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Part 3 of I fail at sex slave stories
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Making the best of things


Summary: Angel tries to make the best of having Spike as his slave, since Spike already is (making the best of things that is). And there’s a party at Wolfram & Hart B.Y.O.S.

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Making the best of things
by Lilithangel


“Angel and Ms Cordelia Chase,” the butler called out and all eyes turned to the door.

Angel was wearing the Armani tux Cordelia had bullied him into buying. “We’re going there to show them they can’t control us, we have to make an impression.” Cordelia certainly made an impression in her floor length ruby red slip dress, but it was their not-introduced, walking on the end of a lead companion that drew the eye.

The invitation had insisted Angel bring his slave and after a long and loud opinion had been expressed Spike had insisted on dressing to impress. Cordelia had insisted on being Angel’s plus one and had taken Angel’s credit card to ensure the right impression was made. Angel gave up after the second insist and handed it over with just a small whimper.

Spike and Cordelia had locked themselves away for two hours before the event, refusing to let Angel into his own room until they were ready. Even then Spike had been wearing his duster and Angel hadn’t been able to see what his money had purchased. Cordelia’s coat had given hints of the sheath of red she was wearing.

Spike’s hair was as slicked back as normal and there was a definite sign of makeup. His eyes had been outlined with something that made them bluer than normal and his skin seemed to sparkle in the light. The sparkle had seemed to be a bone of contention between Spike and Cordelia and the smug look on her face gave away who had won that particular fight.

“Vampire’s don’t sparkle,” Spike had grumbled. Angel would have agreed but he’d been distracted by the flash of blue from the studs piercing Spike’s ears.

“Are they real sapphires?” Angel said anxiously.

“As real as the rubies in mine,” Cordelia had replied, tossing her hair back to show the teardrop earrings she was wearing.

The only other thing Angel could see under the coat was that Spike was barefoot and that was enough to worry him into forgetting the possible cost of the night’s event.

“You’ll see everything when we get there,” Cordelia had said, “we don’t want Spike to get cold.”

Any comment Angel had been going to make about vampires not getting cold was lost when he thought about why Spike would be getting cold.

Gunn, Wesley and Fred waved them off with good luck wishes to Spike that had Angel sulking for the whole limo ride. Cordelia sat beside him and punched his arm when he got too pouty and Spike sprawled across the opposite seat, managing to not let Angel see anything under the coat no matter how much he slouched.

Now they were in the lobby and Angel wanted to pound every watching face into hamburger. Only the bite of Cordelia’s nails in his arm keeping him from doing it, and the knowledge that Spike would never let him forget it.

Spike stalked four paces behind him linked by the silver chain in Angel’s fist that Cordelia had hooked onto the collar before they left the limo and after Spike had shed the duster.

“We don’t have to do this,” Angel had said once he’d gotten over the shock of what Spike wasn’t wearing and the desire to sling both of them back into the car and take them home and chain them to his bed.


”Bastard’s wanted me to be a slave,” Spike had said, “bastard’s are getting a slave and we’re going to make them regret ever doing it.”

Angel had foolishly expected Spike to be the worst slave Angel knew he could be. Instead Spike was going to be the most arrogantly perfect slave anyone had ever seen. Assuming anyone would take their eyes off his sparkling flesh long enough to notice.

The silver chain on his collar was matched by two chains linked to the nipple piercings he hadn’t had that morning, from which hung two more sapphires that danced as he moved and reflected off the dusting of silver body glitter that appeared to have been put everywhere. Even on the skin under the indecently almost see-through silk pants that rode dangerously low on his hips. He was kept barely decent by what appeared to be a black leather thong.

Black leather cuffs wrapped around his wrists and were linked with more silver chain to the belt around his waist. They didn’t really restrict his movements at all, suggesting to all the watchers that Spike was restrained only by Angel’s will and Spike’s choice.

Spike kept his head high and met every gaze with disinterest. When Angel and Cordelia were stopped by Marcus Hamilton Spike moved to Angel’s side and knelt gracefully at his feet. Angel shorted the leash automatically, to keep it out of Spike’s way.

“I’m pleased you’re making use of your gift, Angelus,” Hamilton said, looking at Spike with a smirk.

“Wolfram & Hart were too kind,” Angel said with a growl.

“Since you wouldn’t accept all of this.” Hamilton swept an arm out to encompass the building, “we thought it only fair.”

“I just bet you did,” Cordelia said, contempt dripping from every word.

“It’s so good to see you out of your coma, Ms Chase,” Hamilton said, bowing slightly, “and no longer possessed. How is your son doing, Angelus?”

“He’s doing fine,” Angel replied.

“And it’s Angel, not Angelus,” Cordelia added smugly.

“Is it?” Hamilton looked at Angel speculatively.

“What else did you expect?” Angel said, with his own smirk. He let a little bit of Angelus bleed through just to confuse Hamilton and then he tugged on the leash briefly. Spike rose to his feet and raised an eyebrow at Hamilton before they moved on.

“Oh. My. God,” a voice pierced the room.

“Harmony?” Cordelia said with shock.

“Cordelia, you look amazing,” Harmony said kissing the air on either side of Cordelia’s cheeks, “especially after the whole giving birth to a goddess and being in a coma thing. And Blondie bear…” she reached out to touch Spike, only to be stopped short by Angel’s hand. “Wow, touchy much?” she said, taking a step back.

“What are you doing here, Harmony?” Angel said as Spike knelt beside him.

“I work here,” she said with a perky smile, “I’m Personal Assistant to the CEO.”


“No, silly. Mr Hamilton is the Partner’s liaison. Ms Morgan is the CEO.”

“Angel,” another voice interrupted, “how nice of you to come, and with your pets.”

Angel turned to see a resurrected Lilah walking towards them with a slave of her own following behind.

“Lilah,” Angel said without surprise, “so death is the best promotion of all then?”

“With Wolfram & Hart, absolutely,” Lilah replied. She jerked her leash and her slave knelt sullenly at her feet.

Spike eyed up the other slave and rolled his eyes. He was an attractive human, but obviously wasn’t there for fun. Spike got the feeling it had been done for Angel’s benefit. Looking up Spike could tell Angel recognised the slave and was possible getting more malicious enjoyment than he had when Spike had turned up.

“My slave’s better than your slave,” Angel said to Lilah.

“What are you, twelve?” Lilah said, but the slight crease between her eyes revealed her displeasure at Angel’s apparent enjoyment.

“Just pointing out the obvious,” Angel replied.

“Your slave seems to be enjoying his position more than expected,” Lilah said.

“Of course he is,” Angel said, “he wants me to be happy.” Angel knew he was going to pay for the words when they got home, but he just couldn’t help it.

“And it was a much better option than you,” Cordelia added, eying Lilah up and down.

“How does your soul cope with owning another sentient creature?” Lilah said, ignoring Cordelia.

“The soul’s making the best of the situation,” Angel replied and Spike let a smirk show on his face briefly. “You made a big mistake, Lilah,” Angel added, “You gave me a bed mate that I will never lose my soul to and another ally at the same time.” Angel’s hand lashed out behind him and caught the tentacle that was about to touch Spike. “Nothing you can do will stop me from continuing to be a thorn in Wolfram & Hart’s side.” He squeezed the tentacle hard until the owner squeaked with pain.

“Thanks for the invite,” Cordelia chirped, “lovely party, we must do it again sometime.”

Angel released the tentacle and Spike rose to his feet. Dismissing Lilah from their attention they turned and made a circuit of the room. A few hands and tails ignored the lesson of the tentacle and attempted to touch Spike but Angel’s reflexes and Cordelia’s stilettos soon got the message across.

“Seen enough?” Cordelia said when they reached the entrance again.

Angel nodded, “I’ve identified who I suspect are members of the Black Thorn and confirmed Wolfram & Hart’s biggest customers. We can keep an eye on them now.” He led them out to the coat check where he quickly claimed Spike’s duster and got it back where it belonged.

“Possessive git,” Spike said mildly, grateful for the cover from the eyes he could still feel on him. “There were three in there that keep human slaves that we have to deal with first,” he said as they got into the waiting limo.

“What about Lindsey?” Cordelia said, slipping her heels off with a sigh.

“That was just a one night thing,” Spike said, “no matter how much he wanted it really, just not with her,” he added with a smirk at Angel.

“You think?” Angel said with surprise. “I guessed he wasn’t happy with the situation.”

“The welts were all new, the collar wasn’t a purpose fit,” Spike listed with contempt, “the butt plug was his though.”

“Ewww,” Cordelia said, “how do you know that? No, don’t tell me, I really don’t want to know.”

“Do you want to know who really appreciated your getup tonight?” Spike asked slyly. “Aside from every male in the place and quite a few of the females?”

“Who?” Cordelia said and then she added, “No, just no.” She and Angel shifted uncomfortably in their seats and Spike grinned.

“Let’s just get home and report to the others,” Angel said, willing his erection away before Cordelia noticed.

“Good idea,” Cordelia said quickly, “although it’s a shame to waste these outfits.”

“Don’t think they were wasted pet,” Spike said, “know for a fact you’ve got at least five phone numbers in your purse.”

“Just for research purposes,” Cordelia said, her blush getting heavier.

“Of course,” Spike said, licking his lips.

Spike slid into Angel’s lap and leaned in. “You could have her right now if you wanted, but just so you know, the only good thing about this stupid body glitter is that it is edible,” he whispered. He bounced back to his own seat, letting his duster fall open just enough for Angel to be able to see the glittering flesh hiding there.

“Home,” Angel nodded, “home is good.”

“Oh great,” Cordelia said with a sigh, “at least we bought a new box of earplugs this week.”

“That’s what was in that box was it,” Spike said with another smirk, “earplugs?”

Making the most of having Spike as his slave was going to be really hard on his bank balance Angel could tell, but with the promise of edible body glitter and the image of Cordelia with her ‘earplugs’ in his head, Angel just couldn’t bring himself to care.



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