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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Vow of Silence


Why does Little Joe Cartwright keep surviving accidents? And who is the mysterious stranger called Adam Pierson?

Work Text:

Vow of Silence by Witchfaire

Bonanza/Highlander Crossover

Time~ the never ending bookkeeper of spins and swirls through the glass and disappears in a void.

Sighing, Little Joe Cartwright leaned against the door, dreaming of his old life, his home and his family. At the sound of bells, Joe moved slowly in his dark robe, lifting the hem so he would not trip, his sandaled feet slapped against the cold stone corridor.


Ten year old Joe Cartwright wiggled his bare feet in the lake. It was a hot summer day just perfect for swimming and fishing. He wished he had someone to play with but both of his brothers were working in the fields that day. He lay down putting his arms behind his head; watching a bumblebee buzz around the surrounding sunflowers. His father had told him to be home hours ago, but as usual Joe was late.

A noise roused him from a half sleep turning he saw a dark haired young man walking toward him.

"Hi!" Little Joe sat up with one strap of his blue coveralls falling off his shoulder.

The man smiled at the tousled hair boy, he could see a few freckles dotting the child's face and green eyes watching him.

"Hello there young man, you mind if I join you for while?"

"Sure...are you from around here? I don't recognize ya." Joe studied the man liking him immediately, taking note of the man's rather large nose and his twinkling dark brown eyes. "I was just fishin'.

" about if I help you." Sitting beside Joe the man removed his boots and socks sticking his feet into the cool water. Leaning back on his arms he surveyed the countryside.

"What's your name?" Joe stuck his tongue out of his mouth wetting his lips.


"I have a brother named Adam but him and my other brother Hoss are workin' today. I was lonely." Squinting up at the man his face turned very serious. "You ever get lonely Mr.?"

"Yes....quite a bit, actually. Are you happy here Joe? Is your family good to you?"

"Sure! My Pa is Ben Cartwright....he owns all this land here." Joe threw his arms out wide covering the whole area.

"So...he doesn't mistreat you or anything?" Adam looked deeply into the child's eyes looking for the truth.

"Gosh no. Adam says....that's my brother Adam....he's says I'm spoiled rotten. But I'm not! No way." At the young man's smile, Joe continued. "Okay...maybe a little bit spoiled." They started laughing together making the hours fly by, it was a few hours later they parted company.

"I'll have to clean the barn for bein' late, but it was worth it, thanks for fishin' with me." Adam smiled at the child's words...Joe was full of mischief; definitely the kind of child that would survive.


Ben heard yelling outside the house, opening the door he saw his fifteen year old son lying unconscious on the ground with old Charlie standing over him. Ben's heart felt like it would burst at the sight of Little Joe lying so still. Ben ran to his child scooping him up in his arms, yelling for Hoss to help him. "Charlie, get the doctor, quick." Ben carried Joe up the stairs, whilst Hoss ran to the kitchen summoning Hop Sing. "Get warm water, Little Joe's been hurt."

Adam quickly entered Joe's bedroom, he thought he had heard Joe calling for him. Joe murmured softly, "Adam, help me."

"I'm here Joe...take it easy buddy. I wonder why he keeps saying my name over and over?" Adam asked Ben. "How did he get hurt, Pa?" Ben shrugged his shoulders his worry intensifying as Joe remained barely conscious.

"I don't know son...maybe he was thinking about you when he had his accident."

The three men undressed Joe placing him in bed with a hot water bottle to keep him warm, "Hoss, see if you can find out what happened to your brother," Ben snapped curtly, as he sat down on the edge of the bed thinking Little Joe looked so pale against the white sheets. His many times had he waited for the doctor to come to Joe's rescue? Wetting a damp cloth he placed it on Joe's brow hoping to bring his son awake...if only there wasn't so much blood.

Adam held pressure on the wound trying to stop the bleeding, while praying silently that Joe would live.

The hours crept by while Doctor Martin was upstairs treating Joe, he promised he would talk to them as soon as he could. Hoss sat fiddling with a piece of wood, Adam stared at his open book, and Ben gazed into the fireplace trying to find some hope in his heart. Joe's head had been bleeding profusely and Ben had felt a massive lump rising on the back of his head probably causing his unconsciousness.

Charlie had said a stranger had brought Joe home, saying that Joe's horse had reared sending him hard to the ground, hitting his head. The stranger had not stayed; all the ranch hands had searched but he had disappeared. Leaving only a vague description of a man with dark hair with a slender build.

Finally, the doctor walked slowly down the staircase going straight to the decanter of brandy sitting on the side table. Pouring himself a large glass he swallowed a gulp before speaking to the waiting family.

"Ben, that's the closest I ever want to come to losing one of your sons."

Ben gasped, "Paul is he all right?"

"Yes. I don't know how it happened, Ben, but his heart stopped, and then just as I was leaving the room to tell you... he moaned. I don't know how he came back, but that was the closet I've come to losing Joseph. He's lost a lot of blood, but I think he'll make it." Paul took another drink, and then collapsed into the blue chair. "You can go see him now." His words were hardly finished before Ben, Hoss, and Adam were running up the steps to Little Joe's room.

Joe recovered quickly, but Ben insisted that he take it easy for several weeks. After Joe's accident Adam had been over protective of Joe causing his youngest brother to rebel. Now after a day of hard work they were at each other's throats.

"Joe, hurry up, we're going to be late getting home if you don't get a move on." Adam twirled his horse around, impatient with Joe's aggravating habit of being tardy. "Come on!" Kicking his horse into a gallop he left his brother behind to catch up with him. But...Joe never caught up; he disappeared that night. Posses, ranch hands and the family had all searched diligently for him for months but no trace was found of Little Joe Cartwright

Adam shut his book, wondering for the thousandth time about his young fifteen year old brother, what had happened to him, where could he have disappeared to, on that day so long ago? As his mind drifted to the past he remembered the day as if it was yesterday. Why had he been so cross with Joe that he wished he could change the past.



Ben Cartwright finished the papers on his desk as a feeling of exhaustion washed over him. He decided to put the work away for the evening and he was definitely going to hire a book keeper one of these days, as there wasn't any time for paperwork after a hard days ranch work. The front door opened and his middle son Hoss entered the room with a large smile on his face.

"Hey Pa, Bessie had her calf she's a beauty."

"That's fine son. What are you going to name her?" Ben smiled kindly.

"Oh, I'm not sure yet, maybe Martha." Chuckling he glanced toward the table to see if Hop Sing had dished up supper yet. "I'm sure hungry."

"As soon as Adam gets in we'll eat."

Hoss grabbed an apple out of the bowl, munching it loudly, when Adam finally arrived.

"Well, son, Hoss was getting ready to eat the bowl, if you didn't get here soon," laughing they found their places at the table.

Dinner that night was like any other; they discussed branding, moving the cattle to other pastures, how much feed would be needed now the weather was warming, plus numerous other ranch problems, when Hoss remembered he had picked up the mail earlier.

"Oh, Pa, I have a few letters for ya," Hoss pulled the letters from his vest, and handed them to his father. "I don't reckon them papers on them bulls I was lookin' for is there?"

"Let's see." Ben slit the envelopes reading the correspondence inside, until only one remained. The letter was very thin, so he assumed it probably was a flyer of some kind, maybe an advertisement for feed. Opening the letter the words at first didn't make any sense, but then he abruptly stood up.

"Pa? What's the matter?" Hoss looked over at Adam; his light blue eyes troubled.

"I...I can't believe this!" Crumpling the note Ben walked to the fireplace to throw it inside, when he felt Adam's hand on his.

"Let me see, Pa."Adam spread out the thin filament of paper and read it slowly,

"Ben,I have your son. He's been a handful as you can imagine, but he has learned to behave his mentors. I must keep him a little while longer until he learns his lessons of life. He's only been in my care for two years and there's been a wonderful transformation. Be very brave my friend, your child will one day return home to you." Adam choked but continued, "The lessons of life are hard to learn, but to those that try...success is the prize."

"What!" Hoss ran over to Adam dragging the letter from his hand. "Pa, could it be true?"

"NO! We know Joe is dead...we looked everywhere, it's just a cruel hoax!" Ben collapsed into his red chair. How many detectives had he hired to look for his son?

"But, Pa...we never found his body or nothin'." Hoss ran over to the door grabbing his hat, "I'm gonna' find him!"

"HOSS! Stop it! How long have we searched for any sign of Joe? How many bounty hunters and detectives did we hire, only to be let down?" Adam ground out harshly, "Pa's, right. It's just someone wanting money."Adam pulled the letter from Hoss's hand walking to the fireplace, tossing the note into the fire, where it curled and burned.

"There's something fishy goin' on here and I'm gonna' find out what it is." Hoss slammed the door as he hurried outside, he knew that Little Joe needed him, he didn't care what Pa and Adam said.

Joe knelt in the dark chamber where he was told to think about his transgressions. His mind going over everything from his day... his work, his lessons, his room, never going beyond the borders of the monastery. Sighing, he moved a little to the right, resting on one knee at a time, they had grown callused over time, but they still hurt after a few hours on cold hard stone. Joe had tried to escape many times and still often thought about doing it, but the men had always caught him, bringing him back to be punished harshly, now he stayed safely in the monastery boundaries at all times.

A few days after his arrival he had been brought before a tribunal of four men. The leader explained in great detail why they had kidnapped him and what he had to do to stay alive.

"Joe, you must try to understand. I know you're very young but I've watched over you for many years. Remember when I first met you when you were ten? I knew that someday this would happen to you. I can see the disbelief written in your expression so we have to make you understand the ramifications of your situation. Koren, if you please." Adam held Joe's arm stiffly out from his body.

Koren picked up a knife from the table walking coldly toward Joe. The scar on Koren's face seemed to stand out in red as his eyes narrowed with hate.

"Don't, don't!" Joe tried to move but his arm was held tightly by Adam Pierson.

"So, my friend, you need convincing, do you?" Koren grabbed Joe's arm slicing it open with knife. "There, my boy, that should do you!" Laughing, he threw the knife onto the table. Adam frowned at Koren's theatrics, he didn't mean for him to scare the boy half to death.

"Joe...Joe! Listen to're all right, look at your arm." The blood had already stopped flowing from his wound.

The pain had lessened and finally Little Joe stared in fascination at his arm. The cut was healing itself until nothing remained but clear unblemished skin.

"It's healed..." he whispered quietly. "I am immortal." Joe turned to Adam, feeling like his whole world had turned upside down. "You mean I died when I got hurt falling off the horse?"

Hugging Joe hard, Adam whispered, "It's all right, Joe, you'll be fine."

Joe nodded but the surprise was almost to much to bear.

The leader laughed, "yes, my friend, you're fine and you'll stay that way as long as you follow the rules." Patting Joe on the back he then put his arm around him walking him to his cell for the night. "Joe, it's a grand thing to be an immortal being...but it also comes with a lot of mishaps. You have to watch out for other immortals that would love to kill you, to take your soul and your power. You can be killed but you will always return to life, no matter the serious nature of your injuries, unless you lose your head or are killed by another immortal. Now I know it's hard to believe but tonight should have convinced you. You rest..."

Joe lay for a long time that night thinking about his mentor's words and going over the things they had tried to teach him. If he was to live the life of an immortal, he had to come to grips with his life. 'I have to follow the rules. Always be on guard against another immortal...even friendly immortals sometimes turn on you. I might die hundreds of times, but will not stay dead; so I must be prepared to leave at any time, people must never learn that immortals live in the world. I must practice every day with my sword so I will be able to defend myself against another immortal. All hallowed ground is sacred...One day only two immortals will be left...they will fight to the death...the winner will be the most powerful man alive. There can be only one.' The words kept going around in Joe's head until he fell asleep from exhaustion, dried tears on his cheeks. Many months would pass before Joe would accept everything he had learned from his leader...his mentor...Adam Pierson.

The bell ringing brought him slowly to his feet, pulling his robe up so he wouldn't trip, trying to return circulation to his legs, then the slow walk down the corridor to the dining room. He almost laughed but kept it inside, knowing that it would be counted as a transgression in the harshest way. Sometimes he felt so silly trailing around in these long robes, he longed to pull them up to his knees and run. He had asked Adam why they had to wear the robes and the man had said what better way to be invisible than a monastery full of monks?

An old wooden table sat in the middle of the room with six chairs around it. Sitting straight in the chair he waited for the others to appear, always in the same order, never a deviation from routine. Four men took their places at the table, sitting straight to be served their food, by the old woman who worked in the kitchen. Joe wished just once to be allowed to speak, but silence was the rule for mealtimes. Only one man sat with a twinkle in his dark eyes, the leader of the strange group. Joe's meal consisted of dark dry bread, milk, and a thin gruel at noon, while the rest had everyday fare. This was supposed to teach him the value of substance, then after a rest in his chambers, he would go to lessons. Lessons...he loved the sword fighting seemed he had a natural flair for the art of swords as well as being a excellent marksman with a gun.


The long corridor stretched endlessly, Joe wiped his brow, and then resumed cleaning the stone floors with harsh lye soap, it had to be spotless or he would again be on his hands and knees with a stiff wire brush. Dunking the brush in the bucket, he let his mind travel back through the past. His family had probably given him up for dead; but he would return home soon. They had promised to release him as soon as he had learned all the rules.

His time at the monastery wasn't really so bad, oh, he didn't like scrubbing the floors, but he knew this taught humility, he didn't like the lessons on geography, math or languages either, but he had learnt these lessons and he did enjoy the others.

"Joe, I see a spot on this side, clean it."

Joe nodded his head, intent on cleaning the spot. As the man walked away his mind drifted again. One problem he did have was the dislike of two of the men, both of them scared him senseless, he kept out of their way as much as possible; but they had been absent most of the time he had been here. They were the enforcers of his stay at the monastery, he could never escape them. The other two men had turned out to be good friends. Jonah was as large as Hoss with a childlike quality about him, he treated Joe as a playmate. His mentor was harder to understand, but he knew it was this man that helped him the most. Now he would be leaving to find his own place in the world.


Joe made his way down the long stone corridor for the last time. He would be leaving as soon as he talked to Adam Pierson. Tapping lightly on the door he entered the chamber with a large smile on his face.

"Sir, I'm leaving in a few minutes, but I just want to say how much I appreciate the way you have helped me." Joe felt so strange to be dressed in regular clothes again. "Thanks for the new clothes, Adam."

"Joe, there's no need to thank me." Adam smiled at his young pupil. "We all are survivors helping each other; your case is unique, only three or four that I have knowledge of, but I'm sure it will work out. Now, I have another present for you." The young man held out a long wooden case to Joe. "This is yours; keep it safe and it will be your friend."

"Thank you...." Joe's eyes glittered with tears then he carefully held the wooden box. "Will I see you again?" Joe longed to hug his friend, to make contact with this extraordinary individual.

"Oh yes.....mi casa es su casa." Hugging Joe in his arms Adam laughed, "You definitely will be seeing me."As if hiding emotion, he turned and looked out the window, "now remember your story to tell your family, keep it simple, never let on that you are different in any way than you were. Play acting is the hardest part of our lives. Go on, I'll miss you, Joe."

Joe fell to knees and kissed the man's hand, then abruptly left the room, before he lost his composure.

The buckboard stopped and Joe jumped out, grabbing his wooden case. "Thanks, Jonah." Joe stepped away from the wagon watching as it turned to go back to the monastery.

Joe had wanted to return the Ponderosa so many times, but now that he was here he felt helpless. First he had to hide the case, turning he spied some rocks back in the trees. He pushed his case inside a crevice, and then tossed some limbs and rocks over it. He would be back soon to pick it up.


Joe held his breath, and then opened the solid door which would lead to his new yet old life.

Ben, Adam and Hoss had just sat down to dinner when they heard the front door open. The men stood up expecting one of the ranch hands with a problem when Little Joe Cartwright, walked toward the table.

"Pa?" Joe stood uncertainly waiting for his family's response, twisting his hat in his hands.

"JOE!" He felt himself engulfed in the arms of his brothers. Hoss's blue eyes filled with tears while Adam looked at Joe in shock.

"Pa?" the boy's voice broke again on the word.

Ben had remained still but with the second cry he ran to pull the boy into his arms into a warm embrace, the tears running down his face. Joe had filled out and seemed so much older than the last time he had held him.

"We thought you were dead, Joe!" Ben's sobs echoed in the house, with Hoss and Adam's tears mixing together. "You're alive!" Ben sat Joe in a chair and knelt in front of him. "Little Joe, where have you been? I can't believe you're alive son."

Joe's tears ran down his face, while his mind was repeating the story to tell his family. "I was kidnapped....the man thought I was his son, he wouldn't let me go." Sobbing he kept the story short. Oh, how he wished he could tell his family the truth!

"How did you escape?" Adam interceded. His heart was beating so was as if a great weight had been taken off his shoulders. The guilt he had been suffering for the last two years finally gave way to relief.

"The man died...and I escaped....finally I ran across some travelers and they helped me get home." To Adam the words sounded rehearsed, but why would Joe not tell the truth?

"Joe, why did he think you were his son?" Ben asked. His son looked so good, healthy, with a sparkle in his green eyes even if they glittered with tears. Ben looked down, Joe had caught his hand and was pressing it tightly to his heart.

"Well, I looked like him I guess... he was insane, Pa. But....I'm so happy I'm home." Joe broke into tears of happiness as his family gathered around him.

Joe fielded all the questions concerning the man, no he wasn't sure where the ranch was, no he didn't meet any other people at the ranch, they were all alone. He kept to his mentor's advice and never deviated from his main story.

The next few days were spent celebrating his return to their home. Joe tried to act the same as before and for the main part succeeded. Only once in a while displaying uncharacteristic behavior. The family just put this down to his captivity.

Things settled down in Joe's life...except for Adam. Adam was always staring at him, asking him questions, not accepting his stories as easily as Hoss and his father. He wished Adam would just leave him alone. They started fighting more often, arguing over Joe's work and his frivolous behavior, Joe tried his best to keep Adam at bay, but sometimes he wondered if he was succeeding.

"Pa...Joe is different...I know you and Hoss think he's the same, but he's not."Adam felt like Joe's story just didn't ring true. Yes, he had been kidnapped but why couldn't he remember the details of his captivity?

Sighing, Ben looked at his eldest son, "Adam, we have no idea what Joe was put through, you know that...I'm just thankful he's home." Ben had doubts about Joe himself, but his happiness at having his son alive, was all that mattered.

"Fine...but have you noticed that he's absolutely without fear of any consequence? Before he left he I could control him, but now he delights in bad behavior. You haven't talked to Mitch or Seth lately. He's turning into a little daredevil, nothing is too difficult for him to try. He's riding his horse a fast as he can...jumping ditches, over hedges, I even caught Joe down on D street drinking in the saloon."

"What? I can't believe that Joe would act so irresponsibly. I will have a talk with him as soon as he gets home today. Look Adam, I know he's acting up but I will put a stop to his bad behavior, we have to remember what he's been through."

"Pa, Joe's using that against us. We try to correct him and we get the puppy dog eyes then we feel sorry for him. He's playing us, Pa." Adam's fists were tight as he waited for his father's answer.

"He's just testing his wings, it has to be extremely difficult to re-enter the family." Ben could tell he wasn't getting through to his son, "Look, just let me handle it." Clapping Adam on the back, he walked away.

Adam whispered to himself, "Oh...and what about his precision with a did he learn to be such a fast draw? What did that man teach him?"


Hoss and Joe were playing around with swords when Adam arrived home. Adam dismounted from his horse, completely disgusted with the behavior of both of his brothers.

"Why aren't you doing what I told you to?"

"Oh, big brother, what is that?" Joe retorted back to him.

"You're supposed to be out checking the north pasture fence. Joe, fetch your horse and get out there right now."Grabbing the sword from Hoss he asked, "Where did these swords come from, these aren't Marie's."Adam ran his fingers against the sharp blade nicking his finger.

"I found them in the attic if it's any business of yours." Joe placed his sword back in the wooden case then held out his hand for the one Adam held. Adam reluctantly handed it to his little brother.

Hoss jumped into the fray, "I'm sorry Adam, Joe and I were just playin'. Come on, Joe, let's git it done." Grabbing Joe's arm, he pulled him into the barn.

"Why do we always have to do what he says? I'm sick of being told what to do!" Joe's eyes flashed fire, as if they had been banked but were now glowing. "I'm seventeen years old I don't need to be lectured as if I was a child."

"Joe, Pa would be mad if we don't get out there, so saddle up." The two brothers rode out but Joe gave Adam a dangerous look, as if willing him to retaliate against him. Just one more time and he would make Adam pay for his high-handedness.

Later that night in bed, Joe remembered his mentor's words...."control your temper or you just might reveal your immortality." He had to regain control of his life....he had to remember. Joe rolled over in bed on his stomach trying to shut out his thoughts.


Time passed with Joe and Adam staying out of each other's space. Adam would correct Joe, but Joe held his temper most of the time. Joe was a full time ranch hand now, he felt like an adult no matter what his family thought.

Joe looked around the saloon that Saturday night, it was filled with trail drovers on a Saturday night binge. Hoss was arm wrestling with an old friend and Adam was sipping his whiskey with his hat pulled half way over his eyes sitting at a table. Ben was talking with Sheriff Roy Coffee and discussing the Paiute crisis but still keeping an eye on his youngest son.

As for Joe, he was flirting with the saloon girl, Glory. Joe had met her during the dust up with the Paiutes and Mark Burdette, but the trouble had passed and everything had worked out. Joe thought Glory had the prettiest green eyes and was contemplating kissing her when he stiffened and turned toward the saloon door.

A very young, thin man stood at the door, watching all the pleasurable activities. Smiling, he opened the doors striding to the bar.

"Barkeep, a whiskey please." The man had an accent that sounded unusual, but since half the world had settled in Virginia City, it wasn't strange to hear many languages.

The man raised his glass to Joe and Glory, "Nice place, your home away from home?"

Joe laughed then shook his head, "Mi casa es su casa."

They broke into laughter then turned back to Glory, the three sat down at a back table watching the evening pass. About an hour later, Glory excused herself to powder her nose, leaving Joe and the man alone.

Adam had been watching them for awhile but his interest picked up as he saw Joe and the stranger huddle together deep in conversation. He wanted to get closer to listen but they would have spotted him so he decided to be introduced.

"Hi Joe, who's your friend?" Adam crossed his arms waiting for an answer.

"Hi, Adam." Joe hesitated... but the man spoke up.

"A new acquaintance," he raised his glass of beer toward Adam," To new friends."

"I'm Adam Cartwright, Little Joe's brother and you are?"

"I'm Doctor Adam Pierson. Nice to meet you," he gave Adam's hand a limpid handshake.

"Are you new in town Doctor? Are you a friend of Doctor Martins?"

"I haven't had the pleasure yet." Standing he threw a few coins onto the table then turned to Joe. "See ya around, Joe," with a grin he walked slowly away.

"Thanks, Adam, we were having a good time until you butted in." Joe tossed more coins on the table and walked to the bar, where Glory had returned. "Hey Glory, how about a moonlight serenade." Taking her arm they left the saloon together strolling down the street.

"Joe, you are so sweet, but won't your father mind you out here with me?" Glory ran her fingers through Joe's hair. "Your bruises have already cleared up," she kissed his cheek gently. "I was so worried about you after that fight in front of the saloon with Thorne."

"I'm fine." Joe brushed aside her concern. "Pa knows that I wouldn't take advantage of a pretty girl like you, sweetheart." Joe nuzzled her neck, and then whispered in her ear. "I have to meet someone honey, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" One last long kiss then they parted.

Ben nodded to Adam to follow his little brother outside. Adam watched Joe stop Glory several times to kiss, but at the end of the street, he parted from Glory walking quickly to the stable. A few minutes later, Joe left on Cochise riding south of town. Adam hurriedly saddled Sport trying to keep just far enough behind so Joe wouldn't' see him.

Joe slowed his horse then riding under a huge oak tree; he dismounted. "Adam?"

Doctor Pierson came from behind the tree; he grabbed Joe into his arms hugging him hard. "Look at you, little one, all in one piece."

Sitting down Joe leaned into his friend's side. "You were right, I almost lost my temper with my brother, Adam. He suspects something but hasn't been able to put the pieces together. I thought I was going to have to leave the ranch."

"You can always return to the monastery but you have to watch out for the other's. They're evil Joe, not Jonah, but the other two. Never trust them. Koren would kill  you if he could. He's good good for you to fight."

Adam dismounted slipping behind a few bushes. Listening closely he realized that Joe and the good doctor were old friends.

"I wish I could go back sometimes but I can't leave my family I love them too much. My father's life is his children, Hoss loves me, he has taken care of me for so long..."

"And Adam?"

"I'm not sure...he's a brother, a substitute father...a friend," Joe laughed, "and sometimes a know it all tyrant." Joe dipped his head then grinned at Adam, "I'm very good you know. I thought I would be to afraid to fight but the man pushed me past the point of retreat."

"Really...."Adam smiled into Joe's eyes,"so you've met someone recently."

"Yes...I was scared but I remembered everything you taught me..." Joe couldn't help the note of pride in his voice, "I won."

"I assumed so, my young friend...bravo." Putting his arm around Joe in a neck lock he ruffled Joe's hair. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, sir."

Adam didn't understand the conversation but he thought Joe was talking about shooting someone; probably in the fight with Burdette and Thorne. He knew that Adam Pierson was trouble, if only he could find out who he was, why he had contacted Joe. He listened for a while but they never alluded to any other secrets so finally he gave up, mounting Sport to ride home. He didn't think he should talk to his father yet, his father would always see Joe as his baby. Adam decided to take Hoss into his confidence instead.

Some time passed but Hoss refused to listen to any 'dumb' comments about his little brother, he didn't understand Adam's refusal to accept Joe just the way he was. So Adam alone determined to find out the answers.


Adam had ridden into Virginia City to work out some details on a mining contract. Picking up the monthly payroll for the ranch, he was on his way home when a shot rang out, barely missing him. It had been the Clevinger brothers, Billy and Bob, who had intended to ambush Adam for the money. Suddenly two more shots were fired killing the two brother's. A man appeared from the trees and introduced himself to Adam as Marshall Gerald Eskith who had been suspicious of the brother's behavior in the town. Adam invited Eskith to return to the Ponderosa to tell the family what had happened and to take the payroll home. As Adam and Eskith rode into the yard, Eskith sat up in his saddle looking around.

"Anything the matter, Marshall?" Adam asked.

", it's just there seems to be a lot of ranch hands roaming around."

"Oh...the Ponderosa is a large's the busy season right now."

Joe stood up abruptly then hurried to the front door opening it wide. "Pa,'s Adam and a stranger." A tremor of fear went through Joe, an immortal was near. He wanted to run and hide or maybe take a stand and fight...but he was prevented from doing both things...he had to act if the immortal was just another stranger.

Ben and Hoss rushed outside to hear Adam's story about the gunfight while Little Joe hung back listening to the conversation....hesitant at first then hearing the friendly voices he helped carry in the stranger's belongings. The Marshall caught Joe's eye then nodded in a friendly way.

"Joe, take the Marshall's bags to his room son," Ben ordered, then turned back to their guest.

Little Joe carried Marshall Eskith's bags to the guest room and set them on the bed. Opening the bags he rummaged quickly through them but didn't find what he was looking for. Thoughtfully, he closed them tightly and hurried to join the family.

"Pa, I put Mr. Eskith's bags up in his room," yelled Little Joe running down the stairs.

As Gerald Eskith was talking he noticed the swords hanging on the wall of the home.

"Well, one wouldn't have thought one would encounter the epee out here in the wilderness." Eskith lifted the sword from the wall hook. He ran his hands gently along the fine cold steel.

"Little Joe's mother was Louisiana French. He likes to play around with it." Ben smiled. "Marie had taken lessons for years in New Orleans so when she came here to Nevada she wanted a remembrance."Ben laughed, "Of course for years we had them hanging high on the wall to prevent Little Joe from handling them."

Little Joe rolled his eyes, "Pa!"

Turning to the Marshall Joe smiled, "I love practicing with something my mother owned."

Gerald smiled at Joe, "you mean you actually use this?" Gerald gave Joe a mocking look.

"No, I fool around with it just for fun." Joe took the sword from Eskith's hand loving the feel of the cold sword in his hand. Their eyes met until Hoss interrupted.

Hoss smiled, "He's faster than greased lightning Mr. Eskith. Joe, let's show him." Hoss walked across the room taking the other sword off the wall and engaging in a free for all with Joe.

"On guard! brother." Joe laughed and swiped Hoss on the bottom.

They danced through the room, the swords clanging with Little Joe jumping on the furniture, until he finally knocked the sword from Hoss's hand. Ben, Adam, and Eskith watched the play.

"He has an admirable skill," Eskith murmured to Ben watching the sword fight, as it ended with Hoss sitting in the chair while Joe was laughing.

Eskith hurried toward Joe, "Touche! Nevertheless your technique is not quite flawless. When you feint to the left you're a bit off balance."

Gerald removed his coat tossing it on the chair and taking Hoss's sword from him. He felt the weight of the sword in his hand, making his grip fit the metal bracket.

"On guard?"He motioned to Joe to engage.

Joe replied with a grin, "on guard."

Back and forth they went, first one then the other getting the upper hand, finally meshing the swords together, Joe fell back and tripped dropping his sword, while Eskiths countered with the sword to Joe's throat. Joe froze a fission of terror running through his body. Eskith stiffened, the hot blood running through his body staring into Joe's eyes.

Joe reached up and pulled the sword tip from his throat, "You know you could hurt somebody with that. You lost the button off the point," Joe replied wearily.

Eskith replied "so I did, this might have been fatal," and pulled away.

The men took stock of each other while Joe's family who had been holding their breath, broke out into relieved smiles.

Ben started a discussion talking with Eskith about the merits of emotion. Eskith remarked, "that simple word can be traced to the downfall of most artists and many human creatures, emotion."

Ben raised his glass drinking his brandy, " That's a very interesting observation, I don't think I could cast you in the mould of an average lawman," Ben slapped Eskith on the back.

"I've been told that."Eskith muttered gazing seriously into space.

Joe listened with a sarcastic smile until he noticed Adam's glance in his direction. Joe turned away to stare into the fireplace hiding his thoughts from his brother.

Adam had been watching the procedures with a distracted air. Something wasn't quite right, the air of suppressed excitement between Joe and Eskith wasn't hard to miss. It was as if they were communicating under layers of words, each talking secrets that no one else would understand. Even later when Joe told him that Eskith was right to kill the Clevingers to save him...he felt a tiny seed of doubt.

After a pleasant evening listening to Gerald Eskith's tale of his travels around the world, Ben asked Hoss and Joe to show Mr. Eskith to his room.

"Mr. Eskith, did you have that tiger cat by the tail, sure enough?" Hoss was heard questioning.

Ben laughed, talking to Adam. "That Hoss sure makes the most wonderful audience, doesn't he?" Adam frowned turning back to the fireplace, his mind was definitely not on Hoss.

Adam awoke in the middle of the night, he thought he heard whispering coming from Eskiths room. Wondering if his guest was ill he pulled on a robe and slippers quietly walking down the hall trying not to wake his Pa and brothers. Raising his hand to tap on the door, he recognized his brother Joe's voice. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he did hear Joe laugh. Then a few words..."three years ago."Hesitating he waited but then heard someone walking toward the bedroom door. Adam hurried to his room, just as Joe left Eskiths room to return to his own.

The next morning after breakfast; Adam, Ben and Eskith mounted their horses for the ride into Virginia City, to meet Jason Blaine. Breakfast had been a quick affair, but Joe and Eskith had not mentioned their three a.m. tete a tete. Finally, while his father was riding slightly ahead of them, Adam leaned into Eskith asking about the night before.

"Were you ill last night, Gerald?"

"My dear, Adam....I slept like a baby."

"I thought I heard noises last night so I checked them out...I believe that Joe was in your room last night."

"Oh....that was a little ruse on my part. I wanted to ask Joe some questions about New Orleans, I hadn't realized that he had never been there before....I mean he did have the swords on the wall."

"I see." Of course, he didn't see at all. Why in the middle of the night? "So, how did Joe end up in your room?"

"Oh...we sort of met half way....I was going to the kitchen to get a drink....when Joe had the same idea. We took our bounty up to my room, I wanted to show Joe some souvenirs of my travel. I hope I wasn't breaking any house rules?" Gerald asked mockingly.

"No...not at all."Adam resigned himself to this fairy tale but kept his feelings to himself.

They parted in Virginia City, with a few words. Ben asking Eskith to go on a cougar hunt on the Ponderosa, when Eskith remarked..." Ben, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your hospitality, I told you before there is nothing in life I find as exciting as a hunt." Eskith smiled as he remembered Joe at the ranch. Maybe he would return someday for the kind of hunting he enjoyed the most.

Later Adam would look back on the affair with new eyes. Now, all he could see was mayhem and tragedy in the affair with Jason Blaine and Gerald Eskith. The Marshall had turned out to be an outlaw hunting Jason Blaine to return to California to the crime syndicate. They had ended their cat and mouse game in an old dark mine shaft fighting for their lives. After Adam shot Eskith, the man murmured, "Ben, thank you for your hospitality, I never dreamed Gerald Eskith would be defeated by emotions."

"I can't believe you ever had any," Adam said quietly.

"Oh yes....I did. I was in love you know, I was in love with Gerald Eskith," he slowly fell back onto the ground. Adam helped Jason Blaine to his feet, remarking that he would have the sheriff out later to get the body, but for now, Jason needed to see a doctor. The three men rode off side by side.

Joe had followed Adam and his father to the old mine. After he saw Adam, his father and Jason ride away he crept quietly into the mine shaft, looking for Eskiths body. He finally found it, pulling Eskith up over his shoulder he carried him to the entrance throwing his body over the horse. Mounting his own horse he rode away from the mine, trailing the other horse behind him.

"Pa, I can't understand it, I left Eskith's body in that mine, dead. Now, he's gone." Adam hit his hand against the stone fireplace.

"Son...maybe he wasn't dead...maybe he was only stunned...I too thought he had died, but with no body, we can't be sure."

"No, I guess you're right, because who would steal a body?" Adam walked out into the yard, searching the night sky for answers, a long distance away lightening lit the clear dark night. Re-entering the great room, he spoke to Ben. "Pa, where's Joe?"

"Oh, he asked to go to a dance tonight, he'll be in soon. Night, son." The two men made their way to bed.

Several hours later, Joe rode into the barn, putting away Cochise for the night. Sighing, he walked into the house, straight to the brandy. Pouring himself a large glass he threw himself into the chair, many deep regrets for this night's work in his mind.


The two men opened their car doors on a hot summer day in Nevada. The weather was a little hazy with the heat but it was still a beautiful day.

"The ranch house looks wonderful. You've done a great job restoring it."

"Thanks, it's been a labor of love, but I felt like the Cartwrights deserved it."

They continued walking until they stopped at the Cemetery gate. Many graves lay inside but it was the newest grave that they had come to see. "Adam Cartwright 1830 - 1912."

"I found his body in Australia. It turns out after he left Nevada in 1865, he traveled all over the world, then settled down with a wife and three children in Australia.

"So this completes your project."

" have all the original Cartwright's together is what I wanted." Pointing to the graves, he marked them off. "Ben, Marie, Adam, Hoss and Joe."

"So you moved Marie's body from her resting place."

"Yes, the property was sold up by that area of the lake, so I placed her in the Cartwright plot."

"You never told me why Adam Cartwright left Nevada in the first place. I was so surprised he decided to leave the family."

"Let's get a drink, I'll tell you the story."

The two men walked toward the old ranch house for a cold beer. "I remodeled one bedroom into a luxury bathroom, but that's about the only change I made inside the home. Have a seat in front of the fireplace, I know it's too hot to light the fire, but...I'm going to anyway, I love the room lit with the glow of hot coals." He laughed and went to the kitchen for the beer, deciding what to tell his friend.

"Here you go."

Sitting down in the red chair he cleared his throat and started the story.


Adam Cartwright sat on the front porch of the house, drinking a hot cup of coffee at the table. He had many things on his mind but as usual it was Joe that was his main occupation.

"Penny for them, Adam."

"Oh, hi Pa. Have a seat."

Ben sat down across from his eldest son, wishing he understood Adam better, he had been so preoccupied lately, it was if his son was depressed.

"What's the matter, Adam?"

"Oh....nothing." Adam wanted to tell his father his troubles but he was hesitant to start on a long road that maybe should not be traveled.

"Adam, I can't help you if you don't help me. Now start talking." Ben used his 'or else' voice but smiled inside.

"Pa...have you ever noticed that Joe....well...he's almost perfect isn't he?"

"Okay...I'm getting Doc Martin out here, you are definitely ill." Ben's laugh echoed outside.

"No, not that way. I mean...have you ever noticed that Joe doesn't have scars from all his adventures. I mean he's been stabbed, shot, dragged, burned and numerous other accidents too many to count. And there are no scars."

"That's not true Adam." Hoss had been standing out of sight next to the house. "He has a scar at the bottom of one cheek, near his mouth. I know it's there, because I accidentally hit him with a knife one time. I was whittling and my knife slipped."

"Oh...and when was that Hoss? Was it before Joe was kidnapped nine years ago?"

Hoss let his mind travel back through time.." was when he was thirteen."

"See...that's what I'm saying...nothing since his kidnapping."Adam took another swallow of coffee. "It's eerie. There should have been a huge scar when I shot him whilst out hunting that wolf, but it's not there. I've looked."

Ben swallowed hard, he didn't want to think about the changes Joe had displayed these last years. Oh...he was normal in every way; at least it seemed so...until you looked too closely. The scars were troubling, but the air of suppressed excitement he sometimes carried..and the strange...what was it? The hardening of his expressions when they met some people for the first if his whole body stiffened, he didn't understand it.

"Pa...we're never going to know about Joe are we? There is a deep mystery here, but I can't figure it out." There was a sadness in Adam's voice, while Hoss nodded solemnly, but then his eyes lit up with pleasure.

"But...Joe's happy, Adam. Joe and I have had the best adventures and his giggle is so contagious you can't help but laugh." Hoss smiled thinking about some of things they had done together. "Remember when Joe pushed me off that mountain so I could fly?"

They started laughing just thinking about it.

"Adam...I think we're imagining things. It's late, let's go to bed." Ben straightened his back, it had been hurting lately.

Joe stood by the window in Ben's office. He had been listening to the conversation, his heart speeding at the mention of his scars. He rushed to leave the room, but knocked a book onto the floor making a loud noise. Picking it up he ran up the stairs to his room.

Adam heard the noise walking into the great room, he saw the book he had left on the side table, now on Ben's desk. Joe had been listening. Taking a deep breath he walked up the steps slowly, he wanted to talk to his little brother, but he wasn't sure how to begin.

"Joe, can I speak with you a minute?" Adam waited but no sound came from Joe's room, he was pretending to be asleep. Adam finally gave up going to his room. He wondered if Joe would ever tell him the truth.

The next morning at breakfast his father was giving out the day assignments when Joe interrupted, "Pa, I have to make a trip to Carson City about some horses. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, but it's important."

"Joe, oh...all right, how long will you be gone?"

"Two days, I'll hurry Pa."

"Fine...let's go, boys."

Adam, Hoss and Ben rode out to the back pastures while Joe had Hop Sing make food for him to take on the trail.

"Hop Sing, I need enough food for four or five days on the trail."

"You told father you be gone two days."Hop Sing said sharply.

"I know but I have a few things to take care of. Thanks, Hop Sing."

Adam rode home a few hours later to get a piece of equipment; when he saw Joe ride off in the distance but not in the direction of Carson City. After questioning Hop Sing he decided to follow Little Joe to see where he was going.

Joe rode into the monastery late that day, it was never far away from his home, but this was the first time he had returned to the place of his captivity. Stabling Cochise, he entered the door of the monastery, there he took his gun belt off, it was forbidden to have arms on hallowed ground. He quietly walked through the rooms, until he came to his room, a six by six cell of cold stone. This had been his room for two years. It hadn't changed at all, an old mattress laid on the floor with an Indian blanket thrown across it. He smiled remembering how that blanket didn't keep him warm at night. Shutting the door he traveled throughout the corridors until he came to the room at the end. This was Adam Pierson's room. Opening the door on this room was like opening the door to the world.

The room was spacious with faint light shining through the windows, all of Adam's books resting in the bookcases. An oriental carpet lay on the floor next to a desk with a lamp sitting on it. A book lay open on the top. Joe read the inscriptions in the book, the last entry was 1863. So, it had been two years since Adam Pierson had been here. Sitting in the chair Joe pulled the book close so he could read it.

Adam opened the door and noticed Joe's guns laying at the entrance. Frowning he crept silently through the rooms until he saw a faint light in the last room. He quickly opened the door with his gun drawn, Joe sat inside at a desk reading a book.

"Joe, what are you doing?"

Joe smiled and motioned to a comfortable chair in the room. "Adam, why am I not surprised to see you?" Joe turned the page of the book continuing to read.

"You said you were going to Carson City?"

"I lied." Joe spoke quietly. "Sit down, you must be tired, would you like a drink?" Joe poured a brandy for his big brother, handing him the glass. "I was reading this book, it's very interesting."

" this where you were held when you were kidnapped?" Adam drank the brandy letting it warm his insides. He really wanted to know about his baby brother's ordeal in captivity.

"Oh...yes.' Joe smiled. "I even talk like Adam Pierson sometimes."

"So, it was Adam Pierson that took you away from your family. But why? I don't understand why?" Adam leaned down with his elbows on his knees, as if the floor would have a answer. "Tell me Joe." Adam waited until Joe nodded his head in agreement.

"Adam, I was so scared at first; there were two men that took me from my family, I thought it was going to be for ransom. Two of the men dragged me inside this monastery and threw me into a stone cell. It was so cold, Adam... I started crying and I couldn't quit, but after one man, Koren, saw me, I tried never to cry again."

"What did he do you, Joe." Adam held his breath in fear.

"He thrashed me." Joe lowered his head then looked straight into Adam's eyes. "I thought I would die...but then....Adam Pierson came to me, he helped me, he saved my sanity." Joe closed the book. "Adam, none of that matters now. Can't you see that I'm still the same person inside? At least I think I am." Joe drained his glass pouring another brandy.

Adam's head came up staring into Joe's green eyes. "No you're not, Joe. Why do you never scar and how do you heal so quickly, how do you always survive fatal injuries?"

"You don't want to know, Adam. It will change our relationship forever and I don't think you could help telling Pa and Hoss. Sometimes I feel the same old Joe but you're right, I am different. Life might have been so wonderful, but I can't change it." Joe set the glass down gently, when a strange look settled on his face. "Someone's here, be quiet."

Joe left the room shutting the door behind him. Adam could hear murmured words then heavy footsteps following Joe along the stone corridor. The door opened again, and Joe entered the room with a priest and another man.

"Adam, this is Father Darius. He's going to be spending the night, I have given him Adam Pierson's room."

Joe turned to Darius, "We'll be in the kitchen cooking some dinner, I'll let you know when it's ready. Father, will your friend be staying with you?"

"Yes, my son, he's very tired. Joe may I speak you to alone a minute?" Joe followed the priest and the man from the room; leaving Adam to find the kitchen alone to rummage through the cupboards looking for food. He was surprised to find it well equipped with food and dishes.

Adam had potato soup on the stove by the time Joe returned. Joe opened some bags making a quick batch of cornbread which he placed in the oven. The two brothers worked quietly together both lost in thoughts. As if shaking off a great weight Joe turned to Adam.

"Looks good." Setting the table he placed four bowls on the table. "You will like Father Darius, Adam. He's traveled extensively in his life, he's very knowledgeable."

"Did you know him from before, Joe?"

"No, but I know all about him from my friend Adam Pierson."

"What about his friend?"

"I don't know him...but I wouldn't ask too many questions, Father says he's very touchy." Finishing dinner preparation they called their guests to the table.

Adam indeed liked Father Darius, the man had an abundant of knowledge about Europe. Adam longed to travel and listening to the man he couldn't help but marvel at the man's knowledge. It was as if he knew every country in the world.

The other guest to Adam was an enigma. He didn't want to speak and barely grunted thank you for the meal. A strange pair of men to be together. Adam, kept sneaking looks at Little Joe, but Joe was only talking to one man, ignoring the other. As Adam listened he was amazed at the knowledge of his little brother, as Darius switched to Spanish Joe never missed a beat responding to him. Adam knew Spanish, but he had never heard Joe speak it so eloquently.

"I want more cornbread!" The man burped and rubbed his belly. "Get me more cornbread."

Joe made a face but stood up quickly to fetch the food as Darius gave the man a hard look. Dinner finished they parted company; the man going to his room to sleep.

"I'm glad he's gone...Darius why do you travel with that man?"

"Joe, you know, it can't be helped sometimes. Excuse me I'm exhausted, I need an early night." Darius bowed to his friends leaving them together.

"Adam, choose a room but bolt your door tonight. I don't trust that man." Joe wanted to hug his brother but he could feel the distance between them. "I'll see you in the morning." Joe turned but then almost against his will he pulled his brother into an embrace. "Adam, if something should happen to me, you'll tell Pa and Hoss I loved them, right?"

"Joe, tell me what is going on, I know I can help you, buddy." Adam tried to look into his brother's eyes but Joe turned away to hide his face. "Joe!" but Joe strode away without turning around.

Adam lay in deep thought wondering if he would ever be able to tell his father about the things he'd seen. A deep clanging noise brought him wide awake, he rose from bed opening his door to listen, deciding the noise was outside. Putting on his gun belt he hurried outside but the noise was further away than he thought. He ran to the gates of the monastery and passed through them to a deep wooded area, the noise had intensified. Adam had no idea what he would see but never in his lifetime would he ever forget.

Joe and the man fought with large broadswords, they hacked at each other, not a duel in the normal sense, but this was and all out attack to kill each other. Time after time each man would get the upper hand, then his opponent stabbed Joe in the arm bringing a scream to his lips, but Joe still fought on, as if one wound didn't matter to the outcome of the fight. Back and forth they maneuvered trying all the attack tactics they knew but Joe was the victor in the end, bringing the man to death in one fatal stroke.

Adam backed away the terror running his through his veins. He couldn't comprehend the horror of the battle, but then lightening lit the sky and the air crackled with electricity, illuminating the deep woods with a glowing light. Joe raised his arms and screamed when the lightening hit him, running into his body and sword, then it stopped as suddenly as it began and Joe collapsed to the ground.

"Joe!"Adam swayed where he stood afraid to go near his brother. For the first time in his life he was afraid of his little brother.

"Adam." Joe whispered as he stared into his brother's wide eyes. He knew now there was no turning back, Adam knew his dark secret. "Go away, I'll see you in the morning." Joe pulled himself to his feet hanging onto his sword, unsteady but not yielding. "Go."

"Don't be ridiculous, Joe." Adam rushed to Joe's side helping him to his feet. "I don't understand anything that is going on. You have to tell me, no more lying."

Joe tears ran down his face, he had been so afraid to tell his brother, but Adam stood there to back him up. "Adam, it's all right now, please go back to bed, I'll see you in the morning." Adam hesitated, but he finally let his brother go when Joe was steady on his feet. Sighing, he turned away to walk back to the monastery, feeling he was deserting his little brother.

Laying down on his pallet, his mind numb with dread, he fell into a light sleep, interspersed with crazy dreams.

The next morning, the day was bright and beautiful, Adam could smell breakfast cooking in the kitchen. He wondered if he had a nightmare last night. He cautiously entered the kitchen to find Joe and Darius at breakfast.

"Join us, Adam."Darius waved to an empty plate on the table. "You must be hungry."

Sitting at his place he poured himself a cup of dark rich coffee. "I...I had a strange dream last night, Joe." He sipped the dark brew hoping his brother would agree with him.

"It was no nightmare Adam, it was real. I've been trying to come up with a logical explanation for last night, but there isn't one." Joe fixed his eyes on Adam hoping to convey his love...but Adam refused to look at him.

" I see...." Adam paused, and then said. "Tell me."

"I am immortal Adam, I can't die. At least not in the usual sense." Joe let the words sink into his brother's mind. "Look, Adam, it's all very complicated, but that is the gist of it. I found out when I was kidnapped by Adam Pierson, the reason he took me was because he wanted to help me, to teach me, to survive until the game ends."

"Game? What game?"

'The game of the immortals. We kill each other for sport...we kill each other for power....the man last night; I took his power at his death, his knowledge resides in me, his soul his mine."

Adam couldn't speak but stared at the men at the table. It was hideous, a wicked thing.

"At the end, the last man standing, receives all the power of every immortal that ever lived. That man could rule the world.There can be only one, Adam."

"And you want to be it?"

"I don't want to die." Joe said simply. "But...I don't want to kill either, so I try to stay away from my kind, it's not a sport for me." Joe waited but he could see that Adam was having a hard time concentrating on his words. "Look, you remember Gerald Eskith? You thought you had killed him in the mine, but he would have returned to kill you, Adam. I did what needed to be done that night."

"The lightening in the clear dark night...I barely remember thinking how strange that was you and Gerald fighting to the death." Adam remembered Eskith and Joe fighting in the room with Marie's swords, dueling in play, at least he assumed it was play. "I thought you liked Eskith, Joe?""

"I did. But...I knew he would return for you Adam. I love you, I couldn't or wouldn't let him hurt you. We do have a few rules, not to hurt mortals, you have such limited time on earth it's not fair for immortals to kill you."

"But...why are you immortal?"Adam was trying to understand but he felt lost.

"I don't know exactly. Adam Pierson told me and" Joe pointed to Darius. "the Father says that I'm a new breed of immortal, they don't know why. There are very few like me, I'm born of woman. Most immortals are found alone as babies then adopted as mortals until their death...but Marie was my Mother and Pa is my father. To tell you the truth it's worrying the immortals as well, soon they will have a price on my head to be rid of us strange creatures." Joe laughed softly, "So you see you might outlive me after all."

Adam turned to Joe's friend and the question slipped out, "how old are you Father Darius?"

Darius smiled with a look of understanding; as if explaining to a child. "I walked the Earth with Caesar, Adam. I knew the great philosopher's and poets of the ages, I've seen more battles on Earth than can be imagined. I've lived and died hundreds of times, always to be reborn again. My son it is hard not to question but you must leave it alone for Joe's sake as well as your own. Now, excuse me." Darius bowed at Adam, placed a hand on Joe's shoulder and squeezed it hard. "Good bye, Adam."

Adam and Joe sat in silence, Joe afraid that Adam would ruin his life with his father, Adam not daring to contemplate the life of an immortal. They packed up and headed for home, both in silence both afraid to speak. Joe fell into despair as he knew that if Adam told his father Joe would have to leave his home. He thought about pleading with Adam but...he just couldn't. Why did this have to happen to him?

"Joe, Adam!" Ben called as they rode into the yard. "Where do you think you've both been? I want an explanation!" Ben's voice thundered across the yard,and then he noticed the look of utter desolation on his youngest son's face and hurried to Joe's horse.

"Pa..." Joe slipped from the horse into his father's arms so grateful to be held by the man he loved above all others.

"What's the matter, Joe, are you hurt?" Hugging his son they walked into the house.

Adam eyes watered, he knew he would never tell Joe's secret, he would not break the bond of father and son. He knew he must leave to seal his vow, it would be so tempting to tell his father the truth. He made secret plans and told his father at the last minute that he was leaving for Europe...knowing he was breaking his father's heart, but the knowledge was not to be shared with his family. The fewer people that knew about Joe's immortality the better it would be for Joe.

On Adam's last night at home... he found the chance to speak to his young brother alone. "Joe, I leave Pa in your care, you must promise me to take care of him while you live."

"I promise Adam. Pa will never find out my secret, but I will care for him until his death. I love you, Adam...I wish you could stay, but I know you secretly fear me." Joe's eyes glittered with tears.

"It's not that Joe, it's really not that. I've been thinking about your immortality. Joe, there has to be an answer, don't you see? I'm going to Europe to find out about immortals. Why are there people like you, why do you have to kill each other? You just can't accept it!"

"But, Adam. They told me it's been this way since the dawn of man, you can't change anything, I have to accept it."Joe tears clogged his throat. He wanted Adam to stay home with the family.

"I just can't stay to worry about you being killed by a madman with a sword. In a way, it's easier knowing that you can't die in ordinary circumstances. All of those nights we sat by your bed worrying you would die before morning, never knowing that if you died you would return. Look, Joe, I will come back, maybe I'll have an answer to this question."

Joe had turned away from Adam, he couldn't let him leave without his knowledge, but he had pledged Adam Pierson with a vow of silence.

"Joe, what's the matter? Tell me!" Adam knew Joe was hiding something from him. "If you know something you have to tell me!"Adam shook Joe shoulders roughly.

"Adam Pierson made me promise not to tell, but..." Joe twisted his hat then gave up. "There is a secret society in London, they're called the Watchers. That's what they do, they watch us, they never interfere with our game. That's all I know, Adam didn't tell me much about them."

"Joe, that's enough, thank you! I'll find them, don't worry about it."Adam pulled his little brother into his arms, hugging him hard, he would save Joe somehow. " Joe, if you live a long time, I hope that you can keep the Ponderosa the way it is now, a place the Cartwrights would be proud of."

"I'll try Adam, I'll try." Joe hugged his brother to him then smiled. "I promise to be the caretaker of the Cartwright family."


"So, Adam is now laid to rest on the Ponderosa, you have kept your promise. You still own some of the Cartwright land."

"It's been hard to keep as you can imagine, some had to be sold, but the main house and yard area is still Cartwright."

"How did you handle your death, I see your grave marker in the cemetery."

"In 1899, before my father's death, I rushed off to join Teddy Roosevelt on his famous ride, but I was killed in battle. So, I had a body sent home in my place which they buried. Then two months later I came home as my son, an out of wedlock father then son. Of course, I looked just like Little Joe....I had cut my hair, washed out the gray I kept putting in it over the years, lost the weight I had gained from Hop Sing's cooking, dressed as a seventeen year old and showed up to explain everything to Pa; how I was Joe's son. He was very upset with my death, but having me back as his grandson made his life happy.

"So, you have a dead body in your place?"

"No, it's gone. I'm reserving that spot for me if I'm ever killed. I have left instructions where to be buried. It was all so easy, to be a lost grandson, nephew, etc. for the last hundred or so years." Joe filled Adam Pierson's glass again.
"You know after living all these father is still the best man I ever knew. He was compassionate, loving, he taught my brothers and I respect for each other and for all people. I still love him." Joe's eyes misted with tears. "The love I felt for my brothers, Hoss and Adam will always stay with me. My only regret is that I would have gladly traded my life for Hoss. Why? I've asked myself that question a thousand times."

"Joe, it's one of the many mysteries that we live by. I have had sixty seven wives and loved each one passionately...I never forgot them." Hugging Little Joe Cartwright he smiled at his friend. Since first meeting Joe at ten years old; he had a soft place in his heart for him. "Did Adam find the Watchers?"

"Yes, Adam was a force to deal with in those years. He found them and joined them. He watched immortals until his death, leaving his journal's to the society. But I'm sure you know all about that Methos."

"Methos, what do you mean? My name is..."

"Methos/Adam Pierson. What's in a name right? Of course it's different for you since you're the oldest immortal in life and a watcher, too!" Joe laughed softly. "Only you would combine both professions. It must make it easier to stay out of the Watcher's reach when you are watching yourself."

"Where did you hear about it?" Joe laughed giving Adam's shoulder a shake. "Where else but your best friend Amanda." Joe raised his eyebrow when he saw Adam look away. "Don't worry, I won't tell."

"Let's go somewhere I need to feel energized." Adam changed the subject quickly. Next time he saw that little minx Amanda there would be words.

"How about going to Las Vegas tomorrow, I love to gamble, my father always said I wanted to be a riverboat gambler." The two men laughed together they would remain friends until the prize called them to fight in the distant future.


This story is just for infringement on Highlander - Bonanza copyrights.