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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Children of the night


"I have never met a vampire personally, but I don't know what might happen tomorrow. " Bela Lugosi


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Children of the night
by svetlanacat4

 Pursing his lips, he sighed again with disgust. Sheltered in that damp and dilapidated basement, all day long, he had hoped that the rain would stop. If it went on raining, they wouldn't wander around, or just a few of them.

Vain wishes. It was 9 pm, and it was pouring buckets, a cold, persistent rain. He heard it hammering on the ground. He heard it flowing on the walls. He heard it cascading from the roofs. It would soak his hair, run down his neck, down his back. It would penetrate his cloak, his white shirt. He looked down at his shoes, shaking his head. « The creatures of the night fear nothing! Vampires don't fear rain. » The Master had hissed harshly, staring at him with disbelief. And vampires didn't wear gumboots, nor oilskin. He had mentally rolled his eyes, knowing better than to argue. The werewolf and the witch had kept silent. Of course. The witch had her rain hood, and the werewolf... The vampire frowned, thinking about the awful smell of the wet fur. Anyway, it was time, and he felt hungry. The sooner he would get his prey, the better.

He pushed the door, peeping at the street. It was deserted, dark, as the wind and the rain had blown up all the candles in the pumpkins. The wind and the rain, or something else. Someone else. The street looked like to be deserted, but it was not. He took a deep breath, and flew through the rain.

He leaned back against the gate, panting, water running down his face, washing the blood off his lips, soiling his white shirt. His torn white shirt. Bloody torn white shirt, stuck on his chest. But his preys lay down on the ground. The vampire brushed his blond drenched locks away, and smiled, as he saw two familiar silhouettes, coming up to him. The werewolf took his head off, staring at him with concern. The vampire gave him the thumbs up. The witch chuckled, and kissed softly the vampire's cheek.

-Well done, my sweet Dracillya...

Napoleon Solo rolled his eyes at the sight and bent over the two bodies. Those two, plus the three others... He rummaged through their pockets and picked up two gray flask. Another awful Thrush plan. Another failure. He stood up, looking at his friends with a mischievous smile.

-The guys are on their way. They'll take care of this. April, didn't I hear of a delicious Halloween dinner?



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author svetlanacat4.
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