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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Hair for the Holidays


Ryan gets Colin a Very Special Gift.

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Part 1: Halloween


Ryan Stiles was perturbed. Halloween was right around the corner, and he just couldn't
come up with a decent idea for a costume for the party Drew was having. He'd wanted
to go with something scary, but his inspiration was running low; and now, as he sat
across from his good friend Colin, he was toying with the idea of something sci-fi instead.

His mind drifted back to the time on the Drew Carey Show when he'd been made up
as a character from Babylon 5. Maybe he could do something like that. As his eyes
flicked over to Colin again, he wondered if he could convince him to go as a Minbari.

The thought of Colin made up like one of the aliens brought a smile to his lips. It was
true, all the Canadian would need would be the headpiece that went around the back of
the skull. He wouldn't need anything to cover the top of his head, because there was
nothing there to cover. It would be a great costume and Ryan knew he would look
very cute in it. But he doubted that Colin would take it as the compliment it was.

Although he usually made a joke of it, Ryan knew that Colin wasn't happy about losing
his hair. And it was taking its toll on Ryan as well. He couldn't run his fingers through
Colin's hair anymore, because it came out in his hands. Plus, they couldn't have sex in
the shower because the drain kept getting plugged up and the tub kept overflowing.

Ryan decided to turn his attention from the Halloween party to more pressing matters...
the problem of Colin's hair loss. But what to do?

He snapped his fingers as the idea came to him.


Part 2: Valentine's Day


Three and a half months later...

Ryan stood alongside the camera, watching as the makeup girl put the finishing touches
on the Canadian before filming began. Then she scooted back out of camera range, as
the director prepared to start the shoot.

"Action," he said, and the camera began to roll.

Colin shook his head, running his fingers through the golden locks.

"Hi," he said cheerfully, in a TV-pitchman sort of way. "I'm Colin Mochrie for Rogaine..."

Ryan brushed away a happy tear from his eye, glad that he (and his gift to Colin) could
make this Valentine's Day the Best One Ever.