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Part 21 of Beyond Meridian
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Goodnight Sweetheart…


Here we go, ANOTHER Installment of the BEYOND MERIDIAN Series… ( Written on 8.11.02, by BETHANY S. HEARD, as usual…!)

Work Text:


Goodnight, Sweetheart…
by Bethany


Cassie sat, in the middle of the night, at her desk in her bedroom, scribbling notes… It was not homework, not a love letter to her latest Beau, Lysander Guilder. It was a story. A story. That’s all. She found that escaping to a world of hopeful dreams was much easier than keeping Mom awake all night, worrying about her… And in fiction, you can make your ideal world come true, and your ideal man! She thought… Her Mom had introduced her to him, and he most definitely was NOT Lysander Guilder, whom she was sure was cheating on her anyway… I know I’m not using much of my imagination here, for inspiration, but I don’t give a damn!.. Who had she heard say that so often it’d become part of her own vocabulary? Besides, if anyone ever sees it, I can just tell them I was trying to write an alternate universe story for that crappy Wormhole Extreme! She thought. Just gotta keep it outta sight of mother! She warned herself.

This is Cassie’s story:

He was so glad she had agreed to the meal he’d booked at that Evening Bar in town… Jarian looked at her now, as she stood before him, in his Lab, where he worked on this world’s best kept secret, for the sake of a people he had graciously chosen to help…

“Enjoy the meal, you two!” One of his colleagues, a Dr. Gable Jordan, said cheerily.

“Come this way, dear lady…” Jarian smiled at his colleague, and turned to the beautiful woman, Amara Cleo.


They went out into the night air, and her hair gleamed in the moonlight. “You’re name should have been Amaris.” He told her.

She looked at him with her stunningly beautiful eyes “What does that mean?” She asked sweetly.

“It means Child of the moon, and Promised…” He explained.

“How beautiful!” She was delighted.

“My point exactly!” He kissed her deeply…


Back in the depths of the  Mountain Base, Dr. Gable Jordan prepared to go home to his family for the evening. This meant returning through the Gateway of Worlds. He had endured a hard day at work, and hated to be separated from his family. He had, after all, only just been reunited with them, of sorts…


This was Gable Jordan’s story:

He had lost his beloved wife, Shari, to an enemy more terrible than the world’s worst nightmares combined, as his friend, Amara Cleo, had suffered loss to these evil tyrants also… That of her dear parents… But years later, the Gateway of Worlds had opened up onto an entirely new world of a different kind… An alternate universe where his wonderful wife still lived, though without her treasured brother, Ishmael, and her dear father, Savero… And so, when the two had met in this place so new to Gable Jordan, he had taken her back to his reality, and back to be reunited with her father and brother, on the hallowed soil of their own homeworld, Tahira. The reunited family, his, now included two sons, who were growing up to look and be just like their father… Ashley and Joseph Jordan were smart, kind, brave, and adventurous, and Gable Jordan thanked his one true God every day that he had been given his deserved second chance at true happiness… Now, with the addition of  his brand new baby daughter, Claire-Danielle, everything was perfect.

As Gable Jordan went home to be with his family, in another part of the Base, a woman dialled a number on the telephone in her office. Dr. Fayre Jyoti, an astoundingly beautiful and wise woman, whom the other people on the base all loved dearly, dialled the home of her friends, Shula and Jared Nicholls, but not on the CHM, through which the Gateway could be activated... Shula and Jared had recently left the Military Life far behind them, and gone to set up a family home in the mountains… Fayre and her husband, known as Thomas, were to visit Shula and Jared for the weekend…

“Hi!” Fayre said brightly to Shula, who was quickly on the other end of the phone-line. “Ready with the popcorn and the movies this weekend? Great!!! We can leave the boys to their biking and their hiking and their fishing, and enjoy a real old fashioned girl’s night in… Every night! BLISS!!! Be there by lunchtime tomorrow then! See ya..!” She replaced the receiver.

Her husband, Thomas, walked in. “Are you sure we should leave Amara on her own all weekend?” He spoke of Fayre’s adopted daughter.

“Oh, I think she’ll be busy enough with Jarian this weekend..!” Fayre got up from her chair and hugged her husband close. “Besides, General Hamford is like a grandfather to her… He’s promised me he’ll keep an eye on those two!”


Cassie was getting tired now… Crap! Mum’ll kill me!!! She thought to herself. “It’s 02:30 am already!” She whispered to herself, and turned off the lamp light on her desk, hurriedly hiding the story in her diary… She went into the bathroom. She hadn’t even brushed her teeth yet!

“Goodnight, Sweetheart…” Her Mom called from the bedroom across the Landing, as she crept back into her own just moments later…

Series this work belongs to: