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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Black


"It was a cool crisp morning, the sun was out and shinning brightly even though it was very early, but during the night a northern wind had blown up, chilling the air, a layer of frost covered the land with its icing of white. Each window pane etched with the delicate patterns Jack Frost had painted on them."

Work Text:

The Black
by Ciejye


It was a cool crisp morning, the sun was out and shinning brightly even though it was very early, but during the night a northern wind had blown up, chilling the air, a layer of frost covered the land with its icing of white. Each window pane etched with the delicate patterns Jack Frost had painted on them.

Little Joe peeked his nose out from under the warm covers, his sleepy mind barely registering the fact that someone, probably pa had come in during the night and covered him with the spare quilt. He loved this quilt it was the first one ever wrapped around him when he arrived, so tiny, newly born, to his loving parents. It remained on his bed or around his slender body almost constantly in the weeks that followed, its pattern of little houses comforted his reminding his this was home, Little Joe's nose was cold chilled by the air. He considered pulling it back under and returning to his slumber but two things pulled his shivering out of the bed. The first was the urgent need to visit the privy, the second was the stallion that had been brought in a few weeks before. Beautiful majestic animal, standing 22 handed tall, jet black with fire in his eye. It had them a week to get a bridle on him, then took 5 handed to saddle him,

Little Joe grinned in memory as he slipped out of the bed, and shivered into his clothing. Both of his brothers, and half the handed had tried to ride the beast, no one had stayed in the saddle for more than two seconds. Little Joe decided the night before that he would gentle the animal.

Little Joe remembered back to the day the black stallion was brought in.

* * * * * * * * * *


So wild and free, Little Joe had been drawn by his power and strength, He slipped under the fence railing, and walked toward him, his eyes losing sight of everything else, the sounds of the ranch stilling in the captivating majesty of the equine. Steadily Little Joe had walked closer keeping his eyes locked on his he could almost feel the wild thunder of his heart. His hand reached out as he neared, murmuring gentle soft words, the stallions widened but he did not bold, seeming to tolerate the tiny presence, that came so close .

Little Joe's fingers reached closer and closer then in an instant the stallion reared up, the sharp hooves inches from his face, Little Joe felt a tight grip on his collar, he choked as he was jerked back. The stallion nickered and whinnied, wheeling he galloped to the other end of the corral. Little Joe felt himself flying though the air. It took his a second to realize what was happening. By that time he was on the other side of the fence, his feet dangling off the ground being shaken by his very large and very angry eldest brother.

"What were you thinking Joseph" Adam snapped giving his baby brother another good shake.

"I was, I " Little Joe was at a loss, he wanted to touch the stallion to feel its power but he wasn't sure how to explain how he was drawn to it "why did you pull me out!" he demanded now angry with his brother.

"I know how to handle horses!"

Adam was not backing down "he almost killed you BRAT" Adam gave Little Joe another hard shake.

"Only because YOU scared him" Little Joe countered.

Adam growled and tucked his brother under his arm, and walked away briskly to the bench by the barn.

Little Joe kicked and squirmed, but Adam held his tightly. He sat down on the bench and placed Little Joe over his knees, his large hand thundered down on the seat of his pants, driving the message home with each swat "leave" swat 'that" swat "stallion" swat "alone" swat swat swat.

Little Joe kicked and yelled in anger and pain as Adam peppered his bottom with the stinging swats. Adam had been punishing his siblings for years and knew just how to get his point made.

Little Joe was crying hard by the time Adam finished the spanking. Adam rubbed Little Joe's back, talking softly "I don't want you to get hurt baby" he cooed" that stallion is wild " he stopped the protest that bubbled up "I know you have gentled horses before, but not this one Little Joe"

Adam let Little Joe off his knees, Little Joe's face was a mess and a mix of hurt, anger and defiance. "Mind me now Joseph" Adam said sharply, "stay away from that stallion!"

Little Joe jerked free and ran for the house yelling " I will do what I want your not the boss of me!!"

Adam followed with a determined look on his face.

Little Joe burst in the door and slammed it, he headed to his room stomping up the stairs in a fine anger. He was on the third step when a voice boomed "JOSEPH"

Little Joe froze, that was not a voice to be disobeyed.

Ben rose from his chair, at the desk "Come here" he commanded.

Little Joe hesitated still defiant, he heard the door open behind his " I don't have to do anything I am NOT a child! I can damn well do what I want " he yelled and ran up a few more steps.

"Joseph Francis Cartwright, NOW!!" Ben thundered.

Little Joe paused on the top step. He knew he was in for it now, he stayed on the step not moving.

"One" Ben counted.

Little Joe flinched, he knew his pa didn't count for his health Ben was a fair but strict man, he required absolute obedience from his children and exacted stiff consequences for disobedience.

"Two" the warning tone grew.

Little Joe sighed as he turned around and descended the stepped, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

When he finally stood before him, Ben said "Now, what was that disgraceful display about?" Ben looked sharply from Little Joe to Adam.

"I found Little Joe out with the new black" Adam explained. "in the corral about to be trampled...."

"I knew what I was doing " Little Joe snapped interrupting his eldest brother "I was not about to be trampled, not until YOU arrived."

"Joseph!" Ben said his voice low.

Little Joe hushed and Adam continued " I pulled his out of the corral and spanked his then he rain in here yelling that 'I was not the boss of him.'"

Ben looked at his diminutive son "What do have to say for yourself Joseph?

Little Joe opened his mouth but Ben stopped his "And before you get yourself in anymore trouble I suggest you control that little temper."

Little Joe made a visible effort to calm down when he spoke it was in quiet terse tones " I know how to gentle horses, I have a knack for it, I was not about to get trampled until Mr. bossy here" Ben frowned " came charging in then for NO reason he SPANKED me" Little Joe was on a roll "he is NOT the boss of me, I can take care of myself, I am not a little boy."

Ben held up his hand "Your right Joseph" Little Joe looked stunned, so did Adam "you are not a little boy, however, " Ben continued, seeing the smirk on his face "you acted like a child a spoilt willful child, if you want to be treated like an adult you have to act like one, you know you are not permitted to go into the corral alone" Ben held up a hand again to stop the protest " I know how good you are with horses Little Joe, but I still do not want you in the corral anyone, that rule goes for everyone not just you " Ben held Little Joe's eyes in his 'til he nodded.

"Yes sir."

"Now" Ben continued, "lets discuss your little temper tantrum" Little Joe hung his head "we have been working on this for years Little Joe I understand you get angry, however, there are better ways of expressing it than s lamming doors and yelling! Adam is allowed to spank you when needed you know that, Hoss can as well if it is deserved " Little Joe scuffed his foot he knew this, but that didn't mean he had to like it. "You also know if t hey punish you for the wrong reason or unjustly I will deal with them" Little Joe seemed to nod, Bend decided it was time to take action. He grabbed Little Joe by the scruff of the neck and marched him quickly into the kitchen. By the time they got back in the living room Little Joe was literally foaming at the mouth from the soap Ben used to wash out his mouth.

"I will not tolerate that kind of language in this house little boy" Ben parked Little Joe in front of the door. "Open and close the door quietly Joseph."

Little Joe did as instructed.

Ben nodded "Now do it again... 100 more times, just like that " Little Joe made a face but obeyed.

He was tired of the door and vowing never again to slam it by the time he finished his mouth tasted terrible. Ben let him rinse and spit the soap foam out of his mouth

"Do you have something to say to your brother Joseph? " Ben asked when Little Joe was back before him.

Little Joe hesitated, one glance at his pa standing there with his arms crossed over his massive chest told him to move very carefully. "I am sorry I yelled at you Adam you were right for spanking me " Little Joe said now quiet though gritted teeth, then before either man could say anything Little Joe continued. "I am sorry for slamming the door and yelling and cussing pa. I will work harder at controlling my temper."

Ben smiled, a year ago Little Joe would have sooner wrestled a grizzly bear than apologize.

Adam hugged his brother "Its okay baby, I am sorry I overreacted, I was scared seeing you in with that wild stallion, I don't want you to get hurt."

Little Joe hugged back tightly then turned to Ben who also pulled his into a hug "It's okay now Little Joe." Ben murmured then looked Little Joe in the eye. "I know you have a way with horses however, I do not want you to go near the black not even to feed him is that clear? "

"Yes sir." Little Joe whispered.

* * * * * * * * * *


Little Joe blinked as he remembered that day, focusing now on the task at hand he looked down the hall and slipped out of his room, if he was caught he would be in for a paddling at least and most likely the strop, his bottom tingled in anticipation as he moved silently down the hall, his movements like a dance to avoid the creaky floorboards, walking toe heel in silence.

Once outside, he moved quickly to the barn, spoke softly to Cochise his horse he saddled her quickly, then turned to the black, spending several minutes talking quietly Little Joe was able to slip the bridle on with little problems. The chill was in the air as Little Joe led the majestic creature out of the bar, a quick look around assured his no one was up yet.

Little Joe mounted Cochise and with the blacks reins in one hand, he headed for the river.

Once there he let Cochise free to graze, it would only take a whistle to bring her back to him again, then he turned to the black, Little Joe didn't waste time trying to put a saddle on him he had no need. He had gentled Cochise bareback and though the black was bigger he planned to do the same with him.

Taking his rope he attached one end to the bridle and the other end to a near by tree "I trust you Emo' htavo Non ma'e" he said calling the black by the Indian name for black thunder, "I just don't have the time to waste tracking you down and catching you again." The black did a two step back clearly not appreciative of Little Joe's efforts.

Little Joe continued to talk quietly to the beast as he led him in the chilly water. His head barely came up mid way on the horses body, being short never detoured Little Joe from doing what he needed or wanted to do. Shivering in the chest deep icy water, he double checked the tether, and spoke in soothing tones to the lack "Easy there, I will not hurt you, look at how big and powerful you are, you wont even feel me on your back." During this Little Joe kept stroking the horses back applying more pressure each time, the black snorted once but stood still in the cold water.

A moment later Little Joe took firm hold of the blacks mane, and with a tug and a kick pulled himself up onto his back, the next three seconds were a blur Little Joe tightened his legs on the black then second his bottom touched him, the black choose that moment to jump straight up in the air, then came back down hard, he began bucking with a wildness tempered only by the water, as a result he could not buck as hard of as fast as normal. Little Joe stayed on for 4 seconds then was pitched head first into the cold water.

He came up shivering but happy, what a thrill to have all the power beneath him.

Little Joe did realize he was too short and the black was too large for him to adequately hold on with his knees, he thought a moment as he soothed the skittish beast, there was no way he could tie his feet under the black, besides being dangerous it was just not possible to do, finally he decided to tie a loop around him and tuck his toes in, that would keep him in the saddle for a longer period of time.

Little Joe remounted the black, dripping wet and chilled to the bone in the icy water. Again as soon as his butt hit the saddle, the black began bucking hard and wild, trying to dislodge his. Little Joe clung to his wild flying mane, and managed to remain mounted for 5 seconds this time before the world rotated and he was plunged into the freezing water again. The black just stood there and snorted as if laughing at his.

Little Joe laughed and splashed water at the black, "You think your so smart, just you wait, I can do this as long as you can." The black nickered in response. Little Joe flicked his legs up, onto the black a third time, and remained stuck to his back for 6 seconds this time before taking flight. The water poured off his face and hair as he surfaced again.

Just as he took hold of the black's inky mane, about ready to swing up into the saddle, a voice slapped his like a brick wall. "FREEZE baby boy!"

Little Joe knew better than to disobey that voice, though the thought was there, firmly in his mind. "Adam, what are you doing here?" Little Joe asked.

"I might ask YOU the same thing, if I didn't already know." Adam stated plainly. "However, I see that you are hell bent on being an idiot, so go ahead, kill yourself, mount the black again. Then when your pitched off again and drown, I will take you back to Pa." Adam glared at his little brother.

Little Joe didn't even pause, he understood the sarcasm but totally ignored it, kicking up his right foot to land on the blacks back again. This time the black just stood there for several seconds before bucking. Little Joe used that time to tuck his feet in the rope around his belly tightly, and get a better grip. The black bucked and kicked, throwing his body around in the cold water. Right then left, the straight up, backwards, twisting from side to side. Little Joe held on tight, and stayed on for nearly 10 seconds before doing his dive into the water.

When he came up, Adam was right beside him. "That was GREAT!" Adam was ecstatic, his dark eyes bright with the excitement. "you did it!! I can't believe you actually stayed on him!" Little Joe laughed at his big brothers excitement and moved closer.

"So can I do it again Adam? Please? I mean, I stayed on for that one." Little Joe had decided to press his luck with the look on his brother's face.

"Yes, go ahead, I will hold him for you." Adam said, taking the bridle in his handed.

Little Joe leapt up quickly before his brother could change his mind. Again he had a couple seconds to get situated before Adam let go and the black bucked up, wild again. Little Joe just held on, tight, his body flopped about as he was tossed back and forth. And of course thrown again.

As the morning wore on, Little Joe was tossed more times than either he or Adam could count. But each time, he got back up and tried again. Adam encouraged his though it all, offering pointers and advice, being a great help. Each time Little Joe stayed on the black a little longer, and finally mid morning, he remained on till the black stopped bucking.

The whoop of joy was what brought Ben galloping in that direction. When Adam hadn't returned with his brother, Ben began to get concerned. And finally, headed out to find them. Seeing Little Joe and Adam both soaked to the skin, didn't please Ben in the least. But seeing Little Joe on the black and Adam clearly encouraging his made Ben see red.

Riding down to the pair, Ben didn't need to bellow, one look at the expression on his face caused Little Joe to slip off the black and both of them to turn pale.

"Explain to me, how this is bring home your little brother Adam!?" Ben bellowed.

"I, amm well he was riding the black Pa, did you see it?" Adam tried to change the subject.

"Adam!!" Ben snapped.

Adam did have the good grace to look sheepish. "Sorry Pa, I got carried away. When I saw Little Joe actually staying on the black, I just forgot everything else."

Ben snorted, "Your supposed to be the grownup here Adam." Ben said frowning.

"Yes Sir."

"And you little boy," Ben wheeled on Little Joe. "You were told NOT to ride the black, not to even be NEAR it! You snuck out of the house to deliberately disobey me."

"Pa, I, " That was as far as Little Joe got before he found himself face down over Ben's strong thigh, his pants about his knees, his bottom bare and chilled in the cool air. Ben then proceeded to warm up the cool flesh, blistering his hand down on the poor defenseless bottom. Scolding the little boy. "I will not have you disobeying me over and over Joseph! If I tell you not to do something you by God will NOT do it!! I will not tolerate your disobedience!" As Ben scolded his had accentuated every other word, turning the soft pale skin first deep pink then to a bright red. Little Joe yelped and cried out, as he tried to explain. Ben was simply not listening.

At last he stopped for a moment, Little Joe breathed a sign of relief that turned into a gasp of terror as Ben commanded Adam to cut him a switch. Little Joe howled "NOOOOOOOOO Pa please!!"

By the time Ben was finished, Little Joe was laying limp over his leg. Ben pulled Little Joe up and shook his firmly. "Do not disobey me again Joseph!" Ben shook his again, then pulled his little boy into a fierce hug. "never again" Ben whispered as Little Joe sobbed out "I'm sorry" over and over again.

After 10 minutes Ben let Little Joe go, his pants pulled up over his sore bottom. "Go on home Little Joe, I want to talk to your brother." Ben whispered in his ear. "I love you baby."

"I love you too Pa." Little Joe said as he whistled for his horse.

"You can start on the downstairs windows" Ben said giving Little Joe his punishment chores.

Little Joe made a face, but said meekly, "Yes Sir." And with a look to his brother, he mounted, standing in the stirrups, and rode for the house.

Adam swallowed nervously, as Ben crooked his finger. "You know the drill son." Ben said.

Adam nodded as he walked over, "Pa don't you think I am a little old for this?"

"As long as you live in my house, you will obey my rules." Ben said as he removed his belt. "and even if you move out, if you EVER help one of your siblings disobey me, I will wear you out with the strop."

"Yes Sir." Adam said sheepishly. Adam remembered his last spanking, and was not looking forward to this one.

Ben placed his leg on the tree trunk again, and guided his eldest son over his strong thigh, positioning him helplessly. Ben didn't even hesitate, he belt and cracked it down. The sound was like a rifle shot in the quiet, startling the black. Ben put more force behind these spanks than he had for Little Joe, as Adam was a man.

The cadence of the spanks was quickly established, For the next few minutes the only sounds were the babbling of the river and crack of Ben's belt across Adam's bottom and Adam hissed in the pain. Ben made the lesson was learned before he stopped. Adam was barely able to keep from sobbing. He held himself together, his lip bitten.

"I need you to help me with your brother not hinder me Son. You can not disobey me in front of your brother, he could have been hurt, or killed." Ben pulled his son close, he gathered his eldest immediately to his chest and hugged him tightly, slightly rocking as he let the words sink in.

"I'm s-s-sorry Pa" Adam said into his fathers shirt.

"I know son, I know. " Ben answered. "Its over now."

Adam stayed against his fathers powerful chest for another few minutes before he sat up, hissing as his sore bottom touched the fabric of Ben's trousers. "I am sorry Pa, I shouldn't have encouraged Little Joe. I was just surprised he stayed on the beast."

"I know son, he can be amazing, but remember when he tries to do foolish things, its your job to stop him." Ben admonished gently. Little Joe needs to have us making his decisions for him, raising him to think before he does anything foolish, not encouraging him into them."

Adam nodded as he stood up. "I'll remember that Pa."

Ben stood up, hugging his son. " I know you will son. Now lets go find your brother and you can give his a hand with those windows."

Adam snapped his fingers. "Dang, thought you would forget about that."

As he roared with laugher, Ben slapped Adam on the back. "Not a chance son, not a chance"

