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Part 12 of 12 Days of XMas 2009
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Christmas Cookies


The office party


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Christmas Cookies
by nancy


The official term was `holiday party,' since working for the government, even a special branch of it, meant everything was very pc. Eric didn't mind as long as there was food and presents. He had his Secret Santa gift, and thank God he'd gotten Kensi, ready and wrapped. He'd even baked his mom's special chocolate chip cookies that he would claim were shipped in, if anyone asked. Eric knew that he'd never hear the end of it if he admitted to baking.

He walked into the building that served as their eclectic office and set the gift under their palm tree. Hetty really had gone all out with her decorations and even though it was technically after Christmas, they would stay up until New Year's. It looked like he was the last to arrive, everyone else already in the main area on the first floor with music playing and the smell of Sam's chili overpowering just about everything else. He grinned and walked over to the food table, putting down the container of cookies.

"We were starting to think you weren't coming," Callen said from behind.

Eric jumped and half-glared at him for the scare. "I hate it when you sneak up on me."

Grinning, blue eyes just about sparkling from good humor, Callen replied, "I know. We're about to do presents so you need to get food fast."

"Thanks for the heads-up," Eric said, moving to grab a plate.

The party was fun, which he knew it would be. All the support staff was there, as well as the field agents, so it was a big party. Presents took an hour to go through and there was a lot of laughter over the various gifts. Eric couldn't help himself from tracking Callen the whole night, like he usually did by computer. As much as he liked Abby, she was in DC and Callen was right there to obsess over. Not to mention broody and hot and intense and physical, his exact opposite.

"The cookies you made were just delightful, Eric," Hetty announced, loud enough for Sam to chortle from nearby.

Eric hastily denied, "Oh no, I didn't make them, my Mom did."

Hetty nibbled at her cookie as if she were an expert taster which, on second thought, she might be. Then she shook her head and replied, "You forgot the anise, a rookie mistake. A valiant try nonetheless."

Typically, Sam approached as soon as Hetty left and put an arm over Eric's shoulder. "So. You bake, huh?"

Groaning, Eric pleaded, "I don't suppose this could not be a thing?"

Callen appeared from nowhere and agreed, "Sure thing, Betty Crocker."

Sam laughed and the two of them headed off together.

Grumbling under his breath, Eric finished the beer in his hand and went to toss the empty. He found Nate at the food table and asked, "You driving Kensi home?"

"Someone has to," Nate replied with an amused look at where she laughed loudly with a group of admiring men. "How long are you staying?"

Eric shrugged and answered, "Think I'll head off now. See you next year."

Nate gripped his shoulder with a warm smile and said, "Enjoy your time off."

He said his goodbyes to everyone except Callen who seemed to have disappeared. Eric took a last look around and then gave up and left, present and cookie container under his arm. It was something of a surprise to find Callen lounging against his car, waiting for him. Pushing his glasses up unnecessarily, he asked, "Everything okay?"

"Yep," Callen replied, not moving from in front of the driver's side door. "How'd you like the present?"

"From you?"


Eric smiled and told him, "I like it. You can never have too many mp3 players."

Callen half-smiled as he said, "I noticed that you lose yours a lot."

A little embarrassed, Eric admitted, "They're easy to misplace when you're on the beach a lot. Well, that and water damage."

"You should have someone keep an eye on your stuff while you're surfing," Callen suggested.

Eric shrugged. "No one to volunteer. All of my friends are on the water with me."

That crooked grin made an appearance, which made Eric a little breathless, having it directed right at him. Callen told him, "Nothing would get misplaced if I was there with you."

Frowning, Eric asked slowly, "You want to go surfing with me?"

Callen unexpectedly straightened up and moved right into Eric's personal space. Swallowing against a dry throat, he backed up and found himself turned around, now the one leaning against the car. Even though they were about the same height, the other man seemed to take up the whole field of his vision, the lone light against the building glinting off Callen's hair.

"How's Abby?"

The non sequitur threw Eric and he stammered, "Abby? Ah, fine, I guess? Good. We haven't talked for a while."

Callen rested a hand against the roof of the car, which brought him even closer; close enough for Eric to smell his aftershave as he asked, "So you two aren't dating?"

It was almost impossible to think with the other man so close. Eric had to take a few seconds before the words penetrated and he finally answered, "No, no we're not dating. I think, ah, Gibbs would probably kill me if I even asked her out, considering what happened last time."

Callen murmured, "Good," and then kissed him right there in the driveway.

Eric gasped a little, which gave Callen the opportunity to slide his tongue in. He grasped Callen's lightweight jacket, needing something to hang onto as his world turned upside down. He hadn't ever thought that there'd been any shot with Callen, no matter how easygoing their relationship to this point. He'd always assumed Callen had something going on with Sam.

Callen's knee shifted between his legs and Eric groaned as the other man's body pressed full-length against his. Responding with the desire he'd had since meeting Callen, Eric kissed back eagerly, fingers digging into the other's back. It felt so good, that strength pressing him into the car door, the hunger in Callen's kisses, hardly breaking for air.

"Hey! Get a room!" Sam's voice called out cheerfully.

Eric jerked back and whacked his head against the car hard enough to see stars. He groaned in pain and held his head.

Callen sounded ticked when he called back, "Thanks, Sam."

"Anytime, buddy," Sam replied, laughter in his voice. "Take the boy home, wouldja? Nate needs to get Kensi out and he's blockin' the way."

Callen muttered something under his breath, but stepped back.

Eric felt cold without him there anymore and bit back a protest. Clearing his throat, he couldn't figure out where to look, so he just turned around to unlock his car.

Pressing up against him from behind, Callen told him, "We're not done. I'll meet you at your place."

Eric looked back at him and asked, "Surfing tomorrow?"

Callen grinned. "Sure. Why not? I'll have to borrow a suit though,"

Relaxing, remembering that yes, they did actually have things in common besides how he'd lusted after the man for a couple of years, Eric grinned back. "Great. Okay. I'll ah, I'll see you in a little while."

"Yeah, you will," Callen agreed, stealing his breath with another kiss.

A wolf-whistle caught his attention and he looked over to find Kensi, Dominic, Hetty, Sam, and Nate all standing in the doorway, watching. He groaned and ducked into his car as fast as humanly possible, face flaming with embarrassment.

Eric started laughing as he drove away, realizing, Well, at least they won't rag me about baking cookies after that.

If he was going to get teased, it should at least be for something worth the attention.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Nancy.
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