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Part 2 of Marriage
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Pizza for Four


Mulder and Scully are married in this and she's pregnant, but it's not primarily about them; it's more about Missy Scully and Agent Pendrell. Also, despite their marriage, this is not really one of the stories in my "married" series (the ones where Mulder and Scully got married in Las Vegas).


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Pizza for Four
by Angela W.

F.B.I. Special Agent Fox Mulder walked into his house and sighed. No Scully. Well, it wasn't like she hadn't warned him that she might have to work late tonight. Indeed, it was partially his fault; it had been the Violent Crimes squad that he was a part of that had delivered a ton of forensic evidence to Quantico that afternoon with a urgent request that the lab techs process it as soon as possible.

Still, he didn't like Scully working a lot of long hours now that she was pregnant. Special Agent Sean Pendrell, who worked closely with her in the labs, tended to be protective of her, too, though; he probably would have sent her home at five if there was anyway he could handle the workload on his own. Mulder punched the first button on the speed dial of his cell phone.

"Scully," Special Agent Dana Scully answered automatically as she picked up her cell phone.

"Hey, Scully, it's me. How are you doing?"

"I'm starving. Bring me a pizza."

Mulder chuckled. "Yes, dear, my day was fine, too."

Scully huffed into the phone. "Look, Mulder, you're the one who's responsible for both the fact that I'm pregnant and the fact that I'm probably going to be working 'til midnight. Bring. Me. A. Pizza."

"Hey, is Mulder bringing us a pizza?" Pendrell hollered in the background. "Tell him to get it with

mushrooms and Canadian bacon!"

"Do I have to feed Pendrell, too?" Mulder mock-grumbled. "It's not like I got *him* pregnant!"

"Yes, you do. Get an extra large pizza and the three of us can split it. Be here soon. And, Mulder?"

"Yeah, Scully?"

"I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetheart. I'll have the pizza up there within an hour."

As soon as Mulder had hung up his cell phone, the home phone on the kitchen counter rang. "Mulder," he answered automatically.

"Why can't you two ever answer your phone with 'Hello', the way normal people do?" his sister-in-law inquired.

"Hello, Missy. What's up?"

"I just called to chat with Dana, find out how her pregnancy is going and other assorted girl talk stuff. Is she available?"

"Nope, she's still at work. In fact, I've just been entrusted with a top secret mission: to go pick up a pizza for her and Pendrell to eat for dinner. Want to come with me and hit on Lab Boy?"

Missy huffed into the phone, sounding remarkably like her sister. "Fox, I wish you'd stop referring to Sean by that ridiculous nickname. But, yes, I'd like to come with you."

"Okay, I'm going to call in the order for the pizza. Then I'll pick you up, we'll go get the pizza and head out to Quantico. See you in a bit."

"Great. Bye."


Pendrell sighed as he squinted into the microscope. Another thrilling night spent with, as far as he was concerned, the *wrong* Scully sister. It wasn't that he didn't like Dana; he actually liked her a lot and enjoyed working with her. But ever since meeting Melissa at Mulder and Scully's wedding five months earlier, he'd been trying to get a relationship established with her. He'd succeeded up to a point -- they'd been out on several dates and talked on the phone frequently -- but, so far, their physical relationship had remained on the high school level; they'd kissed and cuddled a bit, but nothing beyond that. Pendrell kept telling himself that there might be any number of reasons for that. . .like because Missy was Catholic, for example, or because he so frequently had to break dates with her due to work-related circumstances. Things had been complicated by the fact that, within a month of returning from her honeymoon, Dana had started experiencing the fatigue and morning sickness of pregnancy and Pendrell had felt an obligation to take on as much of their mutual workload as possible, so she could get as more rest.

There was a loud knock on the lab door. "Pizza delivery!" Mulder hollered out.

"Come in," Scully and Pendrell said simultaneously.

Mulder walked in, carrying a pizza. . .followed by Missy carrying an cardboard container of soft drinks.

"Missy?!" Pendrell asked, wondering if he'd been working *way* too hard and was starting to

experiencing hallucinations.

"Missy, what are you doing here?" Dana asked.

"Um, I called your house to talk to you and Fox told me he was on the way up here to have dinner with you and Sean. He said it was all right if I came along, too," Missy said. She was beginning to wonder if maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Maybe Sean would think she was being too pushy, showing up at his workplace like this.

"Enough chitchat," Mulder declared. "The aroma of this pizza has been driving me crazy ever since I picked it up. Let's eat."

Conversation was kept to a minimum as the four of them settled down at a clear table near the back of the lab and dove into the pizza. Pendrell actually spent more time staring at Missy than he did eating. God, she was gorgeous! And it had been really sweet of her to come up here and have dinner with him. Maybe they were making some progress in their relationship after all.

Missy's earlier uneasiness was beginning to dissolve. Sean certainly didn't *look* like he was mad at her. He more looked like he wanted to kiss her. She wondered if he'd have a chance. She hoped so; he was a surprisingly good kisser.

As soon as the pizza was finished, Mulder stood up and said, "Come on out in the corridor with me, Scully. There's something I need to talk to you about."

Scully followed her husband out of the labs, wondering what he had to say that couldn't be said in front of the other two. Pendrell had the same security clearance she did. Missy, of course, technically wasn't cleared to hear any kind of information on an on-going case. . .but, for heaven's sake, she was her own sister!

As soon as the door closed behind them, though, Scully realized that "talking" was exactly what Mulder had in mind. He framed her face with his hands and brought his mouth down to hers. It was a nice, long, deep kiss and Scully enjoyed it thoroughly.

"I think you lured me out into the corridor under false pretenses, G-Man," she murmured, resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.

"Well, I always enjoy kissing you," Mulder pointed out. "But the main reason we had to leave the lab was that I was going to hurl if I had to watch Missy and Pendrell make goo-goo eyes at each other any longer. I thought they were going to jump each other right there on top of the pizza."

Scully chuckled softly. "Now you know how Pendrell feels when we act that way in front of him. No wonder the poor guy always goes on a coffee break the moment you arrive at the labs!"

Mulder sighed and shook his head. "Missy and Pendrell. I would have never, in a million years, dreamed those two would hook up."

"It's not any different than the two of us; I think several other agents nearly had coronaries when we announced our engagement. After all, when we first partnered together, everybody knew you pretty much regarded me as a spy."

"Any chance I could take you home and leave Missy up here with Pendrell?" he asked. "That way, everybody would be happy."

"Everybody but Assistant Director Skinner," Scully pointed out dryly. "I think he might be somewhat displeased to find out Pendrell and I spent the evening getting busy with our respective significant others, rather than finishing our lab work."

"Maybe we could pair Skinner up with your Mom," Mulder suggested. "That way, he'd have a Scully woman of his own and would understand why Pendrell and I did it."

Scully rolled her eyes and shook her head.


Pendrell gathered up the empty pizza box, cups and used napkins and tossed them in the trash.When he turned from his task, Melissa was right behind him. If he'd had time to think about his next move, he probably would have hesitated; instead, operating purely on instinct, he backed her against the wall and kissed her.

Melissa felt the now-familiar skyrockets go off in the pit of her stomach when their mouths met. Every time she and Sean kissed, she was reminded of the romance novels she used to read when in her early teens. The books had always made it sound as if kissing was the most wonderful experience in the world. When she got a little older and actually started making out with guys, she'd been a bit disappointed; kissing was nice enough, but not nearly as exciting as the books made it sound. In the past few months, she'd come to the conclusion that the books hadn't misled her. . .she'd simply been kissing the wrong guys. Who knew that science geeks kissed better than surfer dudes or Navy pilots?

"Thanks for coming up to have dinner with me, Missy. I'm sorry I've had to work so many long hours lately. With me being up here so much. . .I know it's hard for you."

"Is the pun intended, Sean?" Missy added, moving her lower body seductively against his.

At any other time, such an outspoken reference to his obvious arousal might have embarrased Pendrell, but he was still in an euphoric daze from kissing Missy, so he simply murmured, "That's not a pun in my pocket; I'm just happy to see you."

Missy burst into delighted laughter. One of the things she always looked for in a man was an ability to take a lighthearted attitude toward sex, and make occasional private jokes about it, rather than being deadly serious about it all the time. God, she wished Sean could just come home with her tonight, instead of having to stay up here with Dana.

"What's so funny?" Mulder asked as he and Scully strolled back into the labs.

"Private joke," Pendrell replied tersely.


"Well, come on, Missy. We need to go so they can get back to work. Dana needs to get home at a decent hour so she can get some rest."

"Yeah, okay. Bye, Dana," Missy said, brushing her sister's cheek lightly with her lips. "Give me a call when you're not working or tired or, um. . busy." She glanced pointedly at her brother-in-law's mouth at the last word; he now had Dana's lipstick smeared along his lower lip. Mulder took the hint and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, but otherwise seemed unperturbed at Missy's reference to their hallway kiss.

"Bye, Sean," she murmured quickly.

"Bye, babe," he replied, dropping a quick kiss on her cheek. "I'll really, truly do my best to get some of this workload cleared so we can get together this weekend."

"I'd like that, but if you can't. . .I'll wait." Missy knew this wasn't the way the game was played, that a woman wasn't ever supposed to make it so obvious that she was simply going to be sitting around her apartment waiting for a phone call from a man who had yet to make any sort of formal committment to her. But she simply didn't care. In a way, that second kiss had thrilled her more than the first one. It hadn't been as physically stimulating, but the fact that he'd be so openly affectionate in front of her family/his co-workers when she knew how basically shy he was, was a very encouraging sign. Plus, she knew that one of the reasons he'd been pulling such long hours was to relieve the stress on Dana, and she appreciated that.


Once Mulder and Missy had left, Scully glanced over at her co-worker and asked, "So, are you going to tell me what you said to crack Missy up like that?"

"Sure," Pendrell replied dryly, "Right after you explain to me why the phrase 'iced tea' always sends you and Mulder into hysterics."


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This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Angela W.
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