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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Continuation to the tag of episode SNOWSTORM.  Starsky helps Hutch.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

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For the time being, Hutch seemed distracted enough to enjoy finding the dog again.   True, it probably saved our life and I was glad just to see Hutch unwind. 

But I wanted to help him deal with what went down at the cabin.  I’ll never forget the haunted, scared look on his face after he was forced to shoot a fellow officer.


I watched as he continued to hug that damn animal. I reached out for Hutch and that’s when the mutt slipped away and headed outside. 

He stayed crouched as he watched the dog.  Slowly he got up and laid a grumpy look on me.  He mumbled something under his breath as he walked out the door. 

I followed, grateful to see something other than fear in his eyes. He was leaning against the car, inspecting his sunglasses. 

Without a word, he got in the car, staring out the windshield. His shoulders slumped and he had that gloomy look on his face again. 

I really wanted to turn his mood away from the shooting at the cabin. 

He hadn’t spoken since the dog disappeared. I knew just how to fix that. 

“At first, when you were the only one to see that dog, I thought you’d tried that cleaner diet you’ve been reading about.” 

He glanced over at me, confused.  He ran his hand through his hair.

“Starsky, what the hell are you talking about?” 

He blew out a long breath and shook his head.   

Now we’re getting somewhere. 

“First of all, it’s a health cleanse made up of vitamins, minerals, prune juice… 

“Prune juice?”  I shot a look at him to see if he was pulling my leg. 

“That’s the stuff my Aunt Rosie made me drink when I couldn’t..” 

Hutch cut me off while I swerved to avoid hitting a slower car in front of me. 

…”that’s the whole idea. Rids your body of toxins and built up gasses.” 

At least now he was thinking of something other than dirty cops. 

I couldn’t resist one more jab at him.

“Well, if you deny yourself normal food and just drink that crap, it’s gotta leave you weak and bleary eyed.” 

“How could that be worse than hanging around with you?” 

A weary smile spread across his face as he figured out my motive.  He reached out and wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck. 

The guy loves me.  Ain’t it obvious? 

But the best part is, Hutch is gonna be okay.          


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author BeBe57.
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