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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Tears Of The Wolf


After colonization, the survivors were confined to camps. Several years later, a stranger is thrust onto the ex-agents.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Fandom: X-Files
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Time will tell. For now ensemble.
Rating: FRT
Prompt: None
Warnings: dark themes
Genre: (General/hetero/slash)undecided
Series or WIP: y
Chapter number if WIP: Chapter 1
Sand-box [open series]: Y
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Acknowledgments/Notes: This is the continuation of a tease I posted on LJ awhile back.
Disclaimer.  X-Files does not belong to me. no money made in this

Chapter Text

Tears Of The Wolf

The siren sounded, warbling its threat in the midday heat. Interred captives, held in this particular hell hole over the last seven years, ambled out to the center of the compound to see what the alien over-seers had devised to torment them this time.

The answer came in the form of a frenzied man, wild eyed, wild haired...just plain wild from the look of him, who was being escorted in on the end of a matching prisoner's leash...more or less a collar that fit around its wearer's neck at the held of a long metal pole. The white wolf at the end of a matching pole was just as frenzied. The pair lunged at the overseers, choking themselves again and again in their attempts at freedom, until a thumb pressed current of electricity felled them both.

The Commandant goose-stepped into the center of the camp, towering over man and beast. He waited until the man opened his emerald eyes and glared hatred up at him, then held out a hand to his aide. A wicked hunting knife appeared in that waiting hand and the commandant leaned over the wolf and dragged its head up in a cruel hand.

The animal whimpered, too shocked to resist. Its pain ended in a spray of blood as the knife sliced its throat, spewing blood over the man.

Even with the trembling paralysis of the current that had surged through him, the wild man managed to force a banshee howl of despair from his lips and force spaghetti weak arms and legs to work long enough to crawl to the dying animal.

The prisoners watched in horror as the new arrival draped himself over the wolf's stuttering body, his silent tears mixing with the blood pouring over both bodies.

One man, tall, thin, with piercing hazel eyes shoved through the mulling crowd, intent on getting a better look.

"Mulder, come back," Dana Sculley hissed, jerking at his arm to halt his forward motion.  "Are you trying to call attention?"

Mulder grimaced, his gaze tracking from the new prisoner to the Commandant back to the prisoner.  "Don't you recognize him, Dana?"

"Recognize who?"  She tugged his arm, nearly dragging him deeper into the crowd.

"The wolf-man.  He's none other than Alex Krycek."

"Krycek is dead, Mulder."

"Mulder," The Commandant's voice cut load and cold in the air.

Dana's eyes widened, the ex-agent suddenly alert. "Now you've dropped  us in it," she accused.

Fox Mulder grinned at her then forced his way to the front of the crowd to glare defiantly at the most dangerous man in the camp.

"I think it would be appropriate for your pod to take our new arrival under your wing," The Commandant snarled. "Teach him what he needs to know."

"Teach him...?" Mulder protested, shaking his head.

The Commandant raised an eyebrow. "Problem?"

"No," Walter Skinner interceded, grabbing Mulder's arm and pulling him back into the fold.

"No problem," Doggett added, throwing a glance  toward the feral they were taking responsibility for. "No problem at all."

At that moment, the stranger uncurled from the wolf's body and tipped his head back, howling mournfully.  

A ripple of unease rumbled through the crowd and they began to slink away.

Gape-mouthed, his eyes trained on the man he knew in his heart to be Krycek, Mulder muttered, "I think we have a problem."

Dana slapped the back of his head. "You never know when to quit."

end part 1
and so....continue? drop it?