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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

All That Matters


SUMMARY: "Pinocchio considers what might happen if Hobbes not only finds a way back to the Real World, but finds a way to take Florence with him."

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Rated: G.
The usual disclaimers apply.
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Chapter Text


A Really Short "Harsh Realm" story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
* * * * *

Pinocchio had mixed feelings about how it would all end. He would help Hobbes complete his mission to take out Santiago but he would not be leaving Harsh Realm with or without him. He knew Hobbes hoped to find a way to change his mind, perhaps even toying with dragging him kicking and screaming back to the Real World. 'Not gonna happen, Hobbes' he thought as he gazed off into the night. It was his watch. They were sleeping in the tents while he watched over them. Despite all the dangers they daily faced it was a burden he willingly carried. Those quiet still moments when all the world was hushed and his friends lay oblivious to everything, all their trust
resting in him. No matter how much he might grouse he loved those moments, cherished them. He enjoyed watching over them, caring for them in ways that could not be measured without being observed or judged. Without having to keep his guard up to hide his feelings. Florence knew of course but Hobbes had always been a bit slower on the uptake. Thank God for that.

It was in these quiet moments that he reviewed the pattern of their life together, treasured the moments they shared and thought about how much he was going to miss it when it all ended. And it was going to end. One day. He knew that but his heart kept pushing the inevitable away, as if it could protect him from the pain that he knew was coming. He would miss Hobbes. Without a doubt. He was his friend. Closer than a brother. What really terrified him though was Florence. He could not imagine his life without her. Being with her was the only certain thing he wanted out of all this mess, his feelings for her the only thing that he knew was not an illusion of the heart. He wanted to be with her always. It was all that mattered. The only thing that made sense in his deep shit life. If he had that it would be enough and more than any man deserved, him least of all. That was what troubled him on nights like this. The vague, remote possibility that somewhere along the way Hobbes would find a way for Florence to go back to the Real World too. It was his biggest fear. Haunted his sleep more times that he cared to admit, even to himself. He would wake up with a jerk, in a cold sweat, and even though he knew it was just a dream he would have to get up. On any pretext. Just to reassure himself that she was still there. He sucked in another deep breath, the used expelled air from his lungs sending a cloud of warm vapour into the chill air in little puffs like a smoke signal. Was it war or had he just surrendered?

What if Hobbes did succeed? What if Florence - against all the odds stacked against her - wanted to go back with him? Would he really want to go back with her? Could he? He knew if she did decide she wanted to go he would not be able to ask her to stay. To remain a willing prisoner in this hell hole just for love of him. It would not be fair. Not be right. How could he do that to her? He would rather die. He did not think he could survive without her if she went anyway but she did not need to know that. To burden her with that knowledge would be a poor reward for all that she had done for him, all she meant to him. A solitary tear rolled softly down his cheek. Another thought burned him. What if he got caught up in their excitement, bought into the dream, and went with them? Could he do that to Florence? Consign her to spending the rest of her free life with a cripple? And if she knew before she left would she go out of pity or out of love? His heart ached. Needing to know but not daring to ever ask. That was the part he could not bear to think about. That it would be pity not love that would bind her to him. At least here in Harsh Realm she had a choice. She could love him or leave him or they could just be friends. Whatever she wanted he could handle because she would still be here. Still walking the same tortured path that he was. What could they ever be to each other in the Real World? He would help Hobbes. With every atom of his strength he would do whatever it took to help him complete his mission. Take out Santiago. Make sure his friend got home. But God. Please God. Let me either die doing it or let me stay here. With Florence. Because I can't go back. Not now. Not ever. Another tear rolled down his face as he closed his eyes against the fear that tortured his heart. No. Not even for Florence...

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