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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Just A Quiet Evening In Cardiff


A visit to Cardiff is never ordinary.

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Just A Quiet Evening In Cardiff
by Peja


"Let's take some time for ourselves, he says," Lifting his useless shotgun toward the advancing hoard of vampires, Dean Winchester tossed a dark, hard-eyed glare toward his favorite bedroom playmate and soulless brother, Sam. "Cardiff will be fun, he says." He fired off a useless load, grunting. "Not having fun, Sammy."

Sam smiled enigmatically and pulled out a bundle of sharpened stakes from under his long coat. "Try something useful?" His smile turned into a wicked smirk as he thrust the bundle toward Dean.

Dean slammed his rifle into the back holster with one hand, snatching up the bundle's strap with the other and criss-crossing it over his chest.

Dean and Sam braced themselves, back to back, with spikes in hand as the vampire brood advanced on them. A brood of twenty or more slavering clawed humanoid beasts with blood lust in their animalistic eyes. A brood in full on vamp-face.

Neither human had any hope of winning this one. The numbers were to incredibly against them, but they were damned if they were going to go down whimpering. They were Winchesters. They were hunters. But more, they were brothers and brothers had each other's back.


Angel and Spike strolled arm in arm along the quay both lost in memories of centuries gone when they had prowled the European streets and alleys. They and been evil the day. Funny how time had a way of changing things.  

But even heroes needed time off. Time to recharge. Time to... love.

Cardiff may not be one of the romantic sites of Europe, but the city compelled the two vampires more than Paris or Vienna or even Italy.

Rupert Giles and Wesley Wyndam-Price strolled along behind them, each couple lost in a privacy of their own making. Soft cooing murmurs rose back and forth on the air as they stole kisses and shared words of love.

A cry of pain shattered the all too rare serene moment they had created. For the two couples, the sound of clashing warriors did not come as a welcome interruption. Still the four lovers were warriors themselves. The call to battle stirred their blood.  After a quick exchange of glances, they ran to answer the trumpet call  


The voice speaking through the comm purred, in complete calm as Tosh reported that a creature sighting had been made on the quay. According to responding police reports, several thugs in Halloween masks were attacking a pair of young men.

"Weevils?" Ianto asked, his brow his eyes taking on an amused twinkle.  

Jack's crooked grin spread like warm honey over his striking features. "Sounds like."

"What are weevils?" Rory asked from where he cuddled in Eleven's loose embrace. "Some kind of gang?"

Jack chuckled. "Think C.H.U.D with attitude."


"Cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers," Eleven provided automatically, then gave Jack a skeptical glare.  "Really, Jack?"

"Pretty much." Jack slipped out of the booth they had been dining in and tossed down several bills to cover the check.  "Want to come along?"

Ianto followed him up, beaming. "Nothing like a good old-fashioned weevil round-up to round out an evening.  Jack's favorite sport."

"Second favorite," Jack amended, letting his hand brush over Ianto's groin meaningfully.

Ianto ducked his head to hide the rush of pink flooding his cheeks. "Yes...well..."

"Sounds like it could be interesting." Rory said quickly.

"Let's go, then," Eleven confirmed.

The couples darted through the late evening patrons who paid little attention to the blur of motion, to interested in tier own tete-a-tete's to concern themselves with others.

Jack gave a little hop as they hit the sidewalk, glancing around to the three men. "You'll need this." He tossed Eleven and Rory each a can of weevil repellent and an excited wink, then arms pumping, Jack ran in the direction of the reported attack. He loved this....his blood rushing, his heart thudding with the thrill of the hunt.  Ianto at his side.

He was in his element.

That the doctor and his lover were running to the battle call as well, well, that was all that much better.


Dean went down under a rush of four vampires, crying out as he struggled to keep the deadly fangs at bay.  Behind him, Sam curled over, hurling a vampire off his back, and using the creature's body to knock the ones attacking Dean from his brother.

"You okay?" Sam asked, reaching out a hand to pull Dean back to his feet.

Dean went up with practiced ease, coming to rest against his brother's chest. Their eyes met, caressed and Dean smiled crookedly as Sam held him a moment longer than necessary, silently telling him he loved him.

It was enough, both men spun and submerged themselves in the battle for life once more, recharged by that private moment.

Sam cried out suddenly, going down under several hurtling bodies.


Angel and Spike rounded the corner and took in the scene before them instantly. They exchanged quick glances, going game face.

"Vampire hoard," Spike shouted back over his shoulder to Giles and Wesley.

Both humans pulled stakes from concealment, grinning knowingly at each other. After years of working with the hunter and then, for Wesley, the Angel Investigations, both knew to be prepared no matter where they were.


Jack and his companions pounded down the quay, boots thudding  against the flooring, just in time to see a striking dark haired man and his blond companion suddenly go very much not human before their very eyes.

And not in a weevil way.

They paused where they stood, nearly being over run by Eleven and Rory who had been at their heels.

As they watched, the blond shouted behind him. "Vampire hoard...."  Then flashed across the space separating them and the two young men succumbing to

"Vampires?" Rory's voice was strained. "Seriously?"

Shrugging, Jack chuckled darkly. "Just a quiet evening in Cardiff."

Ianto shrugged in agreement. "We've got more company, Sir." He pointed to the two dark-haired men appearing from out of the dark. "Do you have enough retcon on you to handle all of them?"

"Judging from how their armed for this particular attack, I don't think that is going to be a problem."  He did the cute little hop-skipping turn thing he does when he's excited and darted across the space toward the battle.

Sighing, Ianto and the others followed.


Sam suddenly found himself unburied from beneath the snarling and snapping hoard and thrust out of harms way by a dark-haired vampire. Dean joined him, propelled by a gentle, but firm, thrust by the blond vampire.

They watched this new turn of events, taking in they where being protected by vampires thing with no small amount of disbelief.

"What the hell's going on?" Dean demanded, obviously torn between standing back and watching and shouldering himself back into the heat of battle.

Sam shrugged, leaning his shoulder against the wall to catch his breath. "We've either got a couple vampire crews fighting over their next meal," he tilted his head as six more, clearly human men joined the fray from different directions, "Or we've got a rescue party."

"Vampires?" Rory grumbled and he was tossed aside only being saved from injury by Dean catching him mid tumble. "What the hell is next, Doctor?" He shouted toward one of the modern-day warriors. "Cannibalistic slime?  Giant rock creatures intent on stomping the life out of us? No wait, Cousin It and the rest of the Addams family want to invite us to dinner. With us as the main course."

And just that quick, the last of the hellish vampires faded to dust under Spike's loving touch.

Dean and Sam braced for another attack as Spike and Angle turned to face them still in game-face. The demon's retreated, revealing the rugged beauty of the human side of them, though.

The Winchester brother's didn't relax, even then.  Demons were demons.

Dean took a step in Spike's direction, his rifle coming up.

Jack disarmed him without breaking a sweat, which brought Sam out of his apparently relaxed slump. Ianto stepped between them, fully prepared to meet any challenge.

"You're safe now, you know?" Wesley assured the two brothers.  "Angel and Spike are not your usual blood-suckers." He threw a silent apology to the two in question.  

"Angel?" Dean whistled softly. "I've heard of a group of rogue hunters lead by a vampire. Work under the cover of Angel Investigations."

"Guilty," Angel told him, swiping at his duster for any stray vamp flakes. "Wesley is part of my group, Giles here is the Sunnydale slayer's watcher.  And the man you're man-handling, sir," He wrapped an arm around Spike, his hands running over the smaller man as he checked for any injury. "And this is my grand-childe and most loved companion, Spike.  What the hell happened here?"

"That's more my question," Jack stepped forward with a flourish of his greatcoat, thrusting out his hand to Dean. His eyes ran appreciatively over the smaller man and he grinned that dashing seductive grin, "Captain Jack Harkness. Torchwood, and who are you?"

"Stop it," Ianto and Eleven said in unison, then exchanged long-suffering glances at Jack's, "What? I'm only being friendly."

Ianto grumbled something impolite under his breath than asked, "Anyone interested in a coffee and a sit down?  We're less than a block from the Hub. And I'm cold."

Jack chuckled. "I know what will warm you up."

Ianto smiled softly, ducking his head. "Later, Sir."

Jack shrugged. "Hold you too it.  But first to business, hmmm."  He turned to the others. "We have to debrief you all about what happened here, I'm afraid, so if you would join us..."

Eleven smirked, wrapping Rory in his long arm. "Like Jack said, just another night in Cardiff."  They fell into step with the others, following Jack and Ianto to the Tourist Shop."
