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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Summary/Warning/A/N/Disclaimer: Tony's reflections on a rare moment of love and life. It's sappy and has to have the reader believe that the couple have been out and together since meeting in Baltimore all those years ago. It doesn't really fit into any timeline but Tony does have a more mature air so it is in my mind a future fic of sorts. I prompted Ella to write some sap but I guess I did instead. And it's way un-beta'd as well. Oh yeah and the characters and show aren't mine just the sap.

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Tony fought the covers as he tried to shift a bit. He was feeling stifled again. It was the dead of winter and like every year before Jethro had practically insulated the bed with blankets and covers. Never mind that his partner of all these years was one of those rare people who slept with a sheet in any weather and was fine. If and when Tony ever got cold before Jethro that was what the heater had been for. But Jethro didn't believe in that and never had according to him.

Down comforters, flannel sheets, and extra blankets were just the beginning. It was as if Jethro feared Tony getting sick. At least thats how Tony saw it when every night after they made out or made love a bit his lover would tuck him in under the covers. If he wanted to blame his health he could blame the after effects of the plague but that wasn't it, not really. After the plague and multiple bouts with bronchitis Jethro had gotten worse about the blankets and constant warmth. But it was in the years before that Tony had first noticed this need.

For Tony it was always a method of protecting him and keeping him comforted. At least thats how Tony saw his lovers mind working. It was after tucking Tony in that Jethro would hop in, pull Tony to his side, and just huddle a bit. For Jethro, Tony saw it as  the world disappearing for him under the sea of feathers and ragged quilt. It was about love and comfort for the both of them. But god it was on these nights that Jethro had the heat cranked plus the massive amounts of down that had Tony struggling to get air.

Neither Tony or Jethro ever wanted to admit defeat in their bedtime contests. Or on Tony's part he didn't want to admit that despite the harsh heat of the moment he loved the care his lover showed him. And to be more than honest he thought his lover was adorable when he huddled under the covers trying to keep the world away. During the week Tony found mornings too stressful to contemplate. But early mornings on the weekend were the best. Jethro would stay in bed clinging to the last vestiges of sleep and relaxation allowed him and then still linger in the warmth of their hideaway.

Tony knew deep down the two of them needed the time away. But he also knew Jethro used the bed and blankets just as he used his boat. It was an escape. One Tony rarely interrupted. He usually would just lay in bed with Jethro's arms around him listening to his man breathe. So on those rare occasions of honest reflection Tony knew he used the bed as an escape as well.

But who could blame them. In all rights the both of them had had some of the harshest moments reality could offer. If all it took was a few blankets and his lovers embrace to keep Jethro sane and happy it was the least Tony could deal with. And as he thinks that the arms around him tighten. *Jethro always can tell when my brains working overtime. Hmmm, the blankets aren't so bad anymore* Tony thought to himself as sleep came back to claim him once more.