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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

In the zone


Tim is worried about Tony being in  Baghdad.   But Tony brings a little surprised  back.

Work Text:

In the  zone
by  Jewelbaby


Tim McGee got up from his desk after finishing his paper work and headed  for the elevator.   “Heading home McGee?”  Ziva asked.

 “Yes.  I need to go work on my next novel.”  Tim  said.

 Only Gibbs and Abby knew of his and Tony’s  relationship.    Yes he Timothy McGee was in a sexual  relationship with Tony Dinozzo.   And has been in this relationship  for going on 2 years.  The past year was filled with ups and downs with  Tony being set up for murder and being under cover.   But now they were on track living together and had not one but 2 dogs.  Yes Tony had  gotten the Jack Russell Terrier that Kate had adopted named Toni.    And now they had Jethro the German Shepherd that Abby had dubbed Tim’s dog since  Tim shot it.      The last few days had been hard on  Tim due to his lover had been in Baghdad on assignment and he had no way of  knowing if Tony was ok.   When they got word that the helicopter Tony  was on went down in a town not far from Baghdad everyone held their  breath.   No one has heard anything and that was 3 days  ago.   Tim pushed the button to go to Abby’s lab.  Once down  there and he found his Goth co worker talking to his Boss.   “When  will we hear something Gibbs?   I’m worried.”  Abby said.

“I know you are Abs.   Tony is strong he’ll be fine.    I willed him to live once if I have to I’ll do it again.”     Gibbs said hugging the Lab rat.

 “I take it no word on Tony?”   Tim asked making his self  known.

 “No.  I would’ve told ya if there was.”  Gibbs said.

 “Timmy you gotta keep strong.   Tony is probably flirting  with some nice guy in that city.”   Abby said giving Tim a hug.

 “I’m heading home.  Need to let the dogs out.   See ya  in the morning guys. ”   Tim said heading towards the  elevator.

When Tim got to his and Tony’s apartment he unlocked the door and stepped inside.   Once inside he was greeted by a feisty Toni and a hassling  Jethro.   “Hey guys.   You miss me?”  He asked taking  his gun out of the holster and putting it in the safe.

 “I bet you guys need to go bathroom badly huh?”   Tim said  moving to the bedroom to change his clothes.

What he found on the bed made him stop dead in his tracks.    There laying on their bed was Tony and a small infant wrapped in pink  blanket.   “T Tony?” Tim stuttered.

Tony rolled slightly to see his lover and smiled his shy smile.    “Hey.  Be quiet she just went to sleep.”  Tony said going back to the  infant.   Tim toed his shoes off and gently climbed onto the bed  behind Tony.   He wrapped his arm over Tony’s waist and lightly  touched the infant on the bed.

 “We need to talk.”  Tony said.

 “Ok.  Wanna put her in the middle of the bed and put pillows  around her. My aunt did that for some one of my cousins.”   Tim  said.

Tony nodded and with Tim climbed gently off the bed and moved the baby into the center of the bed and put pillows on either side of her.   With  that him and Tim went to the living room and then they shared a much awaited  kiss. When the kiss broke Tony smiled.  “I’ve been wanting that for a  week.”  He said.

 “Same here.   Gawd Tony I’ve been so worried.  Hell  everyone has.   When your helicopter went down we had no way of  knowing if you were ok.   Director wouldn’t tell us  nothing.”   Tim said.

“We went down in Anatolia.   The place was a mess.   I  was helping a crew of 5 men search buildings for surviving people.   I  was just about to come out of this burnt building when I heard this  snuffle.”  Tony said swallowing hard.    Tim sat down on the  couch and took his hand.

 “Me and another guy went back in and found the baby in the ruin of  the building.   Laying next to her was her mother dead.    Burned badly looked like she was protecting her child.    I  picked her up and brought her with me.   I couldn’t leave her  there.”     Tony said having to wipe tears from his  eyes.

“Were you injured?”   Tim asked.

“My wrist is sore.  Timmy I wanna keep her.  I know we never  talked about kids but...”    Tony was cut off by Tim.

 “This one is special.   If you honestly think I’ll make you  give her up then you don’t know me well.”  Tim said.    Tony  laid over on him.

 “Thank you.   I’m sorry you worried so  much.”    He said.

 Tim ran his hand over Tony’s head.  “It’s all part of  love.    Let’s go and get Ducky to take a look at the baby.   And your wrist.   And see if Gibbs or the director can help us in  getting official papers.”    Tim said.

“K.”   Tony said.


Tim and Tony went into the Morgue and Ducky smiled.    “Anthony it’s good to see you well.”  Ducky said hugging Tony. “Hey Duck.”  Tony said smirking.

 “And what do we have here.    Oh my is this  dear girl a rescue?”  Ducky asked eyeing the baby.

 “Yes.   Could you take a look at her?”  Tony  asked.

“Bring her over to the table.   Mr. Palmer drape the far table  with double sheets please.”  Ducky said.

 “Yes Doctor.”  Palmer said running to do that.

“Anthony how are you doing?”   Ducky asked.

“I’m tired and sore.  But fine other than that.”    Tony said.

“Well it’s good to have you back.  Have you seen the rest of the  team?” Ducky asked.

“No.  I just got back this evening.”  Tony  said.

Tim saw Tony watching as Ducky attended to the baby and figured Tony didn’t wanna leave the baby alone.   “Why don’t I go and get everyone and  bring em down here.  And we can do what we’ve been discussing to do for the  last month or so.  Ok?”  Tim asked.

“Yeah.”  Tony said.

Tim got onto the elevator and went to Abby’s lab where she found Abby  Ziva and Gibbs looking at some kind of evidence.    “Umm  guys.   I need you down in the Morgue.  Something you should  see.”   Tim said.

 “Alright let’s go see.”   Gibbs said.

Tony was being checked out by Ducky when the 3 agents and lab rat came in through the sliding doors.   “TONY!!!!!!”  Abby squealed running  over to hug him.

“Quiet Abigail we not only have Tony but a newer member.”    Ducky warned.  Tim had positioned himself behind Tony and rubbed his  back.

“Dinozzo why is there a baby on Ducky’s table?”  Gibbs  asked.

“Cause she was abandoned in the town the copter went down in.”   Tony said running his hand down the baby’s face.

“How old do you think she is Ducky?”  Tim asked.

“My estimate would be just shy of 2 months.”  Ducky  said.

Just then the Director came down and spoke.  “Agent  Dinozzo  it’s good to see you alive.”  She said.

“Thank you.”  Tony said.

“Director I’m glad you came down.  Me and Tony wanted to make an announcement.”  Tim said. “Yes.  Um Gibbs and Abby  already know the first part.  Me and Tim have been seeing each other for 2  years now.”   Tony said.

“It’s about time you told me.  Is all I have to say.”   Ducky said.

“Wait Ducky you knew?”  Tim asked.

“Indeed I did Timothy.”  Ducky said.

“What’s the other part?”  Director asked.

“That’s where you come in.  We wanna know what it’ll take to  make this baby legally ours.”  Tim said.

“It shouldn’t take much.  I’ll get the proper papers in order  and have em on McGee’s desk tomorrow.”   Director said.

“Thank you.”  Tony said.

“Well I’m sure Dinozzo is tired.  So why don’t we let them get  the baby back home and let him rest.”   Gibbs said.

“Yes.  Tony you are not to step foot on the lot until Monday  morning.  That is unless it’s for personal reasons.  So you have 6  days to come up with a name for that precious baby.”   Director  said.

“Thank you.”  Tony said stunned as Director left the Morgue.




Tony was laying on the couch with the baby on his chest.   Tim  was coming out of the bedroom  with dirty clothes and stopped as he watched  his two favorite people.  A lot had changed since the baby had come into  the picture. Tony stepped down from Gibbs’ second in command and  relinquished his title to Tim.   He now did part time work or worked  from home so he could take care of the baby.  That wasn’t that  changed.   The guest bedroom went into a nursery with a trundle bed in  case one or both of the guys needed to sleep in there.  The  baby had 3 aunts and 2 uncles who doted on her constantly.   Tim smiled and walked over to his 2 special people and gently raised Tony’s head cushioning it on his legs.   “Hey.  I see she went to sleep on  her favorite pillow. ”   Tim said.

 “Hey can I help it the ladies love me.”    Tony  said.

 “As long as that is the only lady who falls asleep on your  chest.   Then no you can’t.”   Tim said smirking.

 “I’m a one family guy.  And I have all the family I need right  here.  Ain’ t that right Katie.”   Tony said.

Tim smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on Tony’s head.   Yeah  he had all the family he needed.

