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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Pellax Solvo Clinic


AN: This is all Sam's fault. I posted another fic and this caused her to ask for kink for our favorite boys; that, in turn caused her to feed the plot bunnies miracle grow and mega vitamins. Needless to say this series was born and yes, I said *series*.
In this universe, homosexuality is as readily accepted as heterosexuality. There are special clinics set up for sexual and physical release; think of it as we would approach therapy today. The people that deal with the patients are all doctors, nurses, etc. The clients of this particular clinic are rich, powerful – and some are dangerous individuals.
Gibbs, Grissom, Horatio, Riddick, Warrick, and Mac are the owners of a high powered company. This series will revolve around their visits to an exclusive clinic and the 'treatment' they receive.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - The Introduction


Fandom: CSI: Vegas, Miami, New York and NCIS, Riddick, Buffy
Archive: Any list I send it to and those with prior permission, and Beyond Canon
Warnings: AU
Series/Sequel: Pellax Solvo Clinic Series
Pairing: None – at the moment

Chapter Text

Pellax Solvo Clinic
by CaliaDragon

Mac Taylor sighed as he waited for his consultant to come in and talk to him about the paperwork for his first visit to the Pellax Solvo clinic. He had been referred to the clinic by a friend and former colleague Yelina Salas. She now ran the top security company in the world and they still had a working relationship with one another. He knew his partners were in similar rooms waiting for similar meetings.

The last few months had been hard on all of the partners as they had run into interference with one of their new plants by raiders. They had gone down and personally dealt with the problem, but it had led to each of them being injured in someway and it had also ended in a great deal of stress. That was why Yelina had recommended the clinic to them.

The clinic was so exclusive that you literally had to know someone to be able to even get an appointment. It wasn't that they were classicists it was that they had had more than one instance of someone trying to kidnap a staff member of the clinic. Mac could remember reading in the news how two wealthy diplomats had tried to kidnap the two youngest doctors on the staff. It was their security force, a Jim Brass and his employees that had actually rescued Doctors Harris and Sanders from the Cruz brothers. It was after they had been rescued that the clinic became exclusive. They did intense background checks and you had to have at least two reputable references to be seen by the clinic. Mac just hoped they hurried up; he was getting tired of waiting.


Gibbs paced the small room a frown on his face. He hated waiting, hated the fact that he had to wait even more. However, like his partners he needed the help the clinic would provide. This was, of course, something that grated on him extensively. The last few months had been hard on him, hard on all of them.

Jethro Gibbs didn't like admitting weakness and hadn't got to his place as one of the top businessmen in the world by allowing weakness. He knew the clinic was completely private and no one would ever know what happened there, it was the only reason he had gone along with Yelina's suggestion to begin with.

What he wanted was someone to bend to his will, but he also needed someone to excite him and keep him on his toes. Unfortunately the only one who had ever been able to do that was his wife and she had died six years earlier, along with Gil and Mac's wives. Since Kate's death he had been unable to allow anyone else close to him. That wasn't to say that he had been celibate, he hadn't, but no one had been able to touch him the way that Kate had. He couldn't bring himself to go to any of his casual lovers, not now, not when they wanted a giving lover and he just wanted to indulge himself with a wiling and strong partner.

Sighing, Jethro sat back down and waited to see who and what would be offered to him.


Warrick sat calmly, his mind at rest. He was confident that he would be accepted by the clinic, just as he was confident that he and his partners, his friends, would get over what had been happening over the last few months. Warrick knew what he wanted from the clinic and he knew the type of lover he wanted.

A smiled played across his lips as he thought of the lover he had had three years ago. A lover he had lost to too much traveling and too much secrecy on his part. He missed the man with an almost encompassing longing. Warrick knew that the chance of finding him again was slim to none, but he also knew that for a few hours and as many visits as he wished he would have a similar lover once again.


Gil was looking out the window of the small room he was waiting in and thinking of what he wished for out of this treatment. Treatment? That brought a wry smile to his pleasant, handsome face. Gil Grissom was by nature a quiet man who stayed away from others. In the last few years he only socialized with the men he was partnered in business with.  They were his only friends. He had become even more introverted by the death of his beautiful Catherine. Her death had rocked the foundations of his world and sent him away from others. His daughter's death a year later had nearly destroyed him. If it had not been for his friends he would have followed them both into the grave.

The last few months fighting off the raiders, stopping the destruction of their plant and keeping their employees safe had taken a lot out of him and the others. Gil was hoping for someone vivacious to perk up his life for a short while and to help him get over the stress carefully. He had requested a younger member of the staff, someone who would be smart enough to handle their conversations, but still exuberant enough to amuse him.


Horatio looked out on the Miami coastline with cool blue eyes; he watched the ships in the harbor and smiled slightly. A year ago, even four months ago if his ex sister-in-law had suggested that they come to this clinic for treatment he would have laughed in her face. If there was one thing Horatio Caine did not need, it was help relieving his stress. When he went to the clubs or looking for a lover he had to turn them away.

Horatio was a dominant person, both in his work and out of it. He was the one in control when he chose a lover. He and Riddick shared similar tastes and went to the same clubs. Both of them practically had to beat the bottoms off the last time they went to the Dungeon. He loved going to the clubs usually, but not this time.

He needed more than one lover and he needed a particular kind. He also needed someone who would be discreet and still strong enough to handle just what he wanted and needed. This was something he hoped to receive here at the clinic.


Riddick sat with his back to the window, his eyes still covered by his sunglasses. The view held no interest for a man with silver eyes. Riddick was more interested in the picture in his mind. He knew who and what he wanted when he walked through the doors of the clinic. The boy's face was seared into his memory.

When Yelina made the suggestion that they come to the clinic Riddick had decided to research and see if they could handle what he wanted and expected in a lover. What he found was promising. The picture of the boy, the young doctor that had been kidnapped by the Cruz brothers was the first thing to catch his attention.

In the boy's interviews with the police, and yes he had hacked into their database, he saw what he wanted. A lover who could stand up to his games and match him. When he came in and filled out the questionnaire he made it clear that if they accepted him, he wanted Xander Harris.

Richard B. Riddick always got what he wanted.

