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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Points of view


Catherine, Warrick, Sara and Jim's reactions to Gil and Nick's  relationship.

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Points of view
by Andromeda


- Catherine -

I have to talk with them about the rumors before they find out the hard way.

You know, as good of criminalists as they are, they're naively oblivious to all the clues they're giving out. It not just that Nick has stopped dating women, though that's what put most people on the track. It's the touches. Nothing blatant, you see, but they seem unable to keep their hands off each other. Hands on the shoulder, pats in the arm, light touches in the back... nothing that will make you look twice, unless you're looking for it, but they're always here when you look at them.

And the eyes. Don't they know that they wear their feelings in their eyes? Gil is more difficult to read but, if you look close, you can see the tenderness, the love, just under the surface each time he looks at Nick. And Nick... he wears his heart on the sleeve and his love in his eyes. They shine each time he's looking at Gil, even if they're talking about the most boring scientific matter.

If these were not enough, there are the smiles, those little smiles they give each other when they think nobody is looking. Little and quick, but so full of affection.

Yes, I have to talk with them, to warn them about the most ugly things I heard. They're my friends, and I don't want them to be hurt. And I want them to know that I'm with them.

Though I have to confess that I envy them too. Not even at the start of our marriage, did Eddie and I look as in love as they do even without even trying. And he never ever looked at me like that. Lust? Yes. Passion? Oh, yes. But a love that makes eyes shine and hearts melt? No, never that. That's the kind of love you only find once in a lifetime, and only if you're lucky enough.

Yes, I'll talk with them tonight. Just let me bask a little more in the light of their love.



- Warrick -

It took me by surprise, you know? I noticed Nick has stopped dating and I asked him, but he told me to not worry, with a grin from ear to ear.

Then one day I forgot my mobile at the office and returned to pick it up. Everyone was out and the place was deserted, but I saw light in Grissom's office. I didn't want to intrude, I swear, but the door was ajar and I saw them kissing, Nick sitting in Grissom's lap, so absorbed in each other that they did not hear me. I left immediately, trying to not make any noise.

It was then than I started to notice them. The touches, the looks, the little smiles. Cat tells me those were the things what gave them away to her, but I hadn't noticed them before, not until I walked on them. What an investigator am I, huh? I sure need a refresher course.

I was confused as hell, I confess. I really didn't know what to make of it. I think Nick noticed, because he commented that he saw me distant lately, but I was able to wave it off. It's not that I have a problem with two men being together, it was just... well, it was them and it knocked me off track.

Then, a couple of days ago, I overheard two uniforms talking about the rumors, about "the faggots in the lab" and I felt my blood boil. Those are my friends you're talking about, I wanted to shout at them. I wanted to painfully knock some sense in them. Yes, it was then that the answer made itself known. They're my friends, and that's what matters. If they're happy, then I'm happy for them. And that's want I'm gonna tell them right now.



- Sara -

They broke my heart.

I've dated men my age, but I've always found older men more interesting, more fascinating. The lure of experience, I suppose.

I heard the rumors about Gil and Nick, both the nice and the not so nice, but I didn't believe them. I saw the touches and the looks but I always found a reasonable explanation for them. I refused to believe, point blank.

You see, when I attended Gil's seminar years ago, I fell for him and I fell hard. I never told him, mind you, because I didn't want to sound like a teenage girl lusting for the latest teen idol. I wanted him to see me like an equal, a woman worthy of him. That's why I came to work here, because I thought I already was that kind of woman and I wanted to prove him that.

So, when the rumors started, even with the evidence in front of my very eyes, I refused to believe it, and created in my mind a lot of complicated theories to explain away the evidence.

Until a week ago, that was. I went to Grissom's office to talk about something in my latest case that was bugging me, but stopped myself from knocking when I heard Cat's voice. Nick was there too, and she was warning them about the rumors.

And they admitted to her that the rumors were true.

It was like my heart had just shattered in my chest. I didn't think such a pain was possible without a physical blow. I ran from there and took the day off muttering about a headache or something, I really don't remember.

After that, going to work was torture, each little innocent touch they shared was my own private hell. They noticed, and Cat and Warrick, but I just wasn't able to tell them the truth, the pain was so raw. So I buried myself on the work, like I always do.

Earlier tonight, when Warrick and I returned from a crime scene, we heard a couple of homicide detectives bitching about the "fags that run the lab" and how they should not be allowed to be work there. Warrick was about to hit them, but I'd been the one who punched them out.

I surprised myself, and poor Warrick, and back then I really didn't know why I did it. Now, hours later, in my own home with a cup of hot coffee, I understand.

They broke my heart, but they don't deserve that. I don't know what I'll do, I don't know if I'll be able to keep working here, but it's not their fault. They're only in love.

Like me.


- Jim -

You know, some people always think that police detectives are stupid about certain issues. Or make wrong assumptions about what your reaction will be. Like about your best male friend falling in love with his young male partner.

Yes, I noticed. Perhaps before anyone else. I work with them often enough. Hell, I used to be their boss. And I heard the rumors, the good, the neutral and the bad, and how everyone assumed I would be in league with the later.

You know, I've seen some pretty shitty things working in homicide. I've seen husbands stab wives because the food was cold; I've seen parents beating their children to death for stupid reasons; I've seen young women raped and murdered in filthy alleys and people shot in the street just because of their skin color. I've seen a lot of things I don't want to remember and yet they come back to me when I least expect it.

Do you want to know what I see when I look at Gil and Nick? I see two people in love, two people committed to each other. And that's not such an easy feat in this day and age, and even less with our job. I have an ex-wife to prove it.

I didn't said anything before because I didn't want to make their lives harder, but I think that's time to step forward in this one. There's too much bigotry running free in the police, a lot more people like those two that Sidle knocked out tonight. Boy, that girl surprised me. What a hook she has! I just hope that they won't be so hard on her.

Now, if you pardon me, I have to tell a couple of friends that they can count on me.