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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Heir Apparent


Summary: The team investigates the murder of a Marine Master Sergeant in a New York suburb.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Email: If you like
Website: This one
Permission to archive: Granted
Fandom(s): NCIS cannon
Genre (general, hetero or slash): General
Pairing/Characters: No pairings, all appear
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This is my first story!
Acknowledgments: Thank you Don Bellesario.

Chapter Text

Heir Apparent-Scene 1
by SamAbby

Scene 1


Scene: A quiet suburb in southern New York State. A sedan backs into a driveway, and a small family starts piling out of the car. They have just returned from a family vacation, and are chattering about unpacking, feeding kids and getting the grass mowed once all is unpacked. One of the kids points to the house next door. It sits at the end of the block, and has several broken windows. 

Jackie: “That’s odd, Mike. Jenna always keeps the place so neat. I wonder if she went out of town, and got vandalized. She usually tells us when she is leaving.” 

Mike: “We were gone all week, so it isn’t like she could say anything, hon. The house probably got broken into by some local kids. We were lucky it didn’t happen to us. I’ll call the police when we get the kids inside. Somebody should take a look around the place; maybe one of the other neighbors saw something.”  

The wind shifts, blowing towards them from their neighbor’s house, and the couple suddenly cover their noses. 

Jackie: “UGH!! That smells like rot! Oh, God, I hope nothing happened to her. I want to go over and see if she is ok.” 

Mike: (looking nauseous) “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just get inside and call the cops. We have our kids to look after. If there is anything gross over there, I don’t want them to get into it. It’s probably just a dead animal anyway.”

Jackie: “Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll go get the kids something to eat.” (She closes her door gently, and it doesn’t latch) “Darnit. My hands are full, too. Can you get my door, dear?” 

Mike: “Don’t I always? Go on, I’ll grab the rest of this.”  His wife takes her bags, and follows the kids into the house. Mike walks around to his wife’s door, opens it, and gives it a decisive slam.

Next door, a light pops on in response to the sound. The house blows up. Shrapnel rains down on Mike, who lays flat against his car. It had shielded him from the blast. He looks up in shock and horror… 

The POV changes to above the flaming house. Lying in the long grass far behind it is the body of a dead black man. He is dressed in blue jeans and a polo shirt. He has several bullet wounds, and his right hand has been recently severed. A scarf or bandana is tied to one arm, partially covering a tattoo. A military chain with a dog tag dangles from his neck. He has a holster in his belt, but the gun is missing. There are flies buzzing above him…


Scene: NCIS squadroom. Agent McGee is sitting at his desk, talking on the phone. Agent DiNozzo walks in, carrying a cup of coffee and munching on a donut. Officer David sits at her desk, quietly looking at a picture of two young Hebrew girls. A lit candle is in front of her. Agent DiNozzo sits down, and peers over his computer at Officer David.

DiNozzo: "You know, Ziva, we aren't supposed to have open flames in the office. It's against regs. (He pauses as she gives him a `shut up' look, but is too somber to reply) "What?"

McGee: (To the phone) "Yes, that will be fine. I'm sure the Director won't mind. Just keep me posted, ok? Bye." (Hangs up) "You might want to leave her alone, Tony. It's an anniversary of sorts."

DiNozzo: (looking puzzled) "Anniversary? Of what?"

Ziva: "My baby sister. It has been ten years now since she died. I promised I would never forget her, so I light a candle twice a year for her. Once for her birth, and once for her death."

McGee: (somberly) "That's really nice, Ziva. I can't imagine loosing Sarah like that. When she almost got killed, I thought I would go crazy."

DiNozzo: (thoughtfully) "I can't really relate to that. Only child, you know. Never had a sister or a brother."

McGee: (raising his eyebrows) "Which is why you're never getting Sarah's address or phone number out of me, Tony!"

Ziva: (smiling a little) "I agree with McGee. I wouldn't trust you with my sister either, and she's dead!"

DiNozzo: (scowling in mock seriousness) "OUCH! That was below the belt."

Ziva: (conspiratorially) "Everything is below the belt with you, Tony."

DiNozzo: "Hey! What is this, `Pick on DiNozzo Day'? Don't you people have some work to do?"

Abby: (walking through with a CafPow) "Yes it is, no they don't, and check your calendar." (She throws a paper wad from her straw at him).

DiNozzo: (catching the paper wad, he bends and looks at his calendar) "Hey…it does say `Pick on DiNozzo Day' here…Who wrote on my OSU calendar???"

Ziva and Mcgee both throw paper wads at Tony when he sits up, just as Special Agent Gibbs walks into the squad room.

Gibbs: (sips his coffee) "I didn't hear the bell for recess. Grab your gear. Tony, get Ducky and Palmer, tell them to get the truck. We have a dead Marine in a southern New York suburb. You three (pointing to McGee, David, and DiNozzo) with me." (Pauses at Ziva's desk). "Candle, Ziva. Now move out."

Ziva blows out her candle. The team members grab their backpacks and move to the elevator. The camera moves to the smoking candle as the doors close…