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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Internet Addiction


Remy, curious to know what information was available to Google about himself and his fellow X-men, searches the internet and comes up on a shocking discovery. Slash fanfiction. When he stumbles on a fic containing him and Logan as lovers, will Remy decide to try and make it a real life romance??

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Disclaimer- I own nothing. Marvel loans everything.
Rating- PG (for now) NC-17 (eventually)
A.N.- This is just a humor/romance fic that has been rattling in my brain for awhile so I thought I would see if it garnered any interest before pursuing it further. No offense is meant to anyone who writes fic, I was not referring to any author in particular when writing. :) This is un-beta'd so please excuse any mistakes. :)Please review and let me know if I should continue. Many thanks!!

Chapter Text

Internet Addiction
by Persephone Corelli


Remy grumbled to himself as he looked around the isolation of the boathouse. He was sure Logan would trade him in a red hot second as the feral loved his privacy, but for the gregarious Gambit, it was akin to hell. Still bad feelings lingered and until they were less radioactive, Scott had ordered Gambit to remain isolated. He scowled and bounced on his bed. He was bored and desperately needed a distraction. His gaze settled on his laptop and decided it was worth a shot to play online.

Within minutes he was thoroughly bored with online games and turned his attention to He played with a few arbitrary things and images before inspiration struck. First he googled x-men. 150 million results. He grinned. How to narrow this down?

He scanned a couple pages before his eyes lit on something called x-men fanfiction. His curiosity piqued he clicked the link. Images of his fellow teammates in various embraces flashed before his eyes.

Thousands of stories featuring people he never would have considered a couple filled the screen. He found a picture of Bobby and Hank in a passionate embrace and quickly printed it for prank use in the near future.

He turned his nose at the incestuous stories. Never one to see the appeal there in the original fics he had read before.

He became utterly fascinated by the "slash" pairings and laughed heartily when he found a lot of Scott/Logan fics. Those two were more likely to kill each other than fuck, but he clicked a few and scanned them. Most were short and some he did not understand, but there were quite a few well written ones that he finished before he knew it.

Hours passed with him lost in this virtual world of fic.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when a knock at the door sounded. "Merde!" He swiped his eyes and blinked at the clock. His eyes went wide , he couldn't believe how much time he had spent looking through those silly fics! He quickly shut down the browser and moved to answer the door.

Storm regally stood on his step with a worried look in her eye. Remy quickly ushered her in. "Are you all right brother? You missed dinner."

 Remy placed a hand on his growling stomach and nodded. "Oui, padnat. Remy be fine. He just get lost in t'ought." He gave her a charming grin and the tension left her form.

Nodding she puts a gentle hand on his arm. "Well there are leftovers. Would you like me to bring you a plate?"

Remy's first instinct was to say no and get it himself, but there was now this little monster sitting on his shoulder ushering him back to the world he had found that he wished to further explore. "Oui, chere. Would appreciate it." He made himself wait until after Storm had brought him the plate before returning to the computer.

Searching himself, he found a plethora of stories that were him and Rogue, but he had no interest in those. He had lived enough of them and was beyond done with that.

A few of him with his Stormy and that just turned his stomach as she was like a sister to him.

A couple of him with Warren which was just demented in his opinion. "No way dis Cajun going dere!" He muttered as he moved on.

Him and Bobby. A chuckle and a headshake.

Him and Hank. Seriously? He just could not picture the large, blue man with another homme.

Him and Charles. Could there be a more emphatic no?

Him and Creed. Apparently there could be! He was alarmed to find a trend of himself usually being the subject of rape at Creed's hands. "Like Gambit some weakling and could not take Chat." He scoffed at the screen before laughing once more. "Cyke and Gambit? Now there is something that Remy never t'ought he'd see."

His chuckles came to an abrupt halt as he came to the pairing with the most stories. Remy's eyebrows went up to his hairline and he did a double take. Him and Logan! Are they nuts! Logan would perforate his guts if he tried half these things!

He found a few more images of various X members and printed off a few more prank worthy pics. Finding a few of himself and Logan in everything from an embrace to full on cock rubbing he swallowed to coat his dry throat before forcing himself to scroll beyond them.

After settling on using the Hank/Bobby one first thing, he shut down the computer and moved to the television. He tried to settle on something to watch, but his attention kept getting drawn back to the stories he had found of him and the Wolverine. Deciding a good workout was just the thing to clear his mind, he quickly threw on his trench coat and made a beeline for the Danger Room before he ended up back on the computer.

The mansion was quiet though the hour was not quite late yet. About 9pm. He quietly made his way up to Bobby's room so he could slide the pic he had artfully folded under his door. He grinned to himself as he imagined the look on Bobby's face when he opened it. He then placed a copy under the door to the medlab before making his way to the danger room to work off his excess energy.

He almost turned tail and fled when he saw Logan already there immersed in his katas. Never having been a runner he steeled his spine. "Da man can' read your min' Gambit. He don' know whatcha been readin'. Just act normal." He put on his patented smirk and casually strolled into the room dropping his trench on a chair just inside.

He began his back bends and stretches as he watched Logan move with an unearthly grace without pause. He saw the ripple of muscle under tight skin and wondered for a moment what it would feel like under his tongue. The thought threw him so much he became unbalanced and wound up on his ass. A chuckle had him scrambling to his feet and acting nonchalant.

"You okay there, Gumbo?" Logan's deep voice sent a shiver down his spine. Why had he never noticed how it sounded before?

"Oui, Logan. Gambit be fine. Jus' wasn' payin' attention, me." Remy gave Logan a disarming smile.

Logan tilted his head to the side, but refrained from further comment. Each began their separate stretches and Remy had to keep forcing himself to not watch what Logan was about and worry about his own workout. Images from the stories he had read earlier kept haunting him every time he saw Logan move in a graceful arc. He realized he was no longer doing his stretches and just been staring and heat rushed to his face and groin as Logan's eyes met his. They seemed frozen for a moment and then Remy quickly grabbed up his trench coat before fleeing the room.

Remy heard a horrified shriek and could not even bring up the amusement necessary as he heard Bobby threatening to skin whoever drew such a thing between him and his best friend. He pushed his way through the other X-men who had headed to the shriek and ran all the way back to the safety of the boathouse where he leaned against his closed door, vowing never to read those types of fics again. They were messing with his perceptions.

Stumbling he stripped down for a cold shower before collapsing in a heap on his single bed.
