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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Reid is running, but from who or what?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Reid was running he couldn’t get away; the figure was advancing on him. Looming menacingly over him, the shadow swallowing him whole. He was trying to make it out of the forest, and yet he couldn’t make it. It never seemed to end he could see the escape but with each step he took it got further away.

He could hear the crunch of twigs underfoot as the person slowly advanced on him. Where were the team? It had only been a simple case, they didn’t really need to have been called in, but after the Hankel case, they had taken a break from the bigger cases, and now this...

Reid could feel his heart breaking as hot tears stained his now dirt covered face. He had failed the team again, he was going to get caught, nothing he ever did was ever right. Maybe the person advancing on him had a point; maybe he didn’t deserve to live.

He kept on running, he flipped open his phone, he tried to call Hotch, his signal was low, but the phone rang. When it was answered he cried ‘Hotch!’

‘I don’t think so!’ came the reply, ‘look behind you!’ Reid turned, unwilling to believe what he saw, the man that was following appeared to be on the phone and was waving a toothy smile shining in the moonlight ‘I see you’ the voice cackled.

Reid dropped the phone and ran on. ‘Oh no please not Hotch’ he thought, ‘I failed them all’ he had to stop to catch his breath, he ran up and almost hugged the tree he collided with, felling the damp bluish moss between his fingers, he gasped for breath. There was no point running on, he had failed his team, he was noting, he was no one, nobody would miss him, he doubted his mother would even notice.

The figure caught up, and a hand reached out and grabbed him by the hair pulling him to the ground, finally stopped running, eh? Faced the truth? They all do in the end’ despite Reid having given up, a part of him still fought back and resisted this things hold on his hair, ‘still a fight in you, we’ll soon have that fixed’

Reid suddenly filled with terror, he had done the wrong thing again, he should have resisted being caught, he shouldn’t have let himself be caught so easily. ‘GIDEON!’ he cried out, arms reaching up to fight the hands that gripped his hair. ‘GIDEON!’

‘He can’t help you now, can’t you feel it, you are alone’ the man laughed. Reid looked up into the man’s eyes and saw nothing but coldness, there would be no escape this time, no lucky rescue; he was alone and in the clutches of a murderer. He screamed.

‘REID! Wake up!’ Reid could feel himself being pulled out of the word he was in, the man’s grip on him lessened and he seemed to be sucked into the distance, he was left alone in the darkness. Reid opened his eyes, filled with far, he saw Gideon above him, he screamed ad fought him away, ‘Reid, it’s me, wake up, you’re having an nightmare, you need to fight this’ slowly but surely Reid came to his senses, his screams slowly changing into mere sobs as he shook on his bedroom floor engulfed in the arms of Gideon, the man who would fix everything, heal everything.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author spacemonkey101.
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