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Part 1 of V.I.S.S.
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

VISS - Spike Angel Harmony


Summary: Harmony is acting stranger than normal and Spike is curious, he discovers a world of vampires he never knew existed.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Fandom: AtS
Characters: Spike, Angel, ensemble
Genre: humour
Warnings: not this time
Disclaimer: not mine, nothing is mine

Chapter Text

by lilithangel


Harmony was up to something. Normally this would not bother Spike but he was bored, so he decided to find out what it was.

Watching her sit back down at her desk he saw her pull two pieces of paper out of the pile Angel had just signed and slip them into her purse. Spike knew she had been taking photos of them both and yesterday she had gotten Angel’s signature on what she had said were invoices for weapons he had used and destroyed fighting demons.

He had not seen as much of Harmony recently, there was only so much of her personality that he could stand. But in the last few days she had been asking him lots of questions about his past and Angel’s.

“Harmony,” Angel’s voice caused her to jump guiltily.

“Yes Boss?” although her face showed her nervousness she managed to hide it in her voice.

“Have you seen my midnight blue silk shirt?”

“Sorry Boss, didn’t it come back from the drycleaners?” Her voice was casual but Spike saw her eyes dart to a sports bag next to her desk.

“Call the drycleaner later and find out where it is. Oh and Harmony get me a drink,” Angel’s voice came from his office.

“Sure thing Boss,” Harmony chirped as she jumped up from her desk and headed for the kitchen.

Quickly Spike ducked over to her desk for a quick peek. Burrowing through her bag he quickly found Angel’s shirt and the pieces of paper. None of the pages were anything incrimination, just order forms and invoices.

Looking closer Spike realised that the pages were very carefully pasted over other pieces of paper. Carefully he peeled one back to reveal the hidden page.

“‘All the best, Angel?’” Spike was even more confused. Quickly he stuck the page back down and continued to look through Harmony’s bag, realising he only had a few moments left before she returned.

Tucked into her address book he found a note with an address earmarked for that night and the mysterious letters V.I.S.S. Quickly memorising the address Spike quickly shoved everything back into place and ducked out of sight as Harmony came tripping back.

That night Spike waited for Harmony to leave so he could follow her.

It was an easy task to follow her as she made no attempt to conceal her actions. First she went to a 24-hour photo shop and then she headed straight for the warehouse district.

Following closely behind Spike was getting more and more puzzled by Harmony’s actions. This was not her usual haunt nor was it somewhere anyone would go unless they were setting up a buy of some sort. He really wished that he had been able to check all the contents of Harmony’s bag.

Really suspicious now Spike almost missed it when Harmony turned and entered a building.

Walking up alongside the doorway he found that it was some sort of old theatre. Pinned to the door was a handmade sign with the initial V.I.S.S written on it and a cheery welcome with a smiley face. Looking closer Spike realised that the smiley face appeared to have fangs.

Climbing in a window in a back alley, Spike found himself behind a small stage with old tatty curtains giving him an ideal place to hide.

Creeping closer he could hear voices including Harmony’s very distinctive one.

“Let’s get started shall we?” a voice called out from the stage in front of Spike, “I call this meeting of VISS to order. We have a number of items to get through tonight before we get to the reason most of you are here. Item one our name,” the voice sighed, “We have already settled this, alright then, the chair recognises Marilyn.”

“Thank you Reggie. I know we all agreed to change our name from Vampires Anonymous but I do not believe enough consideration was given before VISS was chosen.”

Spike manoeuvred to where the two curtains did not quite meet to try and get a view of the proceedings.

The rather strident tones of Marilyn still continued, drowning out murmurs of discontent from the others, “Vampires In Search of Souls is not why we started this group. This was a way for those of us with a mutual distaste for drinking human blood to gather together and support one another.”

Unsurprisingly Spike saw that Marilyn was an older blowsy woman with appalling taste in clothes. The real surprise was that a vampire had chosen to turn her. She looked and sounded like someone’s overbearing aunt who was fond of horses and referred to her husband as ‘mister’.

“Now Marilyn,” Reggie the chairman interrupted her tirade, “the name was decided upon at our last meeting after much discussion and by a majority vote.”

Marilyn snorted, “A meeting you knew full well Gerald and I would not be attending. We informed you all that we were going to be on retreat all that week coming to terms with out inner demon.”

Spike smothered a laugh at the thought of Marilyn searching for her inner anything. The not so muffled sounds of snickering from the others in the hall suggested that everyone found the thought just as amusing.

Marilyn huffed in disgust “the name change should only have occurred at the AGM or a SGM. Believe you me it will be brought up at the national AGM in October. Gerald and I started this group in an attempt to foster better standards of behaviour within the vampire community. I am distressed to see it degenerating into a mere fan club and a foolish quest for something as ridiculous as souls. We are vampires; we should be proud and attempt to improve vampire and non-vampire relations in an orderly way.”

“Now Marilyn,” Reggie said sternly, “all of us here want to be more than we are. We have talked about this over and over again and the consensus is that looking for ways to restore out souls is the way we want to go. We thank you and Gerald for all your tireless work with V.A but we want to go in another direction now. You cannot halt progress.”

“Well, all I can say is that you have not heard the last of this. Come Gerald we have said what we came here to say.” Marilyn swept out of the hall towing a small non-descript man in her wake.

Spike sat back from the curtain biting down on the sleeve of his duster to choke back his laughter. Harmony had managed to find a group of vampire geeks.

As the meeting continued Spike considered leaving but he still had not found out what Harmony had grabbed all that stuff for so he stuck around.

His patience was rewarded when Reggie introduced their guest speaker for the evening, Harmony.

“Hello fellow VISS’s, my name is Harmony and it has been four months since I last drank human blood,” she began.

“Hello Harmony,” the group chorused, applauding.

“I became a vampire in Sunnydale,” there was a quiet murmur of excitement at the mention of the notorious town, “before moving to L.A I was Spike’s main squeeze,” she bragged, “and now I am Angel’s personal assistant at Wolfram & Hart.”

There was a moment of awed silence then a clamour of questions.

“Quiet everyone, one question at a time!” Reggie commanded. “Kathy, you first.”

A youngish woman wearing blue jeans one size too small and a t-shirt which read ‘Soul Purpose’, jumped up.

“Tell us what it was like to go out with Spike,” she gushed.

“My blondie bear was great, we were going to rule Sunnydale, I even had minions,” Harmony reminisced fondly, “we would have too if those nasty soldiers hadn’t put that awful chip in Spikey’s head.
Spike drank a wee bit too much and he could be very sarcastic but we had great dreams. And…” Harmony giggled, “he was a great lover.”

Spike was a little bit miffed at Harmony’s comment about drinking but he preened at her last remark.

“Tell us about how Spike got his soul back,” a man dressed all in black leather asked.

“Well I wasn’t around for it but I believe he went to Africa and fought a demon for it. He came back all crazy like and then went and sacrificed himself to save the slayer and her friends,” there was a noticeable shiver at the mention of the slayer and Harmony hurried on with her story.

“Then Spikey turned up as a ghost out of an amulet until some more magic gave him back his body. We have had a relationship since then but he spends too much time arguing with Angel and isn’t as interested in sex.”

Spike bristled at Harmony’s insinuation that he wasn’t interested in sex, it wasn’t that, he just wasn’t interested in sex with Harmony.

The man in black looked disappointed, “so it was really painful the way he got his soul back?”

“Oh yes,” Harmony said gleefully, “he was almost killed and he came back all crazy like, talking to people who weren’t there and everything.”

“What about Angel?” another man, rather effeminate looking spoke up, “are the stories true, was he really cursed with his soul?”

“Oh yes. Angelus really was the scourge of Europe; Angel has sworn never to allow him out again. That is why he will never find true love, it is the only way Angelus can get free.”

The young man sighed, “that is so sad, not able to find true happiness, always staying on the edge of things, always alone.”

“That’s why he’s so broody,” Harmony agreed.

“So now they fight evil and protect the innocent?” an older female waxed lyrical. “So noble and strong,” she sighed.

The questions continued and Spike listened in increasing disbelief as Harmony told them everything she knew about him and Angel. The questions got more and more outrageous. The woman and some of the men wanted to know all the romantic details, the others wanted to know if all the stories were true. Harmony confirmed the ones she knew and told them ones they didn’t.

“So Angel was a puppet?” the incredulity in the voice of the young man in leather was almost Spike’s undoing. He obviously had a major case of hero worship for Angel and the concept of his idol as a puppet was a serious blow.

Spike found himself desperately wanting to tell Angel all about this strange group and he started to sneak away but was halted dead when Reggie announced it was time for the auction of the goodies provided by Harmony.

“These items are of a personal nature from both Angel and Spike and the proceeds will go towards finding less painful ways of regaining out souls,” he explained.

Personal nature? Spike wondered just what else Harmony had flogged.


A/N next Spike finds out exactly what Harmony has flogged and reveals his presence.