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Part 2 of Vampire & Werewolves
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Fangs & Romance


There are such things as Vampire. Gibbs and his team are a clan. There is a new NCIS Agent that comes in to view that is when Gibbs finds his mate. Ever vampire or damphire has a destine mate. Gibbs finds his but finds it hard to get his mate to agree to be with him.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Disclaimer: I do not own the show or the characters of NCIS. I am not associated with the owner of the character or the show.

Chapter Text

Vampire facts for my fan fiction

Heart does beat.

They do breath.

They can come out in the day.

They can eat food and drink liquids.

Lick of the tongue can heal a wound.

Two vampires can’t have a child together.

They have heightened senses and heightened reflexes.

Every Vampire has a mate, either a dampire or a mortal.

For a vampire to be born, one parent is a vampire the other is a dampire.

They cannot be turned - all vampires are born, not turned, into a vampire.

Drink blood which helps them keep their gifts going strong and maintain their health.

Every vampire has a mate, which is either a dampire or a mortal. Their blood is the best blood the vampire has ever had, it’s almost addictive, to the point that however much they drink from someone else, they never feel full until they have had their mate’s blood.


Dampire facts for my fan fiction.

About all the same as a vampire except.

There heightened reflexes are way stronger.

If they don’t drink blood they’re basically mortals.

They can also drink blood to keep their gifts strong and their good health.

One parent is either dampire or vampire, the other one is mortal.

Their senses are not as strong as a vampire, but are stronger than a mortal’s.

Every dampire has a mate which is either vampire or mortal. Their blood is the best blood the dampire has ever had, it’s almost addictive, to the point that however much they drink from someone else, they never feel full until they have had their mate’s blood.


I had watched Gibbs a little and noticed some small signs indicating that he was probably a vampire. So I called a friend who was a vampire detective, he knew the names of a lot of the families. He got back to me later and told me that Gibbs’ father was a dampire and his mother a vampire. Both were good people, they protected their town, especially from roaming vampires coming around. I had sighed with relief, Gibbs was a damn good detective and member of the NCIS team. My friend had also told me that there was a clan of vampires and dampires. Gibbs was the head of the clan. Gibbs and his team were currently helping me on a case.

It was just me and Gibbs as we entered the back yard, we were on a stake out. I leaned back and looked out of the window.

“You know, my main problem is when I have a fresh body or I’m around fresh human blood! I hate having fangs because all that happens is they grow when I’m around people that don’t need to know what I am.” Gibbs looked at me out of the side of his eye. He didn’t turn his head but I felt him look at me for a second.

 “How did you find out?” I shrugged as I looked at the house.

“A few things you did throughout the day that caught my attention. I called an old friend and asked them to look at your family history. Father was in the Air Force and was a dampire, and your mother was a home maker as well as a vampire.” I stood up and walked to the mini fridge we had there. I leaned against the wall. I slid my hands through my raven black hair. I wore a form fitting tank top with khaki pants that hung on my hips along with some combat boots. He looked at me. “When is the last time you fed? You look like shit and it shows more at night, for our race, if we haven’t fed for a while.”

I sat back down and looked out of the window. I handed him his cup back, filled with coffee and I popped the tab of my soda. I set my soda down and picked up the machine that was showing us what was happening in house we were watching and letting us hear what was going on in there too.

“About a year! I’ve not had a drink of blood since… There was one person I trusted to drink from but when he died, I just have not had the heart to find someone else to feed from.” He sighed softly and bit into his wrist. He was holding a plate under his wrist, the bite wasn’t deep enough, one of us needed to bite in the rest of the way.

“You need to feed, even if it’s just a little from me. A year and you won’t be able to face down another vampire in a fight.”

He slid his hands into my hair, my fangs had already grown. A soft growl came from me as he guided my lips to his wrist and I whimpered softly, sinking my fangs in and drinking. I could hear him growling too. The bite was erotic to both the person being bitten and the biter. For vampires, on the good side, it was more something you did with a lover or a good friend. I drew back and turned to hide my fangs, licking them softly and letting them reduce back to normal. I pushed into the bathroom, slamming the door.

I could already feel the bond taking hold! The need to be by his side and protect him at all times. His blood was the sweetest I’d ever had and it calmed me, unlike anyone else’s ever had, after feeding off them. I had always been told that if your parent was a vampire or dampire, the only blood that would calm you like that, was that of your mate. I rinsed my mouth out and came out, I looked out at the house across the street. He looked to me. “You okay? It’s been awhile since you fed.”

I nodded as I looked out across the street. I saw a man walking up, I nodded at him and we watched him go down the ally.

“We go together and you cover me, Gibbs. Sound good to you?”

He nodded and we both headed out of the apartment. We started to walk down the ally, we had got a good view of the guy, it was definitely the one we were after. The blood was helping, I could see better in the dark than I had in almost a year. I made my way down to look for him, spotting him I pulled my revolver and aimed at his head.

“Freeze, NCIS.”

I heard a grunt from behind me. I turned, there was someone there and they had sliced at Gibbs’ right arm, so I did the best thing I could as I heard the other one shoot. I looked at Gibbs as he went down, thinking it was good because he was ducking. I shot the guy with the knife that was trying to get Gibbs. I felt the sting in my shoulder as I turned around shot him between the eyes. I looked at my shoulder, just a flesh wound, good. I moved to Gibbs and eased him to lean against the wall as I looked over his wound. I pulled a bandana out of my pocket and wrapped the wound, tying it tight to stop the bleeding. Before Gibbs could say anything, I stood up and made a call for an ambulance and then one to Ducky, telling him we had two bodies. I leaned against the wall, across from Gibbs, in the ally. He looked at me, as I spoke first.

“Going to need some stitches but otherwise you didn’t lose a lot of blood.” I used the second bandana on my shoulder, I used my teeth to tie it. He looked and sighed.

“You’re more wounded than I am and you just saved my life. He would have cut me more and I would have died.” I shook my head.

“Shut up, Gibbs! You’re not the kind of man that says thank you! I’m going to go and wave down the ambulance. Stay there!”

I moved before he could say anything else. I had protected him before I had protected myself. I could have done it the other way around and Gibbs wouldn’t be anymore wounded. But Gibbs, the man who was my mate, came first. But like I was going to tell him that we’re mated to each other! I was better off alone and he was better off without me. We were taken to the hospital in two different ambulances. I had lost a little more blood than Gibbs. He made his way to my room and I looked at him as I was getting dressed. He wordlessly handed me a flask. He looked at me and I knew what was in it.

“You couldn’t have given this to me in the apartment?” I let the blood slide down my throat from the flask. It was a good day old, but I handed it back to him before drinking some water to rinse the blood from my mouth. He just looked at me.

“Didn’t think about it then.” He slid the flask back into his jacket pocket. The team must have brought it him, along with his other clothes from the apartment. I wish he had because I didn’t want to know that he was my mate! Now I had the need to drink from him, right now!

“I’m headed back to the office to work on my report. Thanks.” He looked at me and growled some.

“Like hell you are, you need to get some rest. You still took some damage to your arm. You need to, at least, get a good nights sleep. Director’s orders, not just mine. He is a dampire.” I sighed, great this wasn’t really what I was looking for! I was hoping I would be the only one on the job. On the good side, our race watched each others backs. I grabbed my wallet, slid my badge and gun on and walked to the door.

“Fine, I’ll go home.” He was an elder, compared to me, and I knew it! I was about twenty eight years old and he was in his mid thirties. He followed me out.

“I’ll give you a ride home.” I walked out while turning my head to look at him.

“No thanks! I don’t mind following orders because you’re an elder over me, and the Director backs you up about me going home. I’ve called a cab, so don’t worry about seeing me home.” I leaned against the wall, waiting for the cab as he looked at me.

“You don’t have to be such a loner! There are others in D.C. that would welcome you into our clan.” He took my hand, he was more powerful than me. He led me to his car and I sighed as I got in and leaned back. When he got in, I laughed softly.

“No thanks! I do things alone. I hunt down the evil of our race alone. Don’t want to join another clan, to just lose them.” I heard him growl as he drove off, after I’d given him directions to my studio apartment.

“Are you suicidal or something? Working alone only leads to you dying an early death!” I looked out of the window.

“Ding! Ding! Give the man a prize, he guessed it!” He pulled into the garage of a house and closed the garage door.

“That’s not funny! You are a damn good agent and living isn’t that bad.” I looked around and sighed.

“Looks like I’ll walk home! My place isn’t that far from here.” He looked at me and growled.

“Like hell you are. You need some where to rest where there’s someone else there, just incase. I’m the head of our clan and you need watching. That’s an order from a elder!” I headed in and then headed for the door. In a flash, he was in front of the door.

“You may be the elder of your clan, but I am not part of your clan. I’ll call a cab and I’ll wait out side for it to get here. You can rest assured, I’m heading home.” He pushed me towards the living room and down onto the couch and looked me in the eyes.

“You may not care if you die early, but I do. You are a damn good agent and a strong dampire. They are always needed in the world. We don’t need to lose you until it’s your time to die, when you’re old!” I looked at him and gave a soft sigh.

“I don’t give a shit what you think about me, or what you want me to do! I am not looking for cases where someone’s going to kill me. I don’t need a mentor or someone telling me what to because it’s better for me!” I thought about it and beat him before he could speak. “So Abby, Ducky, Tim, Tony and Ziva are part of your clan? Along the director and his mate?” He nodded some and looked at me.

“Tim, Ziva and Tony are all vampires. Abby is a dampire, she is Tim’s mate. Ducky is the only mortal of the group, but some times he needs to cover for us with the dead bodies. He is a trusted friend. The director and his wife are part of the clan. Tony, Ziva and my self have not found our mates yet. The director’s wife is our second mortal of the clan.” I leaned back some.

“So four vampires, two dampires and two mortals. Good medium size clan, it’s better to keep it that size then having big ones. I had my clan and I lost my clan. I have been working alone for ten years now. I am good as I am, I don’t need a clan. You need my help here and there, just ask, but I won’t join you.” He looked at me, leaning against the wall.

“So, you were about eighteen when you lost your clan?” I stood up and looked over to him.

“Just tell me where this spare room is, so I can sleep! Then I’ll get out of here and you can leave me alone, finally.”

As an elder, I knew he probably had the power of being a pathfinder of sorts; the ones he drinks from he will be able to tell where they are, in case of danger, so he can find them. It’s only elders that are given the gift of a pathfinder, from another elder, when he earns the right to be an elder. He sighed softly as he led me up to the top floor and to the spare room. He stopped me and looked at me.

“I know you’re against this, but think about being part of the clan.”

I sighed and nodded, then walked in and closed the door. I got under the covers, laying my head down on the pillow. I know that there’s a need for our race to mate and be with our mates. So our race does not die out. Why Gibbs was chosen as my mate I had no idea because we’d be butting heads all the time. I missed them! My mother had been raped and she had left me with a family that ended up being a small clan. They took me in and they trained me, they were good to me. We didn’t have much fun, we trained more than we had fun. I just laid there and rested my head on the pillow. Letting myself fall asleep, I dreamed of Gibbs.

I woke up about 06:00 and headed downstairs. Gibbs was already down, drinking some coffee.

“See ya!” He walked over to me and looked at me.

“Let me check your wound and make sure its healing right, first.” I took a deep breath and I headed to the door again.

“Checked on it already. It’s fine. I just want to get to my place and lay back and drink a beer, get some more sleep.” He growled at me! Yeah, if he found out I was his mate and we got together, we’d be butting heads all the fucking time! He watched me.

“You are stubborn as hell! Have you thought about joining the clan?” I opened the door.

“Yes, and the answer is the same! I don’t want to join but if you need help, you can ask me.”

I walked out before he could say anything and I closed the door on him. I started to jog along the side walk, heading home! I could run for miles and my place was a good five miles from here but if I got tired, I would call a cab. I worked my body as I ran, it felt good after everything that had gone on. My mind, on the other hand, couldn’t get off my mate! Abby was right, he is a Sexy Silver Fox. Good heart and a good person. Problem was, he’s as stubborn as I am and that means we were going to butt heads a lot. I got to my place and went in. I took a hot shower and dressed in some clean clothes. I sat and drank a beer before I went to sleep! All weekend I slept, and all my dreams were filled with my mate making love to me or just us doing things together.

I went to work on the Monday and I was told that the Director wanted to talk to me. I had come in last night and finished the report for the case I’d worked with Gibbs and his team. God, I hope nothing was wrong with that! I got upstairs and there was Gibbs and Director Morrow. I leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath.

“Spill it, why am I here?” Morrow looked at me.

“You well be joining Gibbs’ team. There’s no choice here, he needs another team member and you have the skills and training.” I shrugged.

“Fine, whatever.”

I walked out before they could say anything else. I moved downstairs and started to dump things into a box to take to my new desk. The only one there was to Gibbs left, across from McGee. I also tossed my gun and badge in there and shook my head. Well, he was smart! I wasn’t going to join his clan but being part of his team, he can watch over me. Gibbs walked over.

“We had more to talk about, Ash.” I looked him in the eyes.

“Did it have anything to do with the job? ‘Cause all I needed to know was told to me! I am working for you now. If it had anything to do about the clan of yours, then I didn’t want to hear it. So, was it about the job? ‘Cause if so, I’ll go back.”

He just growled at me and headed to the bull pen and sat down. I carried my stuff over and set it on my new desk. The team’s actions show me that they were expecting this, they probably had a meeting this weekend, trying to figure out how to get me in the clan. I put everything in my desk, slide my badge and gun on, hearing him on the phone (my hearing was strong) and I grabbed my bag, seems we have a crime scene. I had been a CSI before this and before that, Detective in New York City. I headed to the elevator as I heard him say we had a case, I leaned against the wall letting the team talk. I just kept quiet as Tony turned to me.

“Come on, who do you think is more beautiful, Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba?” I slid my hands through my hair some. Okay, Tony I liked! He was energetic and liked movies like I did.

“Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.” Tony snapped his fingers.

“You’re right, classic beauty! You’ve got to add Judy Garland and Grace Kelly.” I nodded some.

“Got to love Wizard of Oz.” I named of some old black and whites.

“I do have to say that the new Ocean Eleven was a bit better the original.” Tony nodded.

“Agreed there, but Julia Roberts needs to take it easy with that smile!” We got down there and I had to smile at Tony. He had that right, she was a beautiful woman when she wasn’t ear to ear smiling! Gibbs groaned.

“Ash, you’re with me. The rest of you are taking the forensic van.” I slid in and he set off. As he drove along he looked to me.

“Well, you’re getting along with Tony!” I looked over for a second.

“First time he flirted with me, he used a Sinatra move from a movie. I let him down hard, but then we got started talking about movies, something we’re both into. I am more into the old black and whites and a lot of the color movies that came out after black and white movies.” Gibbs looked at me with a raised brow.

“Tony isn’t your type?” I laughed and leaned back.

“Tony is the type that get’s bored of a girl! He hasn’t meet his dream girl. I am not it and he does have good qualities that I enjoy, like his comical side and he’s always so up beat. But me and Tony wouldn’t work out! Plus, he cut his finger once, in the break room, I did the first thing that came to me, I sucked on it and softly stroked it with my tongue. I healed it and put a band aid on it before he noticed that I’d healed it. He isn’t my mate. I don’t really want either a mate, or a boyfriend. I am good alone.” He nodded some, looking out.

“The funny thing is, vampire and dampires are destined to love one person and we know they’re out there unless they have died. The hard thing for me is waiting and looking. Tony just goes from girl to girl ‘cause he’s lonely. Ziva’s mate died and she is dedicated to the job! She wants to do good cause that’s what they did together. It keeps his memory going.” I nodded and looked outside.

“Yeah, we had someone in our clan that was the same way. He still dated here and there, ‘cause we all have hormones. Most of our clan had their mates but there were two, I think, that had not found their mates and two that had lost theie mates. I had taken some wounds from a mission we had, before the one that killed them all. Only reason I was the only that lived.” He nodded as he drove.

“Do you know who they were after, when they all died?” I nodded some.

“I do and I have killed about three of them, so far. I get them when they’re alone. The good thing is a vampire or dampire can tell if someone is one of them, just by seeing them. I think the last I checked there is about four left in their clan, unless they’re getting new members.” He looked at me.

“Why don’t you let me know who they are and my clan will go after them and you can tag along?” I didn’t look at him. I was touched that he wanted to help. We arrived at the crime scene.

“I’ll think about it Gibbs.”

I headed out and we worked the scene. I listened to what Ducky said, as I started to gather evidence. We were almost done when a piece of glass sliced along my palm. I grunted and stood up before rushing out of the crime scene, holding my wrist. Ducky came over and looked at my hand.

“Deep cut, my dear. It will need stitches, unless you want someone to lick it, to heal it.”

Unlike what people think, we didn’t heal ourselves, not vampire or dampire. I felt Gibbs grab my hand and his tongue slid over the cut. I was trying to get away. He got it half healed as I put my foot on his chest and shoved him off me. I lowered my head, licking the rest of the wound and healing it.

“Boss or not, you’re never going to ever fucking do that again!”

I walked over to a corner and put some water on the hand, washing the blood away. He was looking at me. Ducky came over and looked over my hand, making sure it was all healed. He cleaned the rest of the blood off with gauze as Gibbs walked over.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I looked at him, I wasn’t going to answer him.

“None of your business, and we have a case to work on.” He growled low, the rest of the team had been coming back.

“You are my mate and you didn’t tell me! You fed ‘cause you needed blood from me. You knew that you’re my mate and you didn’t say a damn thing!” The team was looking at me, shocked for the fact that to be Gibbs’ mate meant a lot, since he was the elder of the clan. I looked at him and shrugged.

“Didn’t want to and still don’t want this. I want to do my work and go home. Don’t need a man dragging me down, with what I do for a living, in and out of work.” He looked at me and he growled softly.

“You know the importance of having a mate!” I looked to him.

“Like I said, we have a case to work and a murderer to find! I don’t want to talk about this ‘cause I don’t want it!”

He growled at me as I walked away to help the team load the evidence. We worked the case. I knew he was being even more of a bastard than normal and that was my fault. I don’t want a relationship and I am not going to be forced in to one. I’d closed my heart off at eighteen and I was keeping it that way! It was wrong to be someone’s mate when you can’t love them. When we were done, I headed home. I sat down, drinking a beer, and put on an old movie. I was watching it when there was a knock on my door.

“Open!” I had a clue who it was! Gibbs walked in and sat down. He leaned back, looking at the movie.

“We need to talk about this, and you know it.” I turned off the Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin movie and stood up to go and grab another beer.

“Not really! I am unwilling so you can go and find yourself another dampire, or mortal female, to help you bring a child into the world. I’ll probably be jealous because of the emotional bond that we have. But I don’t want to even try to have a relationship. You deserve to have someone, so have fun with that.” He pinned me softly against the wall, he had moved fast.

“I want no one else. You’re right, the taste of your blood gave me that emotional bond. You are the one I am destined to be with for the rest of my life, and I want that.” I sighed softly and I touched his chest, not pushing him away.

“Sorry. I can’t give you what you want. You’re as close as your going to get, you’ve got me on your team, that’s about as far as I will go!” He looked at me and then he nuzzled my neck and I closed my eyes. His hands slide down to my hips, it felt so good to be held by him. I kissed his forehead softly. “I am sorry it has to be this way, Gibbs, but I don’t want to fight about my own choice.” He backed up and ran his hands over my face slowly and whispered.

“I will not let this go, but for tonight only, I will. I need to be close to you tonight. Can I sleep on your couch?”

The one thing about the bond that I knew I would hate, was that once I found my mate it would be hell to be away from them. It feels like a little piece of you is gone. It was part of the life we all had, but he had just found me, so he wanted to be close. I took a deep breath as I looked into his eyes and I nodded. I walked back and sat down with a beer and started to watch the movie again. He took a beer and leaned back. We actually enjoyed sitting in silence, watching the movie. When the movie was over I grabbed the two empty bottles and tossed them. Then I came back handed him a pillow and a cover. I looked at him but I didn’t smile. I wanted to, he looked relaxed and it was a nice thing to see, he was always so, well, he wasn’t usually relaxed!

“Sleep well, Gibbs.” He nodded to me. He had a look on his face and I knew he wanted to share my bed and be closer.

“Goodnight, Ash.”

I headed to bed because that’s where I wanted him to be as well. I made my way to my room and went to bed. I laid there, thinking about all this. Maybe being his mate wouldn’t be so bad, I could still keep my heart closed, right? No, I couldn’t! We’ll see where things go, if I stick around to allow this to go somewhere. I was already thinking about moving back to New York City and just going back to being a CSI there.