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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Book One - The Secret


Jack the Ripper fic

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Page 1 The Secret.
Book one.
written By J.F. Mazzaferro



Chapter one.

It was at an auction that I bid on the memoirs and private notes of Sir Arthur Mc Donald and I purchased them. Where he tells this wild story of events that took place during the Victorian era in England . Mc Donald who was dubbed knight of The realm by Queen Victoria with out any explanation on how he won this honor to the press and the people of England .

It was upon his death at age seventy-five, in his memoirs and notes he wrote about his long time association with his friend Chief Inspector Thomas Bedford, when they both were partners working in Scotland Yard. In his memoirs was the explanation of why he was knighted by the Queen. A unbelievable tale.



In Victorian England.

The political climate was one of stagnation at this time in Victorian England. The Queen had proven to be ruthless in her pursuit against change. The Queen had her hands tide when in 1297 the Magna Carta was confirmed as English law. The great charter, was drafted by English barons to curb the powers of King John, The Royal Dukes great great grandfather.

The barons captured London and forced the king to "sign" the document which allowed for the formation of a Representative body known as Parliament.

Queen Victoria never forgiven King John. She was going to make his great great Grandson the Royal Duke pay for his follies.


Day One

Outside of Parliament, on the streets the crowds had gathered to protest the honorable conditions.

As the constables held back the angry crowds. Some of the more aggressive in the crowd was throwing stones at the members of Parliament as thay entered.

The intense heat only added fuel to there angers.

Collingsworth knew this was going to be an extremely long hard day.



In Parliament,

Big Ben had just struck ten in the bell tower of London.

Inside of Parliament the atmosphere was even more unbearable. Parliament had been in session debating the issue, on if they should spend monies for the expansions more prisons, constipalities and a new more efficient Scientific Scotland Yard.

Her Majesty Queen Victoria's Cousin the Royal Duke vigorously opposed the motion and quoted the Queen, "What utter nonsense."

The Prime Minister, Wilson was for it to protect the people from the criminal elements that were running wild in England of this time.

It was an extremely uncomfortable day sitting in the heat, it must have been close to one hundred and ten degree's in Parliament as the sweat pored down onto the faces of the members of Parliament, waiting to be called by the Prime Minister. In the heavy smell of pipe smoke filled the halls, hanging thickly in the air causing their eyes to tear.

When Percy Cromwell made the motion for the prime minister to take the podium.

Arthur Drew tried to block it, but had been voted down by the other members of Parliament. Making Drew miserable.
When Superintendent Collingsworth saw it was Arthur Drew asking the questions, he expected trouble.

It had been Wilson who beat Drew to become The Prime Minister. Drew never forgiven him, Drew was looking for the opportunity to make Wilson pay for it.

Drew and the Royal Duke had become very close like two snakes in a bushel.

Collingsworth was expecting trouble, but not prepared for the fire storm he was in the middle off and was about to rain down on him.

The Prime Minister was asked by Sir Arthur Drew at Parliament,

"What is it you can tell us about the stalker case"?

He told Sir Arthur Drew, "the first body was found by one of the constables who was baptized on the job only one hour". "As he was patrolling the Hyde Park area of White Chapel". "The Stalker has taken the lives in white chapels east end, for the details let me turn it over to our superintendent of Scotland Yard, Nathanial P. Collingsworth.

As Superintendent Collingsworth A thin sickly looking man whose health was poor, a full head of graying hair who keep ed coughing into his hands as he talked,carrying a large file walked up on to the podium in front of Parliament, opened up the files then said; "At Present, Scotland Yard has
several teams of Inspectors working on this case.

Sir Arthur Drew asked Collingsworth, "What has Scotland Yard Learned about the identity of the Stalker"?

Collingsworth coughed then replied, "We have not as yet learned his identity". "He has been illusive".

Drew then asked, "Can you tell me, what have you found out?"

Collingsworth's response while he studied the Johannson report,"According to our Inspector Johansson, "the mutilated bodies were left at the scene, the scenes where all void of blood". Johansson stated, "its hard to believe that one human being could do such a horror able thing to another". " The crimes all followed a pattern, each one duplicating the other. The Victims, Mary Ann Nicoles, Anna Chapman and Elizabeth Stride, were all street walkers in the White Chapel area".

Drew said, "Go ahead continue, what else".

The atmosphere grew stuffy. Sweat beaded Collingsworth's forehead. "Johannson's report described at each one of the scenes their was wheel marks of a coach, a horse with a missing shoe, plus Johansson used plaster for the boot prints he found at the scene, he believed they belonged to the stalker".

"I see," Drew replied, "is that all?"

"Not entirely," Collingsworth said, "We have eliminated those groups of religious fanatics who might feel as though it was their duty to punish sinners. At present, we have several Suspects at the Yard, that as we are here speaking, are being questioned by my constables".

As Drew Finished up his questions. Then the Queen's Cousin, the Royal Duke, gave Collingsworth a cold hard stare. With piercing eyes,and yelled "You mean to tell us, with all the resource of Scotland Yard, you have nothing worth while to tell us".

"I've never listened to so much trash in my life".

Collingsworth took a defensive posture as the Veins in Collingsworth's neck throbbed, a signal to those who knew him that they had crossed the line. He cleared his throat. "We will leave no stone unturned in our investigation". "We will catch the stalker".

The Royal Duke told Collingsworth, "You have one month to catch the Stalker or turn in your resignation, is that clear".

Collingsworth's reputation was built on his success, solving cases as an inspector in Scotland Yard. He would try to keep things to himself like a dormant volcano ready to erupt.

Collingsworth, Started to lose his temper, he was right in the face of the Royal Duke, looking at the Royal Duke pointing his finger at him, said to the Royal Duke, "you idiot", "what do you know about investigative work", "you have the nerve to tell me, I should resign, if I don't catch this killer before the month is out". "who the hell do you think you are"? It was Sir Percy Cromwell, a good
friend of the Prime Minister, and editor of the London Times, who protested the Royal Dukes treatment of SuperIntendent Collingsworth.

The Prime Minister had to put himself between Collingsworth and the Royal Duke as tempers flared up.

Collingsworth continued, "You were born with a silver spoon up you're...."

As Sir. Arthur Drew Laughed out loud. Collingsworth turned his anger on Drew, "What the hell do you find so funny", "you would not find it funny if I bloodied your big mouth now would you?". It was getting out of control. The Prime Minister had to drag poor Collingsworth out of Parliament. In Parliament Sir Arthur Drew and the Royal Duke managed to roast the butts of The Prime Minister and Superintendent Collingsworth over an open spit on this issue.

The Prime minister turned to Collingsworth both men feeling the pressure that the Queen's cousin and Sir Arthur Drew had put them under.

Collingsworth left Parliament with a bad feeling, the feeling of helplessness.

Later the Prime Minister told Collingsworth, "to tell you the truth", "personally", "I wouldn't have blamed you the least bit if you popped him one in the mouth", "I hate listening to Drew's snickering".

As Big Ben struck twelve, both Collingsworth and the Prime Minister left together, heading back to Scotland Yard. Prime Minister Wilson asked Collingsworth, "who is your best team of investigators at the Yard?"

Collingsworth reply was, "that would be Chief Inspector Thomas Bedford and Sargent Arthur Mc Donald".

Wilson asked Collingsworth," Are they on the Stalker Case?"

Collingsworth told the Prime Minister, "No,they just finished up the case they were on". "As soon as I get back to the Yard I will put them on it".



Parliament was in session debating on the fate of Scotland Yard.

The Parliament was divided on this issue...............................

Shelved the issue for a month. The Prime Minister along with his friends did some Damage control to prevent the Royal Duke and Sir Arthur Drew from totally taking Over the debate on the issue. While Wilson and Collingsworth were feeling the wound. The Royal Duke and Arthur Drew were gloating over their success on this matter.

Collingsworth hated it when instead of his work speaking for Itself politics was involved, he was an Inspector a constable not a damned politician.

Wilson and Collingsworth took a Hanson coach to Scotland Yard .

Continue their Conversation all the way back to Scotland Yard.

As the coach driver pulled up to the front entrance Collingsworth remembered that Bedford and Mc Donald had been scheduled to appear in the courts on another case So he told the Prime Minister he would have to place them on the case tomorrow .

The Prime Minister warned Collingsworth that time was short and this matter would effect his future and Scotland Yard for the years to come.


end part 1