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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Halloween Challenge Fic


Fandom: XMen
Pairing: Logan/Remy
Rating: FRT
Okay, here's my contribution! Hope you like it.

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Halloween Challenge Fic
by BJ
"C'mon Cher, it'll be fun." Remy stood at the end of the bed pleading with his lover.
"No." Logan refused to look up at the kid. he knew his resolve would vanish if that happened and he was proud of himself for holding out against those eyes this long.
"All y' got t' do is pull on a plaid shirt and y' hat. Bam! Y' a cowboy!" Remy grinned. How could he refuse if it was as simple as just getting dressed?
Logan sighed and glanced up. Big mistake. He stared back down at his boots again, "It's gonna be cold out there tonight. You really wanna be walkin' around in the freezin' cold?" There! That should stop him in his tracks.
"Got that covered, Cher." Remy knelt down in front of Logan and took his hands in his own. "Please? F' me?"
Damn it! How the Hell did he counter that? He sighed again and glanced up, caught by pleading red on black. Game over, but he'd known that long ago. He'd never be able to deny the kid anything. "You're a brat, you know that don't you?" He smiled to take any hint of sting from the words and squeezed the black silk clad hands holding his own. "How long's this gonna take?"
Remy's smile was brilliant as he leaned in to kiss his lover, "Only a couple o' hours I promise! It's gonna be fun!" He pulled the older man to his feet and gave him a little shove toward the closet, "An' stop th' growlin', Cher, y' gonna scare th' kids."
Logan turned to say something but stopped suddenly. He'd been trying so hard to *not* look at the boy all evening, to avoid the fate he'd just sentenced himself to, but now that said fate was sealed, "Damn, Rems, you look good enough t' eat."
Remy stilled, then smiled, "I bet y' say that t' all th' blood suckin' vampires y' meet."
Logan walked slowly toward him openly staring as he went. The black silk shirt fit him as perfectly as the matching gloves and made his light complexion look even paler. He'd chosen not to slick back his hair as a movie vampire would; but instead pulled his hair back loosely in a braid tied in a silk ribbon exposing his long pale neck. The wool cape with the blood red lining that was draped over the chair would be more than enough to keep the chill in the air away. Logan stopped in front of the younger man and ran his hands up and down the cool fabric covering his arms, "Nope, met a few, but none of 'em ever made me feel the way you do." He leaned in and kissed the side of the boy's neck, "That's where I'm gonna start chewin' when we get back home," he said with a wink. He turned back to the closet and pulled out his favorite old flannel shirt. The jeans he had on would do so all he had to do to finish the look was pull on his boots. He found Remy in the bathroom putting the fangs on his perfect white teeth. Wrapping his arms around the boy from behind he met his gaze in the mirror,  "I may ask you to keep those in for the night." He nibbled on his favorite spot.
Remy shivered and swallowed hard, "Anything you say, Cher." Leaning back into Logan's arms the thought of just skipping the trick or treating flashed through his mind but only for a second. The kids deserved this night. "We gotta stop now, Logan, or I won' be able t' stop. We'll pick up here when we get back though, alright?"
Logan sighed as he pulled away from the boy, "You better believe we're pickin' up here. Come on, lets get goin' so we can get back to start *our* party."
A half hour later they were making their way to the garage and to the party.
A small wave of princesses, pirates, fairies and ghouls swarmed them as they entered the large rec room of the shelter. Remy had planned to be a silent partner when he found out the place was in jeopardy of closing but after meeting the people in charge and the twenty kids it housed he was anything but. "Remy! Remy!" the children shouted.
The young Cajun's face lit up, "Bonjour! Is everybody ready t' go trick 'r treatin'?" A chorus of noise rose up from the short bouncing mob that Remy assumed was a yes. "I jus' gotta go tell Ms. BJ we're leavin', okay?" He smiled as he took Logan's hand, and eased him carefully through the crowd, "Come with m' Cher."
They found her in the kitchen slicing apples for the Halloween party later, "We gonna steal y' kids, Beej. Be back in a bit."
The average looking, middle aged woman blew dark hair from her face as she turned, "Oh no you don't! Get over here and give me a hug first!" She loved "her boys" and opened her arms as they came closer. Remy, she thought of as one of her kids. There was nothing she could do to erase the pain of his past but she was determined to make sure he was happy from now on. She loved playing mother to the boy in his Tante's absence, he was, after all, only a couple of years older than her own daughter, and she spent many nights listening as he slowly opened up to her about the things that forced him down here to work instead of sleep late at night. She was truly amazed by the amount of love and compassion he still had for people after all he'd endured.
Letting go of Remy she turned and pulled Logan close. He was another lost soul. Cursed with an inhumanly long life and horrific memories, some real, some implanted, she felt that he saw himself as something less than human. He didn't want to open himself up to the pain of loving and losing the people he cared about; there'd been too much of that already, but she knew deep down he was terrified of being alone. He was brave, and strong, and would give his last breath to save anyone else, but he felt his own life wasn't worth fighting for and it broke her heart. When she noticed how he watched Remy on the times he'd tagged along with him to help out, and then noticed how often Logan came up in her conversations with Remy she'd actually laughed out loud. It was so obvious! What they needed more than anything else in the World was each other! So she pushed and poked and eventually, to her complete joy, they'd figured it out too.
"How 've ya been, Beej?" Logan asked as he pulled away from her only to pull Remy close.
She grinned happily, they were *so* perfect together! "Great, how 'bout you? I assume you're the reason this one doesn't come visit me as often?" She pretended to pout but she was actually overjoyed that Remy finally had someone he could trust and depend on.
Logan turned to look at the boy; there was so much love and pride in the look it made her sigh.
"He's trouble alright,  but I don't know what I'd do without him."  The gentle kiss he gave the boy warmed her heart. There wasn't a hint of hesitation about showing how much he cared.
Remy leaned into the older man's embrace and she all but bounced in place before she regained control of herself and counted out a few rules on her fingers, "Don't keep them out too late, nobody eats anything until we check it first, and make sure you come back with the same number you leave with... no extras this time, Remy, Okay?" She moved forward and kissed each one quickly on the cheek, "Logan, I have some things I need your help with if you can ever be bothered to pry yourself away from the kid here. Just a few ideas I had but now I need you to help me finish them."
"I'll do my best but he's pretty hard to resist."
Remy felt a tug on his cape and smiled down at the impatient little fairy. He bent and picked her up then turned back to BJ, " Guess this means we better get goin'. We'll bring 'em back safe, bye Mama Beej."
Her smile reached all the way up to her brown eyes at being called mama. She stood quietly and watched as they gathered the kids, did a quick head count, and herded them out the door. She said a silent prayer that they'd always be this happy. There wasn't another couple around who deserved it more.
Later that night after returning the kids to the shelter and carving a dozen pumpkins they finally made their way home. walking side by side up the stairs they remained silent until they arrived at their room. Remy moved to remove the cape but Logan stopped him, "Leave it on." He slid his hands up the Cajun's torso, moving the cool silk from his waistband as he went, until they reached his shoulders then he slowly unbuttoned each button until Remy's chest was bare. Gentle pressure moved the boy back until he was up against the wall. Logan moved in to resume the leisurely attack on his favorite spot, the side of Remy's neck, while his hands made lazy patterns up and down his boy's chest.
Remy groan and let the wall hold him up as shivers ran down his spine. This was the one thing that he couldn't resist. He let his own hands roam across the wide plane of Logan's shoulders, grabbing his arms painfully when Logan bit hard enough to draw a few drops of blood. "Y' so beautiful, Logan, need t' see you, all of you. Need t' *feel* you... just *need*..."  
Logan removed his mouth from Remy's neck long enough to kiss him deeply then rasped, "Anything Rem, I'll give you anything you want." A gentle touch down the front of his flannel shirt was the only warning Logan got before the buttons, with a soft pop, dropped to the floor. With a wicked grin he pulled his boy close then spun him toward their bed. "You ready for this, Count?"
Remy smiled, fake fangs showing, "Give m' all y' got, cowboy."
Logan lay nuzzling the ear that held the ruby stud that marked Remy as his. The boy's breathing was under control now, and his skin cool after the heat of their passionate love making. His contentment blanketed the room, as it always did after they made love, and Logan smiled into the softness of his hair. God, he loved Remy's empathy.  Searching with a free hand until his fingers made contact with the silk lining of the cape on the floor, Logan pulled it up and received a soft sigh as it settled over them like a cover. "I love you, Remy, Logan whispered into the ear closest to him.
Remy didn't want to move. A perfect night, followed by exquisite love making, followed by being held safe and sound in the arms of the man he loved. He sighed as a soft cover settled over them then felt his heart swell as Logan spoke the words he lived to hear. He opened his eyes to find translucent blue watching him. He never felt worthy of the amount of love he saw in them but he was determined to change that. He shifted slightly and raised a hand and with a ghost touch let it follow the contours of Logan's face. The man had no idea how much he meant to him, and he hadn't yet been able to find a way convey that meaning with words. The best he could do was swallow the lump in his throat and whisper back, "I love y' too."  Strong arms pulled him close and he fought the wetness building in his eyes. "I think we need t' make that our Halloween tradition," he said quietly as he was released from the hug.
"I was just thinkin' the same thing," Logan answered with a soft smile.
