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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

A Demon's Delight


Summary: Xander wanted to save his family, but knew that causing a demon delight was dangerous.

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A Demon's Delight
by CaliaDragon



Xander sighed and rubbed his aching forehead. He was exhausted and had been that way since the night Buffy died. He knew something bad was happening in Sunnydale. Not just the loss of Buffy, but Willow as well.

He knew that his old friend was up to something bad. He had written down the spell she wanted to use to raise Buffy. The one that she kept telling him would pull Buffy from hell. Yet, she also was using other spells. He had finally figured out that she had used a spell to get Giles to return to England. What had made him see what she was doing was her claim that Xander had gotten drunk and given her control of the Scoobies. He would never have done that, not with the way Willow was becoming addicted to her magick.

He figured she had spelled him. What hurt was that she had also magicked Tara and Anya. Tara who had suffered so badly at the hands of others. It made Xander cringe. Anya was pissed off now that her memories had returned and she was leaving Sunnydale. Hallie had already come to get her and Xander wished them both well.

What was left was to get the remainder of the Scoobies off the Hellmouth and to safety. Xander knew he was going to die in this town. There was no way he could leave, not with the threat of the hellmouth. He sighed and stood, stretching his back and leaving his apartment.

His first stop was Spike, it was after dark so the vampire could come with him safely. Spike was confused as to what the boy wanted, but didn't fight his request. When they reached the house, Dawn and Tara were there. They were all confused and worried about the fact that Xander was unusually quiet.

“What's the what?” Dawn asked with a slight smile.

“I need you all to leave Sunnydale, tonight. Anya is already gone. I will be staying. You can't contact me, you can't come back to Sunnydale. I have charms that Hallie made for you, that will make you immune to magickal detection. You need to wear them at all times.” Xander said tiredly.

“Why?” Tara asked confused.

Xander told her what he knew and the three were stunned. Spike shook his head. “Bringing the Slayer back could bring hell on earth.” Spike growled out.

Xander closed his eyes and fought tears, that was what he had thought. “Hallie will be back in a while, she's going to take you all to Giles and explain to him what is going on.”

“What about you?” Dawn asked.

Xander opened his eyes and smiled tiredly. “I stay, Hallie is going to grant a wish for me. She can't bring Buffy back, but she can make it so that Faith returns to Sunnydale without a criminal record. Sunnydale needs a slayer and a slayer needs backup.”

“Willow?” Tara asked.

“Hallie has connections to a coven, she's going to take her there and get her some help. Afterwards she's going to join the rest of you. The fact that all of you are either related to or fought with Buffy makes it dangerous for you, so that is why you need the charms. I'll miss you guys, even you Bleachie.” Xander said with a sad smile.

“Come with us!” Dawn cried.

Xander pulled her into a hug. “I can't. I can't leave Faith alone here, and after how we all treated her I'm going to do my best to make it up to her."

Dawn cried, but was given no chance to protest as Hallie returned and with a look at Xander took the group away. Once they were gone, Xander wept. When he opened his eyes the house was different. It was empty and as he stood the couch disappeared. He sighed and left the house, there was a sign marked sold staked down in the front lawn. Xander went to Restview, to Buffy's grave and pulled the potion in his pocket out. He opened it and poured it over the grave. Once it reached Buffy it would cause her to dissolve. No one would ever be able to raise her or desecrate her body. Xandr went to Joyce and did the same thing.

He sighed as Hallie reappeared, she walked over and sat beside him, pulling him into a hug. “It will be alright Xander.” She promised.

Xander smiled wearily at her, believing her, but knowing he had lost his family. He wasn't sure why D'Hoffryn was giving her free reign in this matter, but he was grateful.

Hallie transported him to his new home, which was thankfully not Angel's old mansion. It a new house, built over the hellmouth instead of the High School that had been there. Xander quirked a smile. It would be hard to get to the portal now. He saw Faith sitting in a chair staring into a fire. Xander walked over and sat in the chair closest to her, watching as Hallie seated herself as well.

“Faith.” Xander greeted.

“Xan.” Faith said quietly. “What now?”

“I get you two help.” Hallie said.

“What kind of help?” Xander asked looking at her in question.

“Powerful help. There are several powerful warriors that have lost their way and are looking for a place to have a new life. Though they all want to continue to be able to help people. This will be the perfect opportunity for them to do so.” Hallie said smiling serenely.

D'Hoffryn wanted this wish granted more than anything. He wanted to make sure that the future of this dimension did not happen. To that end he was powering the wishes that Xander was making. The verbal ones and the quiet ones as well. Xander was getting help, but he was also stopping the rise of the First and Jasmine. He was stopping the fall of LA and the war between the Angels and the Devils minions.

Hallie smirked, Lucifer and Jehovah both were powerless to stop this wish. They were not in charge of D'Hoffryn or his people. D'Hoffryn was an equally powerful Demon God and they could not stop him.

The Winchester men would be coming to Sunnydale and with these wishes, none of the Fallen or the Angelic armies would be able to touch the brothers. The wish would also keep the rebirth of the Old One from happening. The group in LA, would live and continue to fight evil. The vampire Angel's spell would make his soul permanent. This would also return his true Seer Doyle and save the bright spirit of Cordelia Chase. She and Wesley would become mates as they were destined to become without the interference of the Powers.

The one change that had to be made would bring a further burden on Xander and Faith, but also help give him a reason to continue to fight and give him a child to care for. No one, not even the Seers would remember that Connor did not die with Darla. Instead, everyone would think that Connor was Faith and Xander's son.

Other children would be coming to the hellmouth for reasons Hallie did not know, D'Hoffryn and the other Gods wanted Xander to act as father to a wide variety of children. Including three young potentials.

Several immortals and a group that would be leaving Cardiff would come to the hellmouth to help them fight. Through D'Hoffryn's interference the police department was going through a radical change and would soon be run by competent police, including the group from Cardiff. Riley and Sam Finn with Graham Miller would be returning to help guard the children coming and the hellmouth.

Xander and Faith looked at Hallie in question, both aware that a demon's amusement wasn't always a good thing. She gave them another smirk and knocked them out while she went to work on the wishes. Halie stood rubbing her hands together in glee. This was going to be so much fun!



Castiel felt the shift of time and place and was shocked. Around him his fellow Angels were shocked and enraged. The plan they had worked on so diligently on would not longer happen. Castiel closed his eyes and felt peace fill him. This is what he Father wanted, Castiel opened his eyes, a smile of joy slowly spreading across his face. *Go to the Winchester's. Your place is with them.* The voice of his Father ordered. Castiel agreed and disappeared.


Lucifer sat on his throne and smirked as he felt the shift. He laughed low and seductively, so D'Hoffryn was showing them they weren't in perfect control. Lucifer had always liked the crafty old God. Lucifer looked over at his children and watched them react in anger. He chuckled again, this was going to be fun. The trio that had set out to change and destroy the Winchester clan were very vocal in their displeasure, causing Lucifer to laugh again.


The Doctor felt the shift in time and looked around him as the world literally went backwards for him. He closed his eyes against a sense of vertigo. When he opened his eyes again he was staring at Jack Harkness, a happy, flirty Jack. Jack's people Gwen, Ianto, Owen, and Tosh were standing at his side looking at the Doctor in confusion. “Doc, when did you get here?” Jack asked his smile showing he was happy to see him.

“Just now.” The Doctor said, his eyes shown with joy. Something told him the change was a good thing and while he was not supposed to fix things for his own good. He knew there were other creatures out that that did. The Doctor couldn't help but rejoice the fact when Donna walked in and began to sass him. He didn't know who had done this, but he could only sense it was for the best. The Doctor also sensed that the horrors that cost Ianto, Owen, and Tosh their lives would not happen. Nor would he loose Donna this time around.

“You're just in time Doc, we've gotten a new job. Unit is taking over Cardiff. We're on our way to Sunnydale California to take over the Police Department. Seems the town has its own form of the Rift.” Jack said.

“BLOODY HELL!” The Doctor yelled, Jack laughed.



Xander ran down the hall after a giggling toddler, passing a laughing Faith who was sitting on the couch helping their ward clean swords. He stuck his tongue out at his best friend and ex-lover. She just wiggled an eyebrow and went back to helping Rona clean the swords. Xander finally caught his son and Connor giggled as his Daddy tickled him. Xander grinned, his life was strange, but wonderful.
