, now completely bewildered. Seriously, this was supposed to be the EASY rescue. Kiss a sleeping prince. No frogs, or dragons, or ogres, or any other manner of beast. He should be on his happily ever after by now!

"What are you waiting for? Kiss him!"

Lucien frowned at the pushy little creature. "I've already tried that. It didn't work."

She pouted, a rather strange expression on a fairy godmother. "Really? How odd. I suppose you should try again."

As Lucien really wanted to get home at some point this year, he decided to listen. He leant down and placed another kiss on the still lips, but still got no reaction.

He started to stand back up, only to go flailing – gracefully, of course – backwards, as the fairy godmother had only been inches away from his face.

"You know, that really wasn't that good of a kiss. You need to have more passion in it. Pour your heart and soul into it, kiss him like you'd give your life for him. Make him feel the love you have for him just from the touch of your lips."

Lucien stared at the fairy godmother, who had gone dreamy eyed, and was clearly no longer with them. He vaguely heard the fairy godfather muttering something about crazy obsessed fangirls, but ignored it.

Shrugging, he decided to try kissing the prince once more, with more passion certainly, but ignoring the rest of the drivel the fairy godmother had spouted. He was cut off by yet more shrieking. Really, where was a Black Knight when you needed one?

Turning around, he saw a princess running towards them. The fairy godfather perked right up at this, throwing his hands up in the air and shouting 'finally.' Lucien noticed that the fairy godfather was really much more attractive when he wasn't scowling.

"What on EARTH are you doing to MY PRINCE!?"

Wondering if he'd embroil his country in any wars if he suggested that the newcomer must have harpy blood in her somewhere, he replied to her. "Awakening MY prince, of course."

With a sceptical look on her face, she glanced at the still sleeping prince. "Oh? I can see you're doing a marvellous job of it."

Lucien scowled – because princes don't pout – and crossed his arms over his chest. "I just haven't gotten around to it. The fairy godmother and godfather have been distracting me."

Raising an eyebrow, she peered at the two, who seemed to be in a heated debate over the statistical probabilities of the differing sexual orientations of the nobility. "So, then, you won't mind if I try." Brushing passed him she jumped up on the coffin and placed a small peck on the sleeping prince's lips. Lucien opened his mouth to say something – because that was his prince damn it, and he hadn't been searching these damn woods all week to go home empty handed – when the prince's eyelashes fluttered open.

"My prince! You're awake!" The sheer delight in her voice made Lucien want to push her off the edge of the coffin, but then she'd just be lying on his prince, and that wouldn't do.

The fairy godfather, at this point, was bouncing from one foot to the other in joy. "Ha! See! See, you were wrong Alinda!"

The fairy godmother pouted again, and bonked the fairy godfather on the head. "Oh hush up Kher, I suppose it was bound to happen eventually. Statistical odds and all." She still sounded rather bitter about it though.

The prince slowly sat up, looking at the people around him. "What happened? Who are you?"

"You were under a spell Prince...?"

"Prince Jaysen, my lady."

"Prince Jaysen. You needed to have the kiss of your One True Love to wake you. I'm Justina."

Looking utterly flabbergasted, the prince looked from the Princess Justina to Lucien, to the two fairies. "'re a girl?"

"No, silly, I'm a boy. I just prefer to dress this way. My mother and sisters love it and my brothers treat me like another sister. I think I've spent more time dressed as a girl than I ever have as a boy. My real name is Justin, but I've been called Justina for years now."

Alina squealed (again), Lucien scowled (again), and Kher fainted dead away. Meanwhile, Prince Jaysen smiled at his rescuer, climbed out of his coffin, and swept the Princess (or was that Prince) Justina (Justin?) off his feet.

The two disappeared quickly into the surrounding woods, and Alina disappeared with another happy giggle.

Sighing, Lucien was about to head back to his horse in search of another prince in need of rescuing, when he glanced at the fairy godfather still sprawled in the grass. He really was quite attractive...

Shrugging, he knelt down a placed a kiss on his lips. It wasn't instantaneous, but then again, he hadn't been under a spell, but his eyes finally opened.

Sitting, up, Kher looked around to find everyone but Lucien gone. "So I take it you're off to find another prince then?"

Lucien smiled, scooping the fairy into his arms. "Nope. Princes are too much trouble. I thought I'd go with a fairy godfather instead."

Both eyebrows went up at the declaration, but Kher made no move to get out of his arms. "Oh, and what exactly are you rescuing me from?"

The Prince grinned. "Crazy fangirls, of course."

Kher laughed, and Lucien decided he was much better than some high maintenance prince.

And they lived happily ever after – well, except for when they had to hide from Alina.