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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



A drabble in honor of the 4th.

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Disclaimer: I don't own the Dukes of Hazzard, not making any money, just cheap thrills.

Warnings: None

Rating: FRC

A/N: In celebration of the 4th


Luke watched the fireworks show, smiling indulgently at the sounds of oooohs and aaaahs from the younger members of the crowd. It had been a wonderful holiday, filled with lots of good food and the company of friends and family. As each Independence Day did, this one too was ended with a spectacular fireworks display. Probably the only time JD Hogg actually spent money without the thought of making a profit. Luke snorted, guess even greedy county commissioners could be patriotic on occasion.

The sound of the National Anthem sounded from the bandstand, signaling the end of the display. Predictably the show ended with a barrage of fireworks, illuminating the flag waving from the pole in the town square. He could appreciate the symbolism now more than he ever had as a child. Back then he had been sure that war was filled with glory and honor. Luke shook his head, amused by his own foolishness.

He remembered his first taste of battle as if it were yesterday. What he had innocently thought would be glorious, he quickly found was anything but. War was bloodshed and death, filled with the screams of the wounded and dying as they laid upon the ground, their lifeblood spilling out of them. There may have been no glory in war, but there was honor. It wasn't as common as he'd thought, nor was it as rare as the critics of war would have people believe. He had thought he knew what honor was when he'd went to those far off jungles. He'd had no clue. Honor wasn't in the salutes given and received, it wasn't in the sound of drums playing a marching tune or in the overtures made by those who attempted to claim a piece of that honor for themselves even as they praised you. Honor was doing everything you could to pull your brothers from the field of battle. Honor was praying over them when all hope was gone. Honor was continuing to fight in a war that made no sense, because you had promised to serve and obey. Honor was fighting, dying and killing to protect those left at home, even when it was unappreciated by those very people.

As the final strains of the Anthem faded into the night, Luke Duke gave a heartfelt salute to the flag he had fought for, satisfied that he had done his best to serve his country with honor.

Hope y'all liked it, please let me know what you think.