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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Bubble butt


Missing scene from 'faith'. My first NCIS fic yay!!! I don't know what happened but the title should say it all ;-)

Work Text:

Bubble butt
by Jen Isaks


'Bubble butt!'

*What the fuck??? Bubble butt?* For a moment Tony was frozen on the spot, when he unfroze he grabbed Gibbs' by his arm and dragged him all the way into to the elevator. Leaving McGee and Ziva stunned and a grinning Jackson behind. As soon as the door closed Tony hit the emergency button.

“Bubble butt?” Tony squealed, “What the hell boss are you checking out my ass??”

“I deny everything, Sweet cheeks.” Gibbs grinned back at him.

“Take it back!” There was no reply just, but the grin was still there,

“Why are you doing this?”

“I'm not doing anything, hot buns”

“What?” Tony was squeaking, “That was not nothing, Gibbs.”


“No? That a ‘No it’s nothing’ or a ‘No’?”

Gibbs' just grinned.

“Why bubble butt? It's not like I haven't been working out!”


“Yeah? What?”

“They are sticking out, honey buns.”

“They are what?”

“Sweet cheeks!”

“Stop it!”

“Problem, gluteus maximus?”

“Stop it right now!” He slammed Gibbs up against the wall of the elevator.

Gibbs had his hands up the surrender, “Not doing anything. Not the one sticking them out!”

“Am not!”

“Ok,” Gibbs snorted.

“What tight ass!” Tony snorted back.

“Oh yeaaah...” Gibbs agreed.

“You better stop coming on to me now.” Tony blushed.

Gibbs snorted “or what?”

“What the hell is getting into you Gibbs?”

The older man seemed to be thinking hard about something. “Nothing. Nope don't feel like there's something in me right now.”

Tony slammed him back against the wall, pointing a stabbing finger into Gibbs' chest. “If you don't stop right now there will be!”

Gibbs' is still just grinning. Tony was going ballistic.

“It's so not funny, Gibbs!”

“Don't know what ya getting at, Coochie!”

“I can't take this any more!”

“What's ya saying, Fanny?”

“I'm not responsible for my actions – so don't come crying for mommy, you can't say I didn't warn ya!” Tony pressed his body fully on his boss.

“You got me, Callipygian!”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Look it up, Dinozzo!”

Tony soon forgot everything as Gibbs claimed his mouth. Damn his boss was playing tonsil hockey, with him Anthony Dinozzo, which he actually was quite good at. All coherent thought left him as Gibbs' grabbed the objects of their discussion squeezing them hard. Flipping the emergency button Gibbs left a whimpering Tony with a full mast and a question to ponder.

“How about I keester it later, hmm!!”

Tony was left speechless, as the elevator doors closed on his fish-out-of-water impression.


Thanks to all that e-mailed ass and butt names, thank you so much, this one's for you!!!

callipygian: "of, pertaining to, or having beautiful buttocks," 1800, from Gk. kallipygos, name of a statue of Aphrodite, from kalli-, combining form of kallos "beauty" + pyge "rump, buttocks." Sir Thomas Browne (1646) refers to "Callipygæ and women largely composed behinde."
donated by Loke
* * * *

comes from Keister, meaning to stick something up your ass :P
donated by Tayla

Also thank you to Jeanette Auer for the ass list :-)