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Part 2 of Criminal Minds After Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

After Reckoner


takes place right after ep "Reckoner" -- Dave angst and comforting Derek

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Dave stood in front of the grave. His hid his hands in his pockets because he didn’t want to see them shaking. He forced himself to look at the name engraved on the headstone instead of at the manicured grounds.

“I…” Dave stopped and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I should’ve been here to say goodbye, but I couldn’t face it.” He dropped to one knee and took off his sunglasses. He reached out and traced the letters of her name. “I couldn’t think of a world without you in it. I’m sorry about everything, Emma.”

Dave bowed his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He grit his teeth. “I hope he made you happy. I hope he was more than that wreck at the end.”

Dave took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He wiped his eyes and looked up. “You can come out, Derek.”

Derek Morgan came out from behind a nearby tree. He came to stand beside Dave. He clasped his hands in front of him. “I didn’t think I was that bad at tailing people.”

Dave climbed to his feet. “I could’ve lost you if I wanted to.”

Derek didn’t look at Dave. He tilted his head in the direction of the headstone. “Why didn’t you marry her?”

Dave shrugged helplessly. “Life got in the way.”

Derek thought on that for a moment. He still didn’t look at Dave. “Did you sleep with her?” he asked quietly.

One end of Dave’s mouth quirked up. “No. I made that up to get under Schuller’s skin. Emma and I didn’t run into each other.”

“And if you had?”

“No. I loved her too much to do that to her. She wouldn’t have married him if she didn’t love him and I wouldn’t put her in that position.” Dave sighed. “She was one of the best people I’ve ever known.”

Derek kept his gaze straight ahead but reached out for Dave’s hand. “Do you ever wonder what might have been?”

“I try not to. She was one of the pure things in my life. I probably would’ve fucked it up.” Dave tried to pull his fingers away but Derek didn’t let go. He grunted. “I can’t stand the thought of turning her love into hate.”

“From everything I’ve heard at Emma, there’s no way she could’ve ever hated you.” Derek gave a small smile and squeezed Dave’s hand. He finally looked at Dave. He held Dave’s gaze. “And for the record, I’m not going to let you fuck us up.”

Dave’s shoulders relaxed and a smile slipped through. “You won’t let me wallow, will you?”

“I won’t let you beat yourself up over things that can’t be changed.” Derek nodded to the grave again. “She’s in a better place. She’s been there for two years. She doesn’t want or need your guilt.”

“I know.” Dave used his free hand to brush across the top of Emma’s headstone. “We should go. The team will be waiting.”

Derek let go. “You go ahead. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Dave just arched an eyebrow, but did as requested.

Derek waited until Dave was out of earshot. He knelt. “I never had the privilege of meeting you, but we’ve got something in common. I promise you I’ll take care of him.” With that, he jumped up and went to catch up with Dave.

Series this work belongs to: