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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

A Property of Materia


Yuffie stared at the infant in utter shock.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Final Fantasy 7
disclaimer: I don't own 'em. I ain't gettin' paid.
pairings: none.

Chapter Text

A Property of Materia
by Sephiroth

-Chapter One-

Yuffie stared at the infant in utter shock.

She couldn't believe it. What was a baby doing here, of all places? This was the place where Sephiroth and Cloud had fought their last battle; where Cloud's omnislash limit break had cut down once noble warrior several minutes ago. She bent down closer to the infant which was bundled up in what appeared to be a midnight black blanket. Upon closer inspection she discovered that it was Sephiroth's cape. That was weird. Why would Sephiroth bother making sure a baby was warm and comfortable. It didn't add up. Okay, so the baby looked a little like Sephiroth. Well, more than a little. Actually, the baby was a perfect copy of Sephiroth. The only difference was that the baby was a *lot* younger than his predecessor.

"Poor thing," Yuffie cooed as she picked the baby up, nuzzling it  playfully. "What a cute baby! Come on, then. Let's get you out of  this cold, yucky place." She made a face at the bleak cavern she  was in, even going so far as to stick out her tongue. Then, she  turned and hiked back to the Highwind with the tiny baby in  her arms.

"Hey!" She called up the ladder. "I need a hand down here. I got need  help geting up this thing, I can't use both hands."

"Hold on," Cloud called down, "I'll fly you up."

Cloud flew down to where Yuffie was standing. He expected her to have  a broken arm or be carrying too much materia. Instead he was  surprised to find a newborn Sephiroth snuggled up against Yuffie's  chest, sound asleep.

"We can't leave him, Cloud," Yuffie pointed out, "he's just a baby.  He hasn't done anything wrong."

Cloud sighed. Yuffie was right. They couldn't just let a baby die.  Grasping Yuffie by the waist, he flew her to the upper deck of the  Highwind and set her down. Now that they were on board, the matter  had to be discussed. What would they do now that they had an infant  version of Sephiroth on board. How had the infant gotten there for that matter? Cloud was pretty damned certain that Sephiroth hadn't  been involved with anyone. For a very brief moment he wondered if  Jenova was the child's mother. But he quickly shook that idea right out of his head. The baby wouldn't have been human if that had been the case. And if Jenova had been fertile once, Cloud figured the creature was well past whatever her species considered menopause by now.

"Go directly to the operations room," he ordered, firmly. "We need to have a meeting about this." He turned and headed up to the bridge to retrieve the other members of Avalanche.

end part 1