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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Waiting For Eternity


Rating: PG
Summary: She will wait for him for an eternity. Corgel.
Disclaimer: Cordelia Chase, Angel, and all other recognized characters are © & TM their respective owners, not the author. The author makes absolutely no monetary profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Waiting For Eternity
by Pirate Turner



And cold.
And still as death.
That's how you left me,
In the grave you built
Where you buried me
Out of sight,
Out of mind.

The others still weep for me.
They question your judgment
At every turn, much as I would have
Were I still there,
But what of you, my Prince?
You've turned to the darkness.
They don't see it yet,
But I do from where I watch.

You're not the man I thought.
You're not the Vampire I dreamed of
Or the hero I gave everything for.
You've let them in.
You've allowed yourself to be blinded.
Silence the pain,
Silence the thoughts,
Silence the guilt.

But you've forgotten one thing
I never thought you'd want to.
You've shut the others away,
Turned off your emotions,
Blockaded your memories,
And you've forgotten me.

You think I'm gone, gone forever,
That I chose to leave you,
But you're wrong.
You were the one
Who chose to leave me.

I'm still here, still waiting,
As I did for so long in first
The Slayer's shadow and then Darla's.
I'm still out here waiting, Angel,
For you to rescue me,
But you're not coming, are you?

You've left me here,
Abandoned me to a death
That was not mine.
You never once investigated
To see what had happened,
How she had my body,
What had happened to my soul.

And so I wait
On a cloud
In a plane
That you can't see,
That you won't see
For lack of even trying,
For a rescue
That I'm beginning to think
Is never going to happen.

But I'm not in the ground
Where you laid me.
I'm not in Heaven,
Though the thought of Hell
I sometimes find comforting.
At least that would be
A different kind of pain.

I'm waiting but I'm
No longer in your heart,
No longer in your thoughts.
I'm waiting where you should
Be able to find a way
To see me if only
You'd just look
But you won't look
And you won't see
So I suppose I'm waiting
For eternity.

The End


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Pirate Turner.
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