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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Firsts and Lasts


Summary: Firsts last forever it seems, forever making an impression.  But what happens when the first becomes the last? Can one survive without the other or will love transend even death?

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or the X-Men.  This is simply a story that has been on my mind for several weeks and I finally decided to put it down on computer so I can hopefully get some sleep! Please do not sue, I make no money at this.

Chapter Text

Firsts and Lasts
by James Logan Howlett


The X-Men had gathered around along with some of their friends, having fun splashing around in the pool and grilling dogs and burgers.  Scott and Logan had been were on grill duty and it was one of the few times they'd enjoyed each others company.  They were civil to one another.

Remy was sitting out under the shade, drawing pad on his lap, pencil and charcoal in the other, drawing a rather beautiful depiction of Logan in swim trunks, hair rather desheveled and wet from the pool, golden skin shimmering in the sun as the water droplets trailed down his rather muscular torso, spattered here and there with hair.

He was smiling a bit as he looked at the feral, remembering the night before. It all started with a dance. They'd gone to the bar as per their usual, but something had been different that day.  They'd drank to their hearts content but Remy had done something unexpected.

The jukebox began playing a slow, sad, sweet song and Remy had smiled up at Logan.  Logan returned his smile and looked at him with a cock of his head.  He, of course, was not drunk so had his head about him, but Remy was.

Remy leaned in a bit and kissed his cheek, rubbing his own against the rough stubble and sighed happily.  "Le's dance Logan.  I wanna dance wit' you," he said, a bit sleepy, his cheeks flushed with drink, his eyes glazed.

Logan raised a brow at the request but nodded. The actions weren't so unusal, especially when Remy was drunk.  He was used to him rubbing up against him or kissing his cheek.  Hell...he even let the kid sleep in his bed on the occasions when Jean, Scott, Hank, Bobby or Ororo were to busy, gone or sick.

"Alright...lets dance then," he said before taking Remy by the hand. There had been a slight jolt to both of their systems when they touched hands, something that suprised them both, but they tossed it off as just the alcohol or static electricity.

Leading Remy to the dance floor, he began to slowly dance with the boy, bringing their bodies close and closing his eyes as they danced to the music. Well...Logan danced, Remy pretty much swayed, sobering suddenly at the closeness.

Remy closed his eyes and smiled softly as he rest his head against Logan, feeling the subtle emotions coming off of the older man.  It was something that never happened before.  Feeling Logan's emotions.  Logan was so clammed up and held his shields so tight that he and the telepaths had difficulty getting through.

Logan smiled as well, a faint one, but a smile none the less.  He inhaled Remy's scent, a hint of the clove cigarettes, bourbon and a hint of vanilla and cologne on his skin.  It made the beast inside of him growl with desire, but he held it at bay. He wasn't about to let the beast take the boy...not yet.

Remy could feel it and the beast barely being tempered by Logan and he suddenly felt desire and lust rising within him, something that hadn't gone unnoticed by either the beast or Logan.  Remy's lust fed Logan's and the beast became hungry for him.

Still Logan held it at bay and they danced like that, their lust becoming almost a tangable thing, till it was near closing time, Harry coming to break them up.

Logan looked up, unaware at what time it was, blushing slightly and nodding as they were ushered out.

Remy smiled a bit at Logan's blush and as they walked out of the bar, Remy placed his hand in Logan's, noting how small it was compared to Logan's, before leaning against the strongly muscled body, kissing his neck.  "Les' go home cher...t'ink we bot' need some sleep non?"

"Yeah...let's go home kid," he said, his voice a little husky, no longer denying his desire for him.  Logan got on his bike and fired it up, waiting till Remy wrapped his arm tightly around Logan's waist, resting his head against his back, before driving off swiftly towards the mansion.

When they pulled into the garage, Logan shut off the bike and got off, pulling Remy with him before pushing him up against the nearby wall and kissing him hungrily, all without warning.

Remy yelped for a moment as his head hit the wall with a harsh crack, shocked, before wrapping his arms around Logan's neck, closing his eyes and moaning softly.

Logan made a noise, caught somewhere between a growl and a moan, before pulling away.  Panting, he swallowed hard and licked his lips.  "My room or yours?" he asked, not bothering to ask if Remy wanted this.  He knew...knew that Remy wanted him just as much as he wanted Remy.

Remy panted and whimpered before whispering.  "Don' matter cher...just need you bad right now," he said, his voice catching, heady with desire.

Logan nodded and grabbed him roughly by the arm before dragging him up to the house.  Quietly shutting the door behind them, Logan kissed him hungrily, pausing every few steps to do so, his fingers dragging along flesh when they stopped to kiss.

When they finally made it to Logan's room, they were both breathless, their lips red and swollen from the rough kisses that they'd been unable to stop giving one another.  Already Remy's shirt was open, his taut skin, tanned and slightly reddened from teasing teeth and lips and light pinches to his nipples.

Closing the door harshly, Logan kissed Remy again, heading for the bed, the kisses becoming more gentle though with enough fire and passion to burn start a fire.


end part 1