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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Part of the Family


Ash overhears something when he goes to visit June during the final episode of series 1

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"So, you never joined the team for any of the long cons? You strictly worked the flop?" Ash was a little surprised to hear Danny's voice coming from June's hospital room.

"I haven't the temperament or the skills for it. But what is it you're really dying to ask? You wouldn't be sneaking to visit me behind Ash's back just for curiosity about his ex-wife." Ash grinned as he leaned against a wall just out of sight. Even with partial brain-damage, his June was a sharp one. He was glad she was having a good day, and even gladder that she was having it in time to help Danny.

"It's just--you're part of the family, ain't ya? I mean, they didn't even /blink/ when Ash said he needed the score to pay the bills here. Stacie, Albert, Mickey, they all just started talking about how wonderful you were. I ask /one/ question, and Mickey rips me a new one." The question and hurt in his Danny's voice hit Ash hard. He knew Danny hadn't meant any harm when he'd ask how the money had been split from the London Eye scam. "I mean, we got 105 off this bloke, but the cut's only 13. How'm I supposed to know what kind of expenses we've got? A few months ago I was connin' blokes in bars for drinks, crashing wherever I could; the only reason I bought nice clothes was because you can't get close to a mark looking like a bum. A few weeks ago, Mickey's in a bind trying to keep me out of the nick, but he sets Stacie to babysitting me. So--so why you and not me? How come I'm not in, if I'm in?"

He hears June laugh, "Ash told me about that job. You acted so innocent, then pulled the cash out of your pants! Ash said he was going to start calling you 'One Stack'." June pauses, and Ash chances a peek around the corner. Danny's helping June get a drink of water, treating her with all the care anyone could ask. Danny's back's to the door, but June flicks her eyes to let Ash know to keep out of sight. He moves back, waiting to hear June's peculiar brand of wisdom. "Danny, I don't know what to tell you. They accepted me, and I never doubted it or questioned why. And they must have accepted you, or they wouldn't have dealt you in after that first job. But Mickey's a perfectionist, and he is as hard on himself as he is on the rest of the crew." Her voice was calm, matter-of-fact, cheerful. It took Ash back to the beginning with her, reminding him why he'd fallen in love with her.

"Yeah, I guess so," Danny obviously wasn't convinced, but he wasn't going to say so. "I should go, before Mickey tears me a new one for not being where I'm supposed to be. Thank you for letting me spend a few minutes with such a lovely lady." Ash could just picture the puckish grin Danny would have, that glint in his eye that could charm clouds from the sky.

June laughed, "Go on with you, I'm wise to you charming grifters. Come again, with Ash next time, and flirt with me then. Do Ash some good to see I've got other men after me."

Ash ducked into an empty room to let Danny pass. He'd have to talk to Stacie and Albert, ask them to help keep the peace between Danny and Mickey. Ash very carefully didn't examine exactly /why/ he wanted Danny to stay, other than the fact that June had liked him and wanted him to visit again.