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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Make `em or Break `em


This is my version of how Season 7 ended.

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Make `em or Break `em

(or Rule 51)

By YumYumPM
(This is my version of how Season 7 ends)

This was totally ridiculous.  Gibbs slumped to one side in the uncomfortable leather armchair and worried his lower lip.  He was a special agent, for God's sake.  How had he ended up in this predicament?

The door behind him opened, and he instantly straightened, keeping his face as blank as possible.  His inquisitor moved around him, coming to stand behind her desk.  She set the folder she was holding down and looked at him.  Not young by any means, her stance was ramrod straight and even then her height, she had to be just under four feet tall, kept her at eye level with the seated Gibbs.

"I assume you know why you are here," her gravelly voice, reminding him of his elementary school principal.  Short hair, obviously dyed, she undoubtedly needed tailored made suits and despite her small stature wore flats.  She sat in her chair, doing something to make it rise so that they were at a level height.

"Yeah," he said tightly.  His mood swings had shifted one time too many.  If he'd been a woman one would have though he was suffering from PMS.  The Director had insisted that he see someone about his attitude lately.  Anger management he called it.

Hetty Lange tapped the file folder.  "I've read over your file."  She leafed through the pages.  "Frankly I'm impressed.   Marine gunnery sergeant, sniper, special agent.  Married…one" flipped a page "…two…" flipped another "three… flipped yet another "four times." She looked up, one painted eyebrow raised.

Gibbs rubbed his chin and shrugged.  "If at first you don't succeed…"

"Try, try again."  Hetty finished for him.  She closed the folder and resting her elbows on the desktop and leaned forward.  "Have you ever considered that perhaps you're going after the wrong…sex?"

Red faced, hands gripping the chair arms, Gibbs rose in indignation.  "What the fuck!"  His blue eyes were now a steely gray. He stomped toward the door, turning back at the last moment.  Pointing his finger at her, he looked as if he was bursting to say something, but didn't.  She wasn't even looking at him.  That angered him so that he just managed to open the door without tearing if off the hinges.

"Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, get your ass back in here.  Our session is not over."

Gibbs stopped.  He'd been ordered to have this session.  By the Sec Nav, no less.  To leave this session before it was finished would mean his job.

Hetty was looking at him intently.  "I don't understand.  I've read your files.  You've worked several cases that involved…gays.   You seemed to have no problems with them.  I was certainly unaware that you were homophobic."

Gibbs gritted his teeth.  "I'm not."

"Then come back here and sit down.  Let's discuss this some more."

He slumped down in the chair once again.   "There is nothing to discuss."

"I disagree.  It's obvious that you have problems relating sexually to women, so why not try relating sexually with a man."

Gibbs decided that he'd heard enough, fuck the Sec Nav.  He got up and headed for the door.

"Don't forget our meeting next week,"  She called out just as the door slammed shut.  A wicked smile played across her lips. This appointment could have gone better, but the rattle of the door said that at least he had heard her.  He might not like it, but Gibbs was a fair man.  He was at least contemplating it.  It wasn't her fault if he thought she was a psychologists, she was just doing a favor for Director Vance.


She sat making notes for at least twenty minutes before filing the folder away and pulling out another.  Hitting the intercom switch on her phone she called out.  "Send in the next patient."

The door opened and a handsome young man entered.

"Welcome, Mr. DiNozzo.  Please have a seat."  Just as Tony was about to sit down Hetty asked, "Tell me, which do you preferred to be called.  Tony, Anthony,…or perhaps Junior?"

"Uh, Tony." Tony couldn't help but wonder why she asked, and how the hell she knew what his father called him. He leaned forward trying to read what the report she was perusing said.

Hetty's eye's glittered with amusement behind her thick glasses.  "Your father must have been disappointed when you decided to go into law enforcement."

"Huh." Brilliant retort, DiNozzo.

"Considering your father's occupation."

"Look, lady, I don't know who you think you are."

Anger!  Damn, she seemed to be getting this reaction from everyone lately.  "You sound just like your father."

Shocked Tony sat back in his chair.  "You know…"

"Your father?" Matilda nodded.  "Yes, though at the time he was going under another name."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"As you may or may not know your father is one of the best con-artists in the world.  You take after him more than you realize.  But let's get back to the reason you're here.  From going through your record I see that you've worked for N.C.I.S. for nine years."

"Yeah, so what?"

Before that you worked at several Police Departments."  She leafed through the folder in front of her. "Peoria, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, none longer then two years. Why is that?"

"Could you get to the point?"  Tony shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"All in good time," she stated, keeping her eyes on the papers in front of her.  "Before that you attended Ohio State on an athletic scholarship.  I believe you fraternized with other members of the Alpha Chi Delta fraternity who nicknamed you `Sex Machine'?  I wonder if your father knows about that."

Tony's lips tightened into a thin line and he didn't answer.

"Ahh, I see here that even before that your parents sent you away to school.  Was that where you learned to take it up the ass?"  If she thought to shock him with that information, she failed.  If anything he looked mildly indignant.

"I don't as you so bluntly phrased it `take it up the ass'."

"Humm, you've never managed to have a permanent relationship with a woman."

"That is none of your damn business."

"That is where you would be wrong."  She shut the thick folder and clasped her hands together on top of it.   "Mr. DiNozzo, N.C.I.S. has a special assignment for you."


"So what do you think?"  Director Vance leaned against the door.

Hetty sat back and pursed her lips.  "Does the saying `he doth protest too much' mean anything to you?"

Vance moved panther-like to the recently vacated chair, sat down and crossed one leg over the other.  "Gibbs or DiNozzo?"

"They're an interesting pair.  Gibbs is hiding something and that is what's bringing out the anger in him.   He's the wildcard.  DiNozzo is a little easier.  In spite of his penchant to portray the perpetual frat boy, he's a natural born leader.  He's proven that.  He can also handle clandestine operations.  But his first and foremost loyalty is to Gibbs.  I think he'll tell him everything."

"That's not what I wanted to know."

"Leon, you asked me here for my professional assessment.  It's my opinion that if anyone can find out what's wrong with Gibbs it will be DiNozzo."

"What about Ducky?"

"Dr. Mallard is an old and trusted friend, but I don't think that Gibbs…," Hetty paused as she searched for the word she wanted.  "would want to burden him with whatever it is that's got him tied up in knots.  It's not going to be easy for either of them.  This little exercise of yours could make them or break them."

"The question is will DiNozzo do it?"

Hetty pulled up her briefcase and slipped the file folders into them.  The question she'd been asking herself since she had been summoned here-why was Leon wanting to get Gibbs and DiNozzo together sexually going through her mind.  She looked directly into Leon Vance's eyes.  "I don't know."

Without another word, Hetty Lange walked out of the room, prepared to catch her flight back to N.C.I.S. Los Angeles.


Tony walked into Gibbs' home as if he owned it.  "What's for supper," he asked as he reached in the refrigerator for a cold beer and slung his jacket over the back of a chair.

"Your turn to cook," Gibbs replied from his place on the sofa, one foot on the coffee table.

"Damn," Tony muttered under his breath as he twisted off the cap to his beer.  He took a swig before checking to see if there was anything in the kitchen he could use to hobble together a meal.   But his mind wasn't really on what he was doing.  He was thinking about what he'd been asked to do by N.C.I.S. and if he should or could go through with it.

So caught up was he in his thoughts that he didn't realize that all the ingredients for his specialty Pasta DiNozzo were already laid out.  He automatically began chopping onions, peeling garlic as he went over and over what they wanted of him.  He was who he was and they wanted him to use that to learn what secret Gibbs was holding back.

"What's on your mind, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked softly, leaning against the door jam.

This wasn't a conversation that Tony wanted to have right now,

 "Can we talk about this after I've finished cooking?  It's gonna be awhile."  Tony stalled, hoping to buy some time as he mixed the sauce together.  There was no doubt that he would eventually tell Gibbs everything, he just hadn't worked out the details.

Gibbs nodded thoughtfully and set down his bottle of beer.  While Tony finished with the sauce, he put on the pasta, started the salad, and heated the oven for the garlic bread.  The two worked side-by-side, one finishing off what the other started.

Soon the pasta was ready, the sauce done, and the garlic bread in the oven.  With plates in hand and garlic bread in their mouths, the two sat at the card table that served as Gibbs' dining set.  Gibbs uncorked a bottle of red wine while Tony tucked his paper napkin into his shirt and they readily dug in, good table matters set aside.

They ate in silence until Gibbs finally had enough and let out a sigh.  "Tony!"

Tony set down his fork.  He'd only been playing around with his food anyway and knew that he was going to tell Gibbs what it was they, N.C.I.S., wanted him to do.  But, in order to do that he would have to...well come out.    There was only one way to do this, so he decided to be blunt.  "I'm gay."

There was silence for a good two minutes, then Gibbs finally spoke, "I know."

Tony's eyes widened in shock.  He shouldn't have been surprised, but he was.  "What gave me away?"

"Oh, I don't know.  The string of one night stands." Gibbs paused to take another bite of his pasta. "Your yearly trips with your frat buddies, or maybe the way you kept hinting that McGee was."  Gibbs' eyes twinkled with enjoyment; there was nothing he liked better then to surprise his people.

"Sooo, you're okay with that?"  Tony asked.

Gibbs' head bobbed.  "As long as it doesn't affect your job, I don't have a problem with it."

Tony let out a sigh of relief.  Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.  For the first time since he'd started working with Gibbs there was a possibility that his wildest dream might come true, even though he knew it wasn't the answer to the problem. "Good, cause they want us to…"

Gibbs face was turning bright red.  He stood up so fast he almost knocked the table over.  "What the fuck?"

Tony shut his eyes tightly and prayed.  Deep down he'd known this wasn't going to work.

"The bastards have been talking to you about my `so called' anger problems?  Does everyone know?"

"No.  I don't think so." My wildest dream might come true, haha!  The jokes on me.  "There's no way that your switching to the other team is going to help, so don't get your panties is a twist.  I didn't say I'd do it."   Though I really want to, Tony thought.

A second later his thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang and Ducky's voice called out.  "Am I interrupting anything?"

Gibbs slumped down in his chair and groaned. "Are you sure no one knows?"

Ducky had no trouble following Gibbs.  "Not everyone.  Abby sent me the tie-in to the webcam outside the office Hetty was using."  He picked up the bottle of wine, smelled the bouquet and poured a glass.  He made himself at home in Gibbs' kitchen, returning with a plate of pasta and sat down.  "What have I missed?"

"You know Ms. Lange?"

"Of course!  So do you for that matter, she's in charge of that special group in Los Angeles.  She's very sharp, and an expert on the human physic.  She even manages to make me look tall," Ducky chuckled.  "It wasn't too difficult to figure out why she was here, Jethro, you've been PMSing all over the place.

"This is too weird, even for me," Tony muttered as he got up and gathered his jacket to go.

"Sit down, Anthony," Ducky commanded, pointing his fork at him.  "It's time we got this out in the open."

Tony cringed as he slipped rather reluctantly back in his chair.  It wasn't often that Ducky used that tone of voice.

"There's nothing to discuss," Gibbs growled.

"Ah but there is," Ducky stated just as adamantly.

"Um, Ducky, now might not be the time." Tony tried to turn the conversation away from dangerous territory.

Ducky ignored him and continued to address Gibbs, "This is not just about your anger problems, this is about your job!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Dr. Mallard?"

If Tony could have made a break for it right then he would have.

"We know, Jethro."

"Know what?"  Gibbs asked exasperated, he turned to Tony for clarification.

"We're not stupid, Boss.  Ever since we found out about your first wife and what happened to her and your daughter, it took us awhile, but we managed to put it together."  Tony glanced over at Ducky, who gave him a nod of encouragement.

"And just who constitutes we?"  Gibbs felt as if he were going to pass out.

"Abby might have figured it out."

"But we doubt it.  McGee probably doesn't have a clue."

"Ziva on the other hand…" Ducky was thoughtful.

"Even if she knew something, she'd never say anything," Tony asserted. "She's got enough secrets of her own to worry about Gibbs'."

"And what is it you think you know?"  Gibbs asked again, this time hoping the answer wasn't what he thought it might be.

Neither man spoke.  Then Ducky took off his glasses and leaned forward.  "We," he pointed between him and Tony. "don't blame you for taking revenge on the man who ended the lives of your wife and child.  But the agency might not see it the same light."

"Technically, he was never charged and he wasn't an agent at the time," Tony injected.

Ducky shook his head sadly.  "You know better, Anthony.  There is no way that would make a difference, even by some stretch of the imagination he could be exonerated, there is always the guilt."

"Does it even matter that I'm in the room?"  Gibbs complained.  "And what does that have to do with them wanting Tony to have sex with me?"

"What?"  Ducky's eyes grew twice their size.  "Tony's gay?"

Tony got up and gently pulled Ducky from his chair, leading him to the door.  "Yeah, Ducky, my secret's out.  Just don't tell anyone."

He managed to shut the door and lock it before Ducky could say another word.  "Boss, you really need to start locking that door."  Gibbs was still sitting in deep thought, his head down.  "I'll just clean up here and go."  Tony started removing the plates from the table.

He stopped when those blue eyes glared up at him.  There was a time when that stare would have intimidated him.  He set the plates back down.  "You know what your problem is; you don't feel guilty for what you did.  You feel guilty that when others play judge and jury you have to arrest them."

Gibbs rose and got in Tony's face.  "You don't know shit about me."

"I know that you're an honorable man.  You're the best boss I could ask for.  You have no social life whatever.  Terrible taste in women and you're a bastard."  Tony's tone was calm.

Gibbs seemed to consider what Tony had said.  "That's about it; it seems you do know me."

"Does this mean there's a chance?"


Tony sighed with disappointment.

"I just don't see the attraction."

"Is it me personally?"

"Nah, it's just this guy on guy thing.  I don't understand it."

"I'd be happy to demonstrate."

Gibbs burst out with a hardy laugh, finally settling into a chuckle.  "You never give up, do you?"

Then Tony did the one thing he might one day regret.  He pulled Leroy Jethro Gibbs to him and kissed him deeply, shocked at his own audacity.  The surprising thing was while Gibbs didn't exactly melt into it, he didn't pull away either.  When he felt tension building up in Gibbs, Tony pulled away.  "I'm here for you no matter what," he said softly, then swiftly grabbed his jacket and left.


Tony lay in his bed that night trying to sleep.  His mind was a jumble as he remembered the feelings he had for Gibbs and compared them with the way he'd felt for Jeanne Benoit.  At that time he had felt guilt, which is why he understood Gibbs so well.  Guilt that she was an assignment that eventually turned into more.  Guilt that he'd been ordered to keep his assignment a secret by Director Sheppard.   In the end she'd given him permission to expand his relationship with Jeanne, though that had ended badly.

Basically wasn't that what was happening now.  Hadn't he once again been given permission to enter into a relationship, that was by all rights should off limits for so many reasons.   Worst of all he had no idea what the morning would bring.


Gibbs spent his night working in his basement, confusion sweeping through him.  He'd been caught by surprise by Tony's possession of his mouth and as much as he wanted to find it disgusting, he couldn't bring himself to do so.  He'd done his share of kissing and been kissed in return.  It was obvious that Tony had as well.  This kiss, a mixture of wine and pasta and something else uniquely Tony, had caught him off balance.

One thing he was certain of – there would not be a repeat performance.

Footsteps on his staircase brought him out of his reverie.  Halfway down Abby Sciuto stopped, her face filled with trepidation.


The next morning when Tony arrived at work, he was filled with apprehension.  Setting down his backpack, he looked around spotting only Ziva and McGee at their desks.

"Where's the Boss?" he asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

Both of them looked up, for the first time realizing that Gibbs wasn't at his desk.  Before they could respond, the phone on Tony's desk rang.


"Anthony, I need you down in autopsy right away.  Just you!"

Tony hung up, puzzled by the abrupt order.  "I'll be downstairs if anybody needs me."

Dr. Mallard was standing beside an autopsy table that held the dried up corpse of a man.

"Tony, Abby had this body sent from the Mexican Government."  The reason for his concern was evident by his next revelation.  "It's Pedro Hernandez."

"Holy shit," Tony swore.

"I think Abby knows," Ducky added, as the glass door slid open allowing Gibbs and Abby to enter.

"She does," Gibbs said quietly, as he looked down at the man who'd been responsible for the death of his wife and child.  The man whose life he'd taken in revenge.

Tony stiffened, as Abby nodded confirmation.  She explained how she'd ended up looking into the drug dealer's death and ended with one piece of important information.  "It wasn't an accident that I was given this case.  Someone wants to make trouble for Gibbs."

"What are you going to do with the information?"  Tony asked.

Abby lowered her head, unable to look Tony in the eye.   It appeared that Abby's only choice was to report her findings, making it impossible for Gibbs to continue to be an agent for N.C.I.S.  Tony's mind began working at top speed.

Tony took out his cell phone and hit a number.  He moved away.  "Elf Lord, your presence is required.  We need someplace to hold a campfire. " He paused listening, thought a moment then answered.  "Yeah, bring her along too."  They were going to needed all the information they could get. "Where?  The dungeon."  No matter how much he teased McGee, Team Abby and McGee were the best.  He was pretty sure he could count on McGee in the secrecy department.    The last time they'd needed secrecy was when Ziva had witnessed and been accused of a political assassination.  A case that Tony and the others had been emphatically told, not only by Director Sheppard but by the F.B.I., to stay out of.  When it came to trust there were only two people he was sure of.   Gibbs was a given and didn't count right now, that left Ducky and himself.  Abby and McGee, he considered borderline.  Ziva and Palmer were iffy.

He turned back to the others.  Abby nodded her approval, while Ducky looked thoughtful.  Gibbs, well Gibbs looked down right pissed.  "DiNozzo, no!  I won't let any of you sacrifice your careers."

"Shut the fuck up.   We've been through this before.  You are going to let us help you."

"Ducky, should we bring Palmer in on this?" Tony added.  Ducky nodded and Tony was glad.  He learned how good a friend Palmer could be, and it looked like they would need all the friends they could get.

"Tony, I don't think…"  Gibbs tried again.

Tony squared off with Gibbs.  "Boss, there's a time for secrets and a time for letting go.  This secret is about to be revealed whether you want it to are not.  Damage control is our only option.  That and finding out who has it in for you.  Think we ought to get Fornell in on this?"

The shifting of Tony's gears caught Gibbs off guard.  Did he want Fornell working on this?  He did have access to areas they didn't.  "Not right now." He decided.

"Okay." Tony nodded, trusting Gibbs judgment.  "Let's move `em out," he ordered, leaving without looking back to see if he was being followed.


"Why are we here?" Ziva asked, her nose wrinkled in distaste.

"Because Tony asked us to," McGee searched the vacated area nervously.  The request to meet here was not normal.  "He said he wanted to have a campfire."

"That is very strange.  The last time we had campfires was when Gibbs…"

"Gibbs what?"  A single light flashed on and brightened the room over a steel topped table.  Tony entered the far basement area with a following of everyone else.  "Okay folks lets gather around."

Tony looked around the table.  Everyone was here except for Gibbs, who stood off to the side, distancing himself from the group.  "I'm sure everyone here knows about Gibbs' wife and child having been murdered."  All faces were turned to him expectantly.    Those that had arrived with him were somber, knowing what was coming next.  McGee and Palmer were puzzled, while Ziva looked apprehensive.

"Timmy, you remember the body we had exhumed in Mexico?"  Abby leaned over and took McGee's hand.

"Yeah.  What about it."

"He was the drug dealer that murdered Mrs. Gibbs and her daughter," Ziva informed him.

"You know, don't you?"  Tony didn't seem surprised.

"Know what?"  Palmer and McGee asked at the same time.

Ziva looked Gibbs straight in the eye, but Abby was the one who answered.  "It was Gibbs' sniper rifle that killed him."

McGee's eyes grew wide with shock, while Palmer's mouth hung open like a fish gasping for air.

Gibbs turned away not wanting to see the looks of disgust or the looks of compassion.

"No, I didn't know.  Until now.  But, I was briefed on his wife and child.  I never connected the death of the drug dealer, though now it seems logical.  He is a sniper, after all," Ziva concluded.

"The reason…"  Tony glared at Ziva.  "that I called this meeting is because someone else knows.  Someone who in all probability wants to hurt Gibbs.  This could not only cost Gibbs his job, but his reputation.  I have a gut feeling that whoever is behind this wants to break Gibbs.  And that this someone is playing us.   I don't plan on letting that happen.  Are you in?"

Tony put his hand out; it was quickly covered by Ducky's hand, closely followed by Abby's.  There was a moment of hesitation, and then Ziva joined in with McGee's seconds behind her.  Palmer appeared undecided until Ducky nodded his head, after which Palmer followed suit.  Everyone looked toward Gibbs.

Gibbs decided it was time to put in his two cents.  He shook his head adamantly.  "I'm sorry, but I can't let you do this."

"How do you plan to stop us?  Confess?"  Tony challenged.  There was no way he was going to let Gibbs go through this alone and he was fairly certain the others felt the same way.

"They do say honesty is this best policy," Palmer's reply was thoughtful.

Ziva leaned back in her chair, crossed her arms and suggested, "Who's to say they don't already know?"

Silence met that pronouncement as everyone thought about it.  More than one person blinked.

Ducky shook his head.  "If they do, surely, they would have done something about it before now."

"Maybe they have."  Tony nodded thoughtfully.  He exchanged glances with Gibbs; it would certainly explain their strange request.

"Nah," they both said at the same time.

Tony had gotten the impression that it was Gibbs' temper that they'd been concern about.  "The more I think about it, I really don't think they know."

"So what's the plan?"  McGee chimed in.

"We give them what they want."  Tony smirked.

"A preemptive strike?"  McGee countered.

Ducky grinned broadly.  "Brilliant."

"No!  Absolutely not."  Gibbs backed away abruptly, causing four pairs of eyes to exchange puzzled looks.

Tony sighed with disappointment.

"Not what?"  Abby whispered to McGee, who shrugged.

"Okay, Ziva, McGee.  Listen up.  Check up on everyone with a grudge with the Boss.  And don't miss the ex-wives.  Abby, see what more you can find out about our friend in Ducky's morgue.   Ducky, do a psychological profile…"

"On who?"

"Pretty much everybody.  McGee and Ziva will provide names."

Palmer chimed in, "Remember…me, Black Lung.  What about me?  What do I get to do?"  He looked at Tony for direction.  Tony opened his mouth but didn't get to say anything.  "Don't tell me, let me guess.  The same as last time.  Supplies."

"Black Lung?  Sounds like a painful way to die," Gibbs said.  "This is ridiculous.  Let me save everybody all the trouble and go talk with Leon."

"Leroy Jethro Gibbs, let us do our job.  You can't turn down our offer.  We have to find out who is out to destroy you, before he tries to destroy us.  It's like a pattern, a pattern we've seen before many times.  The best thing you can do, Tony, is to take him home and do your best to talk some sense into him."

Every stared in shock at Ducky, they'd never heard the demanding side of him before.


"I don't need someone to watch over me," Gibbs insisted.  He slammed the door as they entered the house.

"No, what you need is a goddamn baby sitter," Tony muttered, then said in a louder tone. "Get it through that thick skull of yours that someone out there wants to hurt you.  Notice I didn't say kill.  That probably would be the easy way out.  Leave you without a worry in the world.  But what about us, the ones left behind?  And all because you kept this a fucking secret."

"I said I'd talk to Leon."

"For all the good that would do you."  As much as he thought he knew Gibbs, he really didn`t.  Ducky didn't know much more and as for Franks…  That led him to another track of thought.  "I'm more concerned about the Mexican government.  Hell, the whole South American area seem to favor the Drug Lords more than not."  He pulled out his cell and walked to the far side of the room.   "Hey, McGoogle, listen up.  I need for you to adjust your search parameter.   Check out a Mexican connection, since this all took place in Mexico."  He rolled his eyes.  "I know you're not stupid.  Get back to me when you have something."

Tony closed his cell phone, tapping his lips with it, thoughtfully he turned to Gibbs.  Gibbs stood, his arms crossed, a fierce look of determination on his face.

"So how about we do a little experimenting and check out the Wild Side?"  Tony asked with a wink.

Gibbs grunted.  "How about I fix a couple of steaks?"

Tony's stomach growled, he looked down and grinned sheepishly while Gibbs headed to the kitchen.  In the meantime, Tony made himself at home sitting on the sofa, putting his feet up on the coffee table.  He picked up a paper and tried reading but his mind was still on the Mexican connection.  Eventually he realized that he couldn't smell anything cooking.  "Gibbs?"

He hurried into the kitchen only to find Gibbs gone.  "Damn."  He had his cell phone out before he took another step.


"Where's Gibbs?"  Director Vance demanded.

McGee nearly jumped out of his skin, so intent was he in his computer search.  He glanced around the team's area trying to think of a good way out of answering.  "Umm, I'm not sure?  I, ah, think he's left for the day?"

"You think or you know?" asked Vance.

"Can I help you, Director?"  Tony appeared out of nowhere, causing McGee to heave a sigh of relief.

"DiNozzo!  Just the person I was looking for."  Vance took Tony by the elbow and led him off to one side.  "Where is Gibbs?  I'm wondering how you're coming along with Gibbs' little problem."

Tony turned two shades of red.  "Working on it."

Gardner looked sharply at DiNozzo.  "Good."  Then he lowered his voice further.  "Don't think I don't know that something else is going on.  I don't know what, but I've got my suspicions and to the best of my knowledge Gibbs has never been charged with anything of an illegal nature.  In the meantime I'm giving your whole team some time off.  I don't want to know what you do with it."

"Yes, sir."

Tony watched as the Director walked away, his mind always working out his next actions depending on what McGee had to report.

Tony appeared from around the corner and approached McGee, bending close and keeping his voice low.  "What `cha got?"

McGee pulled up a screen and pointed.  "I managed to check his cell records, the last call he got was… from someone in Mexico."


"No way to know."  McGee shrugged.  Ziva looked put out that she was not included in their discussion.

Tony considered that then leaned in closer.  "McGee, here's what I want you to do…"  He began to whisper orders into McGee's ear.  McGee nodded once when Tony was finished and headed down to Abby's lab.  With a determined look on his face, Tony headed for the elevator raising his voice as he went.  "Ziva, you're with me."

 One thing he knew, where he was going he was going to need the fighting skills that Ziva possessed.


"Hold it right there."  Tony stood in the doorway of a Mexican Hacienda, gun in hand, his arm outstretched.  Across the room stood a man and a woman, kneeling in front of them on the floor were Gibbs and Franks.  The man Tony knew from McGee's briefing was Alejandro Rivera of the Justice Department of Mexico, with him was his sister, Paloma Reynosa, head of the drug cartel.

"You must think me pretty stupid," Paloma laughed.  Her eyes traveling to the balcony that ran around the room.  The sound of the cylinder being drawn back by two of her bodyguards should have made a difference.  Tony just smiled as suddenly Ziva appeared though one open window and McGee through another, their gun sights aimed at the two men above daring them to shoot.

Tony lowered his gun.  "This stops right now.  Your father shoots Gibbs' wife and daughter, Gibbs takes out your father, you take out Gibbs.  Go on, I dare you."

Gibbs glared at him.  Which if you knew Gibbs should have scared him worse.

"Hey, wait one damn blab minute," Mike Franks called out, as it looked like Paloma might take Tony up on his dare.

Tony ignored him as he moved in closer, always making sure he wasn't between his shooters and her's.  "Abby, Palmer."  He called out.

Abby and Palmer slipped nervously through the door with Franks' granddaughter and her mother.  The little girl immediately tried to run to grandfather, but Abby and Palmer held her back.

"Go on.  Shoot them.  What's the life of a little girl?  One day you might have a little girl and some other Drug Lord might decide to get at you through her.   Think about that.  You know how it works.  Well no more.  The hate stops now."  Tony said fiercely.

Palama smiled a sad smile.  "Senor...DiNozzo is it?  When will you learn that drug dealers have no heart."  She lifted her arm aiming at the small child."

"No!!" screamed Mike Franks.  Gibbs eyes went stormy grey as he tried to get close enough to stop the inevitable.  It wasn't necessary.  A shot rang out from overhead catching Palama directly in the center of her forehead between her eyes.  Everyone turned to look at the shooter except for Tony; he knew that when the gun sight was lowered he would see a smug smile on the face of Ducky Mallard.

The little girl ran to her grandfather, who stood up as well as he could with his cuffed hands. "What the hell did you think you were doing, DiNozzo?"

DiNozzo merely knelt down and whispered something into the little girl's ear and she ran back to her mother.  He rose, smiled smugly at Franks and raised his cuff hands over his head, then ordered,  "Ducky."

One more shot rang out nearly just missing Tony's head and splicing the cuff in two.

Palmer and Ziva hurriedly disarmed the guards on the balcony.  Before another breath could be taken they had them both on the floor their hands cuffed behind their backs and they grinned at each other at their perfect team work.

Alejandro knelt by his sister's side, tears running down his face; he brushed his fingers through her dark hair.  "It was time to let go, little sister.  You, we have carried this need for revenge much too long."

Tony pulled Gibbs up and removed the duck tape that made up the gag that kept him from interfering.  "You idiot.  She's got my fath…," Gibbs yelled.  Tony made a face and immediately slapped the duck tape back in place.  Gibbs continued to rant though the gag kept him from saying anything intelligent.

"Nice to see you too, Boss.  Leave it," he ordered just Ziva pulled a lock pick out of her backpack ready to undo Gibbs cuffs.  "He's better off this way."

"Aren't we going to set him free?" McGee asked.  Palmer and Abby stood at the end of the stairway watching a smug Ducky slowly manage his way down, the sniper rifle swung carefully on his shoulder.

"Nope.  At the moment I think Gibbs needs a little time to calm down."  Tony walked over to where Leyla and Emira stood, happily enjoying their families reunion, and offered his arm to Leyla.  His eyes twinkled as he turned and smiled, then addressed the rest of the team.  "In fact we all need a little rest and recreation.  The Director said for us to take a few days off and that's just what we are going to do.  Someone gather up the Boss, we're off to…Puerto Rico!"

"All of us?" asked Franks, picking up his granddaughter and hugging her tightly causing her to giggle.

"You betcha," Tony replied as he led Leyla out.  "You're gonna love Puerto Rico."

"Yay," Abby shouted, always ready for an adventure, as she linked arms with a perplexed Palmer and McGee.  Ziva and Ducky also exchanged puzzled looks.  "Why Puerto Rico?"  Ziva asked.  Ducky could only shrug in response and hope that Tony knew what he was doing.  The two carefully flanked an upset Gibbs in between them before following along.

Someone commandeered a limo big enough to hold them all.  While Leyla explained to Franks that she and Emira had never been in danger and showed him the gun she had been supplied with just in case, Tony spent time on his cell phone making arrangements.  Fortunately the limo was large enough that Gibbs was given plenty of space, his eyes burning a shade of grey that more or less let anyone near him know that repercussions were in the works.  Tony sat across from him a smile on his face as he informed Gibbs that his father was in protective custody and spitting nails.

Director Vance proved a man of his word. When Tony requested a private jet and refused to divulge his destination, he took it stride.  "This call never happened," were his only words on the subject.

All guns were wiped and left on the tarmac, none of them traceable to either N.C.I.S. or anyone in the group.  Tony spent a great deal of time in discussion with each team member, except for Gibbs, making sure that their alibi's all agreed.  Gibbs was left alone at the back of the jet, glaring daggers at the rest of the team making them just a little nervous.

Having to go up the service elevator was probably not the nicest way to get to their room, but Tony didn't feel comfortable about uncuffing Gibbs quite yet.  They had managed to get the entire top floor of one of the nicer resorts near the beach.  Franks and his family had a suite to themselves.  Ducky and Palmer shared a room in a two bedroom suite along with Abby and Ziva in one room and McGee on the sofa in the living room.  Tony did not want to know how their sleeping arrangement worked out.

Tony was pleasantly surprised that Gibbs didn't put up a fight getting him to the room.  He knew that Gibbs could take him down any damn time he wanted to but as long as Tony acted like he had control, Gibbs seemed to go with it.  McGee had checked them in and left the door open and Tony's first view of the room was impressive.  Making sure the door was locked, Tony backed Gibbs to the foot of the bed and pushed him down, noting for the first time there was a leery glint in Gibbs' eyes.  Tony's eyes twinkled mischievously as Gibbs scooted back toward the headboard.  He reached into his back pocket and pulled a pair of handcuffs out.  Slowly crawling over Gibbs' body he gathered up the cuff that held Gibbs' hands together and pulling them up cuffed them to the head board.  Then he sat back to admire his handy work.  The fact that he was sitting directly on Gibbs' groin was not lost on him.

Tony leaned forward and very gently pulled the tape from Gibbs' mouth.

Gibbs worked his jaw back and forth working out any kinks.  He cleared his throat and asked a little worriedly.  "What do you plan to do now?"

Tony smiled a little sadly.  He knew what he wanted but if Gibbs didn't want it, it wasn't going to happen.  "I want to show you how good you can feel.  Will you let me?"

Gibbs licked his lips and his eyes turned a startling shade of blue.  Blue and hazel eyes locked.  An eyebrow cocked over blue eyes.  Tony leaned back startled, then he burst out laughing.  "You've been playing me this entire time," he accused.

Gibbs tilted his head and smirked.  "Maybe."

Tony shook his head and leaned forward again to brush his lips lightly with Gibbs' only to have Gibbs shift.  They started dueling back and forth their mouths never connecting causing joyful laughter to erupt. Eventually Tony tired of the game and pulled back a little, breathing in the scent that said Gibbs to him.  With a smile on his face he put both his hands around Gibbs' face and dipped down to invade Gibbs' enticing mouth.  Suddenly he felt Gibbs' arms surrounding him.  Tony froze, weren't Gibbs' wrists cuffed to the headboard?

Then he found himself being flipped over with Gibbs on top.  "I never got to thank you for my father," Gibbs said softly.

"Ah, you're welcome," Tony responded automatically, his head more focused on Gibbs' mouth and not on what he was saying.

"Let me make you feel good," Gibbs whispered into Tony's ear before nipping on his earlobe.  Gibbs pressed down with his lower extremity, giving Tony a hint of just how good he could make him feel.

Somewhere in the fogginess of his mind Tony vaguely remembered hearing the sound of cuffs being tossed against the wall, but then he got distracted by a pair of hand working on unzipping his pants.  Then his thought processes shut down and he gave himself over to the pleasure.


Three days later the entire team walked into their work area.   Gibbs, as usual led the way, closely followed by Tony, Ziva, and McGee.  Director Vance stood at the top of the stairs watching.  It seemed to him that Gibbs walk was a bit looser then it had been and his ears picked up the fact that Tony hissed softly as he carefully took his seat.  From his vantage point it appeared that Ziva and McGee either didn't notice or were pretending not to.  Gibbs looked up and caught his eye; a smug smile flittered across his face before he looked away to hit the button that brought his computer screen on.  Vance shook his head and headed toward his office.  He had a phone call to make and a bet to collect.

the end