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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



This takes place after "Submarine Sunk Here."
Anniversary Challenge

Work Text:

by S

The tall man with the curly brown hair sat at a table in the bar's corner. He had been sitting there for some time, nursing one beer. From time to time one of the men in the bar would start to approach or would give him a certain look, but he would only give them a discreet shake of the head and they would back off. A few of the men were even attractive or seemed the type of man he might like to know but not here, not now.

Only a few days before Kevin Sparks had been on leave when he had opened a newspaper to find out from a headline that his sub, SSRN SEAVIEW, had gone down off New London. Shocked, he had immediately made a reservation to fly out of San Francisco, where he had gone for his week's leave. By the time he had arrived in New London, he discovered that the Executive Officer, Chip Morton and Chief Curly Jones had already gone on the near-suicidal mission of negotiating a minefield to save their trapped comrades.

Once again, fate had smiled on Nelson's dream when nearly all of the crew had been rescued due to the sacrifice of Sonarman Blake. And in less than two weeks, the Bureau of Ships would begin the monumental task of raising the gray lady. As a result, Kevin's initial reaction was that of elation as he had tried to visit with some of the officers and crew who had survived the ordeal, even if many were still in hospital. Strangely, while the men had been grateful for their rescue, they had also displayed a reticence around the radioman. They hadn't wanted to talk, just murmuring the old cliché. "I'm fine."

After visiting two or three of the officers and receiving the same chilly welcome, Sparks had backed off since it was obvious that his shipmates felt he could not understand their ordeal. Consequently, he had retreated to this bar, knowing that it was unlikely that anyone he knew would be there. Gulping down the last of his beer, Kevin looked up to catch the eye of the bartender, signaling for one more. He would consume a bit more liquid courage and then find a room for the night. There were still two days left on his leave before he needed to report for duty. The only trouble was that his posted duty was at the bottom of Long Island Sound. Still, he had to assume that there would be work to do. Morton, Crane and Nelson were not men to let something like a sunken sub stop them.

Starting to hand the bartender the money for his beer, Kevin stopped when the man told him that it had been paid for by a gentleman at the bar. Slipping sideways, the bartender pointed to a rather slight figure seated on one of the garish red stools. Sparks held up the glass in a gesture of thanks to the young man, but schooled his face to show no active interest.

Unfortunately, a certain part of his body did show interest, but he was able to maintain an appearance of calm until the Sal Mineo look-alike made his move towards the table. "Mind if I sit down?" he questioned tentatively.

For one instant, Kevin considered replying, "Yes," but rudeness was not something he tolerated in himself so he just shook his head no.

"Name's Frank. What's yours?"

"K-Kevin," he stammered.

"Pleased to meet you, Kevin. Are you in the Navy?"

Sparks' eyes immediately became wary. In a naval town like New London, NIS might have any number of spies out. "No, I'm not," he calmly replied.

"Didn't think so. Most of the naval guys know this place can get them into trouble if they're caught here."

The tall radioman couldn't think of anything to say. He was never one for making small talk. In fact that was one of the reasons he didn't usually visit places like this one, but perhaps it would help to talk just for a few minutes and then he could go find a hotel room. For a fraction of a second, his cock twitched at the thought that maybe this Frank would want to come back with him, but then he thrust that aside. Could he be so desperate for a few minutes of passion?

"Kevin, if you don't want me to sit here, I won't. I. . .I just thought you looked like you could use a . . .someone to talk to."

"Sorry, I'm just not good company tonight. It's been a bad week."

The young man flashed him an understanding smile. "I guess we all have those from time to time."

Before Sparks could reply, the door of the bar opened to allow three huge men to enter. Having already visited several other drinking establishments, the small mountains were feeling no pain as they stumbled towards the bar and ordered boilermakers for the trio. The bartender eyed them skeptically, but was under no illusion as to his ability to prevent them from tearing the place up if he denied them their drinks. Pulling at the beer pump after handing over the shot glasses, he looked around at his already uncomfortable clientele, giving them a smile of apology.

Kevin felt some sympathy for the man's position, but it was obvious that the three men were not likely to be appeased with only the one boilermaker. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, he murmured to Frank that perhaps it was time to depart.

Glancing over at the men once again, Frank agreed. He certainly did not wish to be trapped in the midst of a brawl in a gay bar. Rising to their feet, Kevin and the other man moved towards the door when one of the big men put out a hand to stop them. "D-don't hafta go. Gonna buy a r-round of dr-drinks for ever'body," he slurred.

Plastering a smile on his face, Kevin replied, "Thanks but I've already had my limit."

The man in leather transferred his gaze to Frank. "How 'bout you, pretty b-boy?" he hiccoughed.


For one moment, it looked like they were home free, but then the drunken man's face changed from benign amusement to something more sinister. "Just one drink, pretty boy, then you 'n curly here kin go. . . play." The way he said the last word made it seem almost obscene.

Frank glanced over at Kevin. He could see the tension in his taller companion's body. Deciding that perhaps it would be wise to just have the drink and let matters calm down, Frank gave Kevin his out. "Kevin, why don't you go back to the hotel. I'll see you later."

Since there had been no mention of an assignation between them, Kevin was startled for a moment, but soon realized what the man was trying to do. Gratefully, he made a move toward the door and then stopped to look back at the young man standing next to the three giants. Retracing his steps, he took Frank by the hand to pull him close for a quick but intense kiss. Giving the trio a friendly smile, he informed them, "Sorry, guys, this one is mine. Then he tugged on the shorter man's hand and they both ran like hell--three blocks later they stopped, their aching sides heaving with the need for air.

Bracing themselves against the brick wall in an alley, the two men looked at each and grinned before thumping each other on the back in jubilation that it had worked and they were both still in one piece. As silence set in, Frank moved closer to Sparks, "I. . .I've already got a hotel room if you'd like to come back with me?"


"I thought we could help each other that's all. No demands, no commitment, just something we both want."

Kevin looked into the dark, liquid eyes before whispering, "Lead the way."

In ten minutes the two men were in the small but clean hotel room where Frank was staying. As soon as the door was locked, the smaller man wrapped his arms around Kevin, giving him an intense kiss before remarking, "Thanks for standing by me, Kevin."

"You're welcome, Bobby."

"So now it's back to Bobby?"

"That's what I've always called you, isn't it?"

"I know, but I thought we. . .you didn't want me anymore."

Sparks let loose of the other man's arms. "It was never that. Dammit! I. . .I was just scared. I've never wanted so much from anyone as I wanted from you. That's why I took off for that week so I could think. Can't you understand?"

"Maybe but then why didn't you come to see me at the hospital?"

Sparks walked away from his lover. "I'm not sure. None of the men wanted to talk to me. It was like I was some kind of stranger since I hadn't shared in the danger with all of you. I was so scared that I had lost you for good and yet. . .and yet I didn't know how to face you. I was sure you despised me for the coward I am."

Bobby O'Brien walked up to put his arms around the bigger man. "Do you think I haven't been scared? I know how tough it can be to have any kind of relationship in the service, let alone on a submarine. But I need you and if you feel the same, I want to try."

Turning to face the dark-haired man, Kevin held him tightly. "Oh, I definitely need you. When I looked up and saw you sitting on that stool, all I could think about is how much you mean to me.."

"Then I'm happy I didn't let pride stand in my way. I kept telling myself that you'd have to make the first move towards reconciliation, but I couldn't keep to it. I decided to take a chance on looking for you. Then when you pretended we were strangers, I decided to go along. I thought maybe we could both save face that way."

"Good to know one of us is smart.. I was ready to pack it in without a fight. I know now that being with you is worth any difficulties we might encounter."

"Even taking on the Himalayas?"

"That one did look like Everest, didn't he? And yes, I couldn't leave you alone with them, but I'm just as glad we didn't have to lay them out because I might not have enough strength left to make love to you right now."

"Sounds like you're the smart one to me."

"Bobby, I have two more days before I have to report for duty and I want to spend them with you."

The diving officer gave his partner a smile, "It looks like SEAVIEW's not the only thing that's going to be raised around here!"

Sputtering with laughter, the lovers headed for bed.